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Everything posted by aikim

  1. So I just listened to I Believe We Can...is that the full song or partial...seems like it was mostly Clay singing...I liked it! Kim
  2. I know you didn’t mean it that way, Kim, but BWAH!!! Glad you had a good time! Oopsy..really have to watch the way you phrase things around here! Kim
  3. Ashville Recap: I know this is late and perhaps people have moved on to other concerts and are not interested but here goes anyway, LOL! Sound Check: We got the venue at 5:30 and to my surprise and delight were in time to catch soundcheck. As soon as I saw what was going on I grabbed my binoculars...watched Ruben and the girls going through the songs and chatted with ncwannabe and mercedes who were standing next to me. Clay was hiding behind a speaker but we could hear him talking with Jerome. Finally the little stinker graced us with his presence...blue jeans rolled up as if he had planned on going wading somewhere, blue and white striped shirt. He spent most of the time pacing back and forth and looked like he was really feeling the heat, face was red. He started to sing and then there was feedback from the mic and that is when he let out with "you guys need to check this shit!" Big "oooh" from the crowd and he told us to hush! After he left the stage, I called Nancy (momof3boys) to tell her all about it and as I was talking to her Ruben walked by...I kind of waved to him, not sure if he noticed but people were talking to him and asking for pictures and he was telling them to come on. I was standing against a back wall...we were actually on a balcony over looking the stage and seating area when who came up beside me but Casey and someone else from the show. I was so shocked to see her! I whispered to Nancy she was there and she kept telling me to say hello, but I am so shy in those situations so I just couldn't get up the nerve. She is very cute and tiny. The show: We had great seats, row L right in the center! There were three ladies sitting next to me from Minnesota...not on the boards, but they keep up with Clay. This was the only show they were going to. They thoroughly enjoyed it! From the beginning when they came out dressed in their dark suits and singing their coronation songs, I realized they were going for the American Idol audience. It seemed to me they were re-creating the finale night (somewhat...I almost expected Ryan to come out!). I really do think this tour was created with that in mind; singing the type of songs they sang on the show. I was never much of a Ruben fan and really wondered how he was going to pull this off since my frame of reference has always been Idol and the interviews after the show and he never seemed to show much of a personality. I was amazed at how funny he was and to see him move and dance. On Idol it seemed he just stood on the stage and sung. He and Clay have great chemistry and play off each other well. It really was like an old time variety show and I think these two would be great on TV if someone was willing to give them a chance. I like Casey...being the first show I think they were all feeling their way around, so their wasn't much interplay and the background singers really were much in the background, but it sounds like they are loosening things up a bit and I look forward to seeing more interaction from her and Clay. She is a great singer and I think compliments Quiana well. My husband really liked Quiana. Sadly he is not Clayverted yet, but he really didn't like the venue..too hot and packed in like sardines...I am hoping he will enjoy Hammond more. I saw there was a lot of analyzing after the show and some had concerns, but I think you just have to take it for what it is...two hours of enjoyable music and 4 people have a great time on stage. The band is great and it is just a fun evening. I am so glad I made the decision to go to the show...it was fun not knowing what to expect and being surprised by the dancing and the comedy. Preacher Ruben was a hoot! Kim
  4. We're home! Had a great time; loved the concert; FearofH20and her hubby were much fun and so enjoyed spending the week-end with them. Wish I could have met more FCA'ers. So now I have clack to watch, laundry, clack to watch, grocery shopping, clack to watch...please advise on any must see clack...sounds like the show is getting better and better! No internet in the mountains but Fearand I did manage to keep caught up on her droid...big old raspberry to the complainers and whiners and nit-pickers..just chill out and enjoy the show (no one here...as usual other boards). Kim
  5. Best show ever! Ruben and Clay are magic together! Ditto to everything Fear said! Sound check was fun...Clay was hiding behind a speaker for a while but we could hear him talking...so funny when he finally did come out...the cheers from crowd...he looked so cute with his jeans cuffed up and barefoot. Big oooh from the crowd when he said "shit" as in he was singing and there was mic feedback and he said "you guys need to check this shit"...he told us to hush after the big oooh! Anyway have to go pack...can't wait for Hammond! Kim
  6. Fear Can't wait to meet up! We are here! The directions from Mapquest said it would take 10 hours...well I guess if you didn't stop for gas, food or to pee and went about 80 miles an hour the whole way it would...took us about 13...pretty uneventful until we got into Tennessee..ran into a storm driving through mountains; pouring rain, thunder, lightening..I am trying to give my husband directions...he is looking for an exit through sheets of rain on the windshield. Missed the exit so we had to turn around, but finally got on the right road and then it was clear sailing until Ashville. Very pretty country to drive through. Hubby is still upstairs in bed...I decided to come down and say hello! Looking forward to seeing the Rodney Ho interview when I get back. Heading to explore the area and do some antiquing! One more night until I see Clay! Kim
  7. Heading to bed...we are leaving early in the morning..safe travels to all those heading to Ashville...hope to see some of you there! Kim
  8. We are leaving in 15 and 1/2 hours (not that I am counting or anything, LOL!). I really am not expecting a bus line...I think that was fun during the last tour...but since this is a Clay/Ruben tour I am guessing not. Course, I could be wrong. Kim
  9. 2 Days until Clay is on Talk Stoop! 3 Days until The Timeless Tour Begins!:09: 6 Days until The Premiere of The Clay/Chaka Duet on Disney Radio! 13 Days until The Premiere of Clay's Phineas & Ferb Episode! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  10. Love the hair...guess I am easy...love Clay in long hair, love him in short...just don't let there be any spikes! Kim
  11. 48 hours and we will be on the road to see Clay! 1 Day until Clay is on Talk Stoop! 4 Days until The Timeless Tour Begins!:09: 7 Days until The Clay/Chaka Duet Premieres on Disney Radio! 14 Days until The Premiere of Clay's Phineas & Ferb Episode! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  12. 2 Days until Clay is on Talk Stoop! 5 Days until The Timeless Tour Begins!:09: 8 Days until The Clay/Chaka Duet debuts on Disney Radio! 15 Days until The Premiere of Clay's Phineas & Ferb Episode! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  13. I won't have access to the internet..don't have a laptop or anything...so if someone wants to continue it that is fine with me. I am assuming the hotel will have internet so if I can sneak in I will. Kim
  14. 3 Days until Clay is on Talk Stoop! 6 Days until The Timeless Tour Begins!:09: 9 Days until The Clay/Chaka duet premieres on Disney Radio! 16 Days until The Premiere of Clay's Phineas & Ferb Episode! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  15. Love the cartoon, can't wait to see it! Last day of work for me and then two weeks of vacation! We leave Wednesday morning for NC..so looking forward to this trip and seeing Clay on stage again...been way too long. 4 Days until Clay is on Talk Stoop! 7 Days until The Timeless Tour Begins! :09: 10 Days until The Clay/Chaka duet premieres on Disney Radio! 17 Days until Clay is on Phineas and Ferb! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  16. 5 Days until Clay is on Talk Stoop 8 Days until The Timeless Tour Begins!:09: 11 Days until The Clay Aiken/Chaka Duet Premieres on Disney Radio! 18 Days until Clay's Phineas & Ferb Episode Premieres! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  17. 6 Days until Clay is on Talk Stoop! 9 Days until The Timeless Tour Begins!:09: Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  18. Finally had a chance to watch The View...I thought Clay did a pretty good job and even the ladies didn't annoy me as much. I will admit fast forwarding through Bret Michaels; sorry not a fan. I think given the very nature of the show it would be difficult for any co-host to stand out or get a lot of "talk" time; but sometimes being a good listener is just as valuable as being a good talker. Clay is good at both. I think the times he did get to speak he came across very well and made some good points. I enjoyed the Hungry Girl Segment...Clay sipping the drinks was priceless! As far as the "word"...well to me The View has always been an adult show and I think Clay excels at knowing his audience and when to use adult language and when not to. I think he can be an advocate for children via UNICEF and The National Inclusion Project and still have adult moments...actually it went by so fast I almost missed it and Whoopie's reaction was hysterical. The Exit Interview and Hair Roller Clip were so much fun..I really do think they enjoy him on The View and I would not be surprised to see more appearances. Kim
  19. Clay in hair rollers getting his hair done: http://theview.abc.go.com/videos/ViewTube
  20. 7 Days until Clay is on Talk Stoop! 10 Days until The Timeless Tour Begins!:09: Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! kim
  21. Today is Henry David Thoreau's Birthday...I love this quote: "If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music he hears, however measured or far away" Kim
  22. If anyone has an unused gift vote you can send it to me...Kim Massell...look for the Glinda The Good Witch Avatar. Kim
  23. 1 Day until Clay is Co-Hosting The View! 8 Days until Clay is on Talk Stoop! 11 Days until The Timeless Tour Begins!:09: Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
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