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Everything posted by aikim

  1. I had heard that the video was taken in a karaoke bar in Biloxi...but who knows...always love how things go from board to board and fan to fan and before you know it the story has changed a zillion times, LOL! Kim
  2. 54 Days until The Special Chicago Concert! 56 Days until The National Inclusion Project Gala! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  3. 55 Days until The Special Chicago Concert! 57 Days until The National Inclusion Project Gala! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  4. 56 Days until The Special Chicago Concert! 58 Days until The National Inclusion Project Gala! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  5. Good to know...Friday is much easier to do than a Wednesday. Kim
  6. 57 Days until The Special Chicago Concert! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  7. liney Sounds good to me...I think I may have to change my name to Casey though..if you know what I mean! Kim
  8. Nothing less than 5 and a half hours drive for us Claynadians (at least those in my neck of the woods). That's a long drive at that time of year. I don't want another Erie scenario. Good thing I grabbed those Charlotte tickets when I did....at least I can get to an airport in 2 hours. Yeah, but Cleveland is a Saturday. Just sayin :clay: So now we only want him touring on weekends? Heheheh. Either that or we all quit our jobs so we can follow him around, LOL! Kim
  9. I got the same tweet, excited to see when the St. Louis date, which was rumored, would be. Didn't find it. This makes me think that the list isn't TOTALLY complete. I'm also not real thrilled that the Chicagoland show, in Waukegan, is on a Wednesday evening. Really tough for me to get away for that one. Hmmmm. Oh crap...it is a Wednesday...didn't know that...the only show for me this tour..was really hoping for the week-end. Kim
  10. 58 Days until The Special Chicago Concert! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  11. Thanks everyone! Fear Grandpa had a big grin on his face when I told him it was a boy! This little one is not going to be too spoiled! ETA: Thanks Caro! All saved! Kim
  12. Hope you don't mind me sharing some personal news..found out over the week-end that are first grandbaby due in January is a boy...we are so excited! I have 4 daughters so having a little boy is going to be so much fun! He will be the first grandson on both sides of the family..my daughter's husband has 4 nieces. Back to your regularly scheduled drooling, thudding, etc. Kim
  13. : Great recap kf; at the two concerts I went to their were many men and they were all enjoying the show. What I loved about Hammond is that looking around I saw all age groups..teen-agers, middle-age folks and older folks all having a blast...it was wonderful to see. I really hope the boys do this again, because I do think this kind of entertainment is sorely missed..you don't see many acts that can sing, dance and be side-splitting funny at the same time. And yes I would be happy to join your club and I would even pitch in the dues myself! 59 Days until The Special Chicago Concert! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  14. DGBMHfrom last night has been vaulted...don't want to miss this one! Kim
  15. 60 Days until The Special Chicago Concert! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  16. Hammond Recap: First of all I have to mention how great it was to see ldyj again...so nice talking to you! I think I mentioned we only live 30 minutes from the venue so I figured leaving at 5:00 we give us plenty of time to walk around the casino, look for fans, etc....well...the best laid plans, etc. Hubby decided not to take the expressway because of the time of day and thinking it would be backed up so we ended up taking a back road through southern suburbs into Indiana. Bad move...road was under construction all the way and a 30 minute trip took an hour and 15 minutes. First people I saw when we got to the venue were Ashleysgram, Kwhite and Claikendee; had sat in front of them in Sterling Heights so it was nice talking to them again! Momof3boys and another friend showed up soon after and we entered the theater. Talked to P'ivy and Jazzgirl briefly..it was great seeing them again! We had pretty good seats...left side with a jumbotron right to my left. The show did start late...do not remember hearing the opening intro in Ashville so that was new to me. Good crowd, not sold out but they made up for in enthusiasm. Someone mentioned Clay looking tired...I did not notice that and I only saw him cough once during Mandy. Ruben sitting on his lap was cute and the limping and talking about his "broken leg" was a joke and Ruben did not put all his weight on Clay. They were both in fine voice and this show seemed to have much more energy than Ashville, but then you didn't have the heat issue. Quick kiss to Casey during DGBMH but they were facing away from me so I really didn't see it; just the back of Clay's head but I could tell it was a kiss. Ruben held Clay's hand during the My Buddy song. I think "When I See You Smile" was done with a much rockier beat than when he sang it on the last tour..maybe because of having a band rather than an orchestra? Anyway I really liked it...there was even a bit of growl towards the end. MTAF was amazing! Footloose have everyone up and dancing...one encore and then Clay stopped to talk to Arnie? and asked him how old he was and he said 73 and Clay talked about him dancing and he was "breaking it the hell down!"...then a reprise of Footloose! End of the Road is another of my favorites from the show,,,when Ruben was doing his diva moment...Clay was timing him on his watch. There was a lady behind me...white hair...probably in her 70's who laughed through the whole Revival. Unfortunately, I had a hard time hearing what Ruben was saying at times...he was holding the mic close to his mouth and a lot of it was muffled...so the audience would laugh at something and I had not idea what. Mixed crowd...older people and a quite a few younger people...two girls in front of me had homemade shirts...one said "If I was Invisible I'd Sneak Backstage" and the other said "I support Clay's "?"...never saw the rest but I assume it was something about the Foundation (or not). It was a fun evening and I enjoyed it more than Ashville. Unfortunately my husband did not...no Clayversion; although he did say he enjoyed Casey and Quiana. So guess he won't be going to anymore shows with me...but I tried. Funny thing is my husband loves that kind of music and as soon as we got in the car he turned on the oldies station...first song we heard "Shotgun" and then a BeeGees song, LOL! We took the expressway home and were home in about 20 minutes.
  17. You also have a husband -- although you do have the good sense to leave him at home. I don't understand people wanting their husbands to meet their boyfriend. I would keep that in two boxes, myself. Yes. It's tomorrow. Hair fucked up as usual ... check, Nails? .... nails? ..., Outfit? I have no clue what I'm wearing tomorrow night, or during the roadtrip, or even to bed tonight ... check, Lost 20 lbs? I keep losing it and finding it again! But Clay loves me just the way I am. He's wonderful like that. Asked myself that very thing after Ashville...he did not enjoy the show but I think it was more to do with the fact that we were "ass to ass" (tm Ficus); and it was hotter than hades. Although, I have to admit he remembered more of the show than I did..I was talking to a Clay fan friend and he was listening in and kept prompting me when I would forget something. So I think maybe he did enjoy the show, just not the atmosphere. Hopefully tonight will be a much better experience. Kim
  18. Getting there...bathed, shaved and hair all washed and blow-dryed. I was outside with the dog last week and tripped over his chain and now both knees are rainbow colored...I could wear long pants to cover them up but it is so hot...so capris it is...we aren't leaving until around 5:00...can't wait to see everyone and the show! Kim
  19. Looking forward to Hammond tonight...the show has evolved so much since I saw it in Asheville. Very hot and humid here in the Chicago area...home the venue has good AC! 62 Days until The Special Chicago Concert! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a good day! Kim
  20. 64 Days until The Special Chicago Concert! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  21. 64 Days until The Special Chicago Concert! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  22. 65 Days until The Special Chicago Concert! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  23. 67 Days until The Chicago Concert! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  24. 68 Days until The Special Chicago Concert Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  25. Awe...sorry he is in so much pain...has he been to the Doctor? Kim
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