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Everything posted by aikim

  1. Loving everyone's thoughts about the songs..I will post my thoughts on Crying when I have a little more time. Anyone having trouble getting into CV? Kim
  2. So, Am I the only one who doesn't skip songs...even if it one I am not particular fond of I never skip them. Congrats Couchieon going to the Chicago concert! 4 Days until Clay is Bringing Broadway Home to NC! 7 Days until Clay is on Popeater (AOL)! 22 Days until Clay Addresses The Key Club Convention! 37 Days until The Timeless Tour Begins!:09: Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  3. http://abc11.typepad.com/abc11_connecting_with_the/2010/06/my-interview-with-clay-aiken-sun-11am.html Interview with Clay..cute comment about Parker!
  4. Suspicious Minds...my second favorite song on the CD after Crying...I hear the opening music and I immediately start bouncing my seat...I think it is a nice addition after some of the slower songs and breaks up the CD a bit. I absolutely adore the ending and was disappointed that he didn't sing it that way in the PBS Special. It is a little odd not to hear as many background vocals as were in it when he sang it during the JBT, I keep waiting for Angela to come in at times and you really can't hear Quiana all that much, but maybe that was the point, keep the focus all on Clay's voice. Love it! Kim
  5. 5 Days until Clay is Bringing Broadway Home to NC! 22 Days until Clay is addressing The Key Club Convention! 37 Days until The Timeless Tour Begins!:09: Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  6. Unchained Melody...I have loved Clay singing this song since I heard him on the Demos..through AI, with David Foster. After the PBS taping when everyone was talking about the "note" I had a hard time wrapping my mind around it...it seemed like it was very hard for people to describe what he was doing so I was very excited to hear it for the first time. At first, I didn't like it...the song started out as usual and it seemed like just as I was getting into it...he stopped singing...took a breath and then proceeded with the rest of the song. I felt like there wasn't a really good flow to the song. It taken me numerous listens and his View performance to really start appreciating the song.
  7. "It's Impossible"...loved it since he sang it at GFI...this song and "What Kind of Fool Am" were just made for Clay's voice. 6 Days until Clay is Bringing Broadway Home to NC! 23 Days until Clay is Addressing The Key Club Convention! 38 Days until The Timeless Tour Begins!:09: Happy Birthday to all Celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  8. "Playing Favorites" is now in the vaults and CV and CH. No offense to any fans here, but I could have done without the Michael Buble songs...he just sounds like a Frank Sinatra wannabe to me and I cannot imagine going to a full concert. Give me the original anytime. Kim
  9. What Kind of Fool Am I - Clay Aiken (This is me!) Come Fly With Me - Frank Sinatra (mentioned the Show on Broadway now about Frank) Mack The Knife - Frank Sinatra Summer Wind - Michael Buble Autumn in New York - Frank Sinatra Moon River - Clay Aiken Moon River - Frank Sinatra Feeling Good - Michael Buble One For My Baby - Frank Sinatra
  10. Clay on Sirius Sinatra Radio being streamed on CV...so far songs played...Baubles, Bangles and Beads, Frank Sinatra (from the Broadway Play Kismet; World on a String, Barry Manilow; It was a Very Good Year, Frank Sinatra). All songs are Clay's choices. He is being the DJ Fun Fact: His Business Manager was Frank Sinatra's Business Manager. Stormy Weather, Lena Horne
  11. Don't forget Clay will be on Sirius Sinatra some time today...I believe CV is planning on streaming it. 7 Days until Clay is Bringing Broadway Home to NC! 24 Days until Clay is addressing The Key Club Convention! 39 Days until The Timeless Tour Begins! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  12. Heading to Chicago today for a book fair...annual event they have there..close off streets and have tents with book dealers and also author signings...fun way to spend the day and you can never have too many books, right? So much fun last night...a couple of other things...Clay mentioned watching 3-2-1 Contact when he was home sick and that he had a family member who was PBS regular, David Foster. 1 Day until Clay is Hosting Sirius Sinatra (not sure about time) 8 Days until Clay is Bringing Broadway Home to NC! 26 Days until Clay is addressing The Key Club Convention! 41 Days until The Timeless Tour Begins!:09: Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  13. Who's Sorry Now, Eso Beso and I'll Take Romance did not make the cut. I think the editing could have been a little tighter...going from close ups to the audience to around the stage was making a bit dizzy at times, but it really was spectacular! When Ruben finished...he started walking across the stage and Clay started walking to him and then they immediately cut to Clay singing another song...it was kind of awkward. Also during one of the breaks, the girl was encouraging people to pledge if they liked this show and said wouldn't be great to see him on PBS at Christmas...wouldn't that be great if they are thinking about that! Kim
  14. Wow! Sorry I was wasn't here during the show, but I was watching in my room and no computer in there...no way I was going to leave the TV...didn't even take a potty break! Fabulous show..Clay looked stunning! They did not show the opening with his back to the audience..but opening with Mack The Knife..now I know I said it wasn't one of my favorites but I enjoyed in on the show...I really love watching Clay sing and as good as he his recorded he is better live. Did this cute rubbing his fingers together on "hard earned cash". Not too much banter..did the "Clay Aiken tonight..tomorrow Menopause The Musical" shtick. Lots of shots of the audience and the orchestra...actually would have preferred if they had stayed on Clay more..it was almost as if they were going in a circle at times..front to back to the side. Next two songs "It's Only Make Believe" and "You Don't Have to Say You Love Me"...loved his version of the last song..not too different from the original. And again..It's Only Make Believe not one of my favorites on the CD, but loved it live. First pledge break...showing the operators and I saw Cablegirl and Momo3boys from CV; some others looked familiar but I couldn't tell you names. Clay in the studio...blue shirt and jacket like he wore during the promo...hair about the same..kind of jarring to see him looking so stunning in the special and then the more casual look live..yes there was stubble. Talked about PBS and watching Sesame Street and said he and Parker watch Clifford The Big Red Dog in the morning (pauses for big "AWE"). Phones look really busy. Can't Take My Eyes Off of Your after break...then...in my opinion, the best song of the whole special...Crying with Linda Eder...amazing, absolutely amazing! This is my favorite on the CD...heart-wrenching and just sitting there watching this two amazing artists create this masterpiece...I have no words for how good this is...did I say amazing! They did include the whole salute to his teachers but he talked about being a loser and introduced Mrs. Stevens and then "In My Life"...I was so hoping he would sing this song..been dying to hear it and was not disappointed...he looked verklempt singing it. Right into Breaking Up is Hard To Do..sings the first few words and then Ruben comes out to finish..huge applause and standing ovation...cute shots of Clay backstage looking so proud. Kind of abrupt at the end, I thought Clay would come out and talk to him..but Ruben ended the song, lots of applause and then into Suspicious Minds. Ruben looks great by the way. Love Suspicious Minds...he did not sing the ending like he does on the CD which I was a little disappointed about...love that ending. Pledge break...the usual promoting the gifts and stations...phones are busy. Gal mentions Michael Buble, Josh Groban, Barry Manilow, Donny Osmond and now Clay on PBS. Lots of mentions about growing up with these songs...singing UM since he was 10...his Mom's favorite songs...at the beginning one of the gals mentioned him being from SC instead of NC. Build Me Up Buttercup...okay honesty here, while this performance was good...maybe a little too frenetic, I kind of prefer the AI version... Misty...just beautiful. There is a Kind of Hush...love the jazzy version of this song. Moon River...the fog machine was in full use...very nice...he really makes this his own...no visions of Andy Williams in my head while he is singing it. Ends show with Unchained Melody. I know we have heard him sing the note now, so no real surprise, but still impressive and you can tell he really loves this song..mentioned how thrilled he was to have his own version. End of show, final pledge break. The gals were positively giddy over him and really fangirly. Every pledge break the phones looked busy so I hope everyone is pleased. Can't wait until I can watch again. Kim
  15. One more hour! It was so neat to see "Clay Aiken: Tried and True" on my satellite guide! Got my video tape ready to go (I know, we are little behind the times) and a notebook so I don't miss anything! Kim
  16. PinkIs the only way to pledge via credit card..will they take a check? Kim
  17. Love the blog and and I was happy to see him acknowledge all the fans...sometimes those of us who can't go to a lot of concerts or the Galas or couldn't make the PBS Special wonder if he really knows how many of us are supporting him at home or just by buying CD's...guess her does! 2 and 1/2 hours to go...everyone say a prayer that the thunderstorms moving in right now hurry through...I will not be happy if my satellite gets knocked out by rain! Kim
  18. Tonight's the Night! So looking forward to the PBS Special and seeing Clay live in the Studio..I promise I will take notes and post as much as I can! Luckiest1I believe the AH interview that aired is longer than what was online...it is the vault at CV and CH and at CU. 9 Days until Clay is Bringing Broadway Home to NC! 26 Days until Clay is addressing The Key Club Convention 41 Days until The Timeless Tour Begins!:09: Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  19. Congrats on your nephew's graduation Couchie...believe me I feel your pain, but I have to count my blessings, I will see Clay twice this summer and since I have not seen him since 2007 I am very excited and feel very fortunate. Going to be a fun summer of Clay! Kim
  20. The AH interview is in the vault at CV, I believe it is a longer than what was online. Kim
  21. Just saw Clay on Access Hollywood...he got bleeped again! BF is getting quite a potty mouth, LOL! Asked about the first time he was asked if he was gay and said it scared the shit out of him because he didn't know himself. It was a great interview and looked good! You can view it here: http://www.accesshollywood.com/why-did-clay-aiken-come-out-of-the-closet_video_1233719 Kim
  22. I am very excited about the special tomorrow night, but unfortunately I won't be able to pledge anything...between the two concerts I am going to and the trip to Ashville and my huge eyeglass bill I am afraid my credit card is tapped out. I also will not be able to make the special concert Clay is doing...just a little too much for me. But I count myself fortunate that I will be able to see him this summer. It will be so great to see him on TV and see these songs performed live! Kim
  23. Mack The Knife...was not my favorite on AI...I actually cringed when he came out in the tux and started to sing...just was so lounge lizard to me...so I wasn't too thrilled when I heard it was going to be on the CD but since he only sang part of it on AI and this was going to be the whole song...I was willing to give it a chance. I love the opening so jazzy and it gets your toes tapping, but honestly, for me..it doesn't live up that opening...I just don't get that Clay is really feeling the song. He sings love songs so wonderfully and for me this one just fell short. I don't hate it, but I don't love it and honestly, for me, Mack the Knife will always be a Bobby Darin song. If he was going to cover Bobby Darin...I would have much preferred "Beyond The Sea". Kim
  24. 1 Day until The PBS Special airs in Chicago! 10 Days until Clay is Bringing Broadway Home to NC! 27 Days until Clay is Addressing The Key Club Convention! 42 Days until The Timeless Tour Begins!:09: Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  25. The promo clip for Access Hollywood is in the CV Vault. Kim
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