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Everything posted by aikim

  1. 18 Days until June 1st and The New CD! :04: 38 Days until Clay is Bringing Broadway Home to NC! 55 Days until Clay Addresses The Key Club Convention! 70 Days until The Timeless Tour Begins! :09: Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  2. So I see I missed some excitement last night...that's what I get for going to bed early. Don't have i-tunes on my computer...not sure if I want to install it...older computer and I always get nervous installing new apps. Really am going to hold off listening to anymore snippets...want to stay a bit unspoilered until the CD comes out. 19 Days until June 1st and The New CD! :04: 39 Days until Clay Brings Broadway Home to NC! 56 Days until Clay Addresses The Key Club Convention! 71 Days until The Timeless Tour Begins! :09: Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  3. Home from work...listened to the songs...Clay Aiken can still curl my toes..Good Lord that man is lethal! Kim
  4. 20 Days until June 1st and The New CD! :04: 40 Days until Clay is Bringing Broadway Home to NC! 57 Days until Clay Addresses The Key Club Convention! 72 Days until The Timeless Tour Begins! :09: Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  5. I think the clips did their job..I can't wait to hear the whole CD! Kim
  6. 21 Days (3 Weeks!) until June 1st and The New CD! :04: 41 Days until Clay is Bringing Broadway Home to NC! 58 Days until Clay Addresses The Key Club Convention! 73 Days until The Timeless Tour Begins! :09: Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  7. Happy Mother's Day! 22 Days until June 1st and The New CD! :04: 42 Days until Clay Brings Broadway Home to NC! 59 Days until Clay Addresses The Key Club Convention! 74 Days until The Timeless Tour Begins! :09: Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  8. It's back with a different link. Starting over with the views/comments though. Crap! Yeah...looks like they added contact info at the end of it. But darn on having the view count starting over. Kim
  9. The youtube has been taken down..if you go to the page it says "This video has been taken down by the owner". Kim
  10. 23 Days until June 1st and The New CD!:04: 43 Days until Clay Brings Broadway Home to NC! 60 Days until Clay Addresses The Key Club Convention! 75 Days until The Timeless Tour Begins! :09: Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  11. Should we really be posting the snippets if they are intended to be exclusive OFC content...kind of bugs me that I pay for a membership and people are getting the stuff for free. Kim
  12. I love the Bio and Press Release...love that Clay is talking about his singing roots and even mentioning his bio Dad. I love how he honored the original singers of the songs by talking about their talent and how good the songs are and by recording them so that others can remember them or hear them for the first time. Kim
  13. Thanks for bringing those over Merrrieee; I think they did a good job...love that there is something new everyday! Kim
  14. Go to the Decca Website...They have added a bio and press release! Kim
  15. Some reactions from non-fans: A Tweet: From Goldarngirl at CV:
  16. 24 Days until June 1st and The New CD! :04: 44 Days until Clay Brings Broadway Home to NC! 61 Days until Clay addresses The Key Club Convention! 76 Days until The Timeless Tour Begins! :09: Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  17. Your reading my mind...I had those exact same thoughts..Clay Aiken just doing his thing and I am loving it! Kim
  18. Yeah..I did...I thought about remaining a PBS virgin for about 2 seconds and...oh hell..who I am kidding...it is Clay!! Kim
  19. Not only does he sound amazing...he looks absolutely gorgeous...I am grinning from ear to ear...just made my day! Kim
  20. 25 Days until June 1st and The New CD! :04: 46 Days until Clay is Bringing Broadway Home to NC! 63 Days until Clay Addresses The Key Club Convention! 78 Days until The Timeless Tour Begins!:09: Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Hugs and Prayers to all in need! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  21. 26 Days until June 1st and The New CD! :04: 46 Days until Clay is Bringing Broadway Home to NC! 63 Days until Clay Addresses The Key Club Convention! 78 Days until The Timeless Tour Begins! :09: Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  22. Love the new pictures...I know everyone is drooling over the one of Clay in the booth..but I really like the one of him sitting at the bar...hard to believe it is the same man! Kim
  23. What's interesting is that the ones yelling the loudest for the OFC MB to be shutdown are people who never post there. It is Clay's official board so I can understand that some feel that it should be more professionally moderated than a board that is strictly fan owned and operated. Clay pays for that board and we in turn pay to be there so I think having fans as moderators is not the way to go. I think it might be better to have people who are not so invested in the fandom as moderators. The OFC MB does have it problems but you will see variants of the same problems at all message boards...I think those problems are just inherent to message boards in general. No matter what board you are on...you will always have a core group of members; you will always have the fangirlies who think everything Clay does is wonderful...versus those who like a good discussion and don't mind taking a critical look at things Clay does; says, wears, etc. There are always going to be those dissatisfied with how the moderating is going. And yeah...I think you will always have a few fameho's who revel in any attention Clay gives them (although I haven't seen that here). I just think those problems stand out more at the OFC MB because it is Clay's official board and if that is the first board that potential fans are directed to you want to put on a good face. My hope is that when the new OFC is unveiled they will address some of those problems and tighten up the message board; it would be nice if all fans would post occasionally at Clay's board so he really can get a true representation of the fandom and not just from those few who call it home. Kim
  24. 27 Days until June 1st and The New CD! :04: 47 Days until Clay Brings Broadway Home to NC! 64 Days until Clay Addresses The Key Club Convention! 79 Days until The Timeless Tour Begins! :09: Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  25. 28 Days until June 1st and The New CD! :04: 48 Days until Clay Brings Broadway Home to NC! 65 Days until Clay Addresses The Key Club Convention! 80 Days until The Timeless Tour Begins! :09: Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
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