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Everything posted by aikim

  1. Everything is okay, thanks for asking! ETA: Just peeked outside and we have a rainbow! Kim
  2. Power back on after being out for the last hour...strange...it really wasn't raining that hard or that much thunder and lightning for the power to go out...it was windy so maybe that was the cause. Pouring now...glad the power came on when it did...getting pretty stuffy in here and I really did not want to have to open the windows, it is so humid outside. I agree that Clay will never appeal to the cool set and I don't think he wants to; I think he is just going to sing and entertain in a way that he is comfortable with and do things that are important and meaningful to him...whether it be Broadway, writing a book, TV, etc. I think some in the fandom would be a lot happier and there would be a lot less angst if they would just accept that...rock star Clay ain't gonna happen...radio...not counting on that...for me...as long as Clay is entertaining me in some capacity, I am happy. Kim
  3. Thunderstorms rolling in here...getting dark and very windy...humidity is off the charts...but it is supposed to blow over quickly and be beautiful for the rest of the week-end. About Clay's book...I was thinking what a smart move because being a Christmas item it could be issued yearly and wouldn't that mean that Clay continue receiving royalties from it...a nice source of income. Don't mean he is in it totally for the money...but seems like good business sense to me. Of course, I know nothing about how this works and could be talking out of my butt! Kim
  4. Happy Birthday to Couchie and Ansa More thunderstorms today, but the week-end is supposed to be nice...keeping fingers crossed. Had to put the AC on last night, it was so humid. 120 Days until The BAF Gala! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  5. The book idea is intriguing especially with his choice of co-author...not what I was expecting, but I am excited to see how this all pans out! Kim
  6. 121 Day until The BAF Gala! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  7. 122 Days until The BAF Gala! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  8. I love looking at pictures of Clay, but I have to say the "crotch" pictures make me uncomfortable and I find myself scrolling through those. 123 Days until The BAF Gala! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  9. I also asked him about a book at the OFC and I think my post was deleted...couldn't find it later. I think Clay could do a combination of his coming out process along with how it related to AI and RCA...it would be interesting if he could really answer all the questions the fans have been asking. But like Wanda I'll throw my money at anything he writes. Kim
  10. 124 Days until The BAF Gala! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  11. Preden 125 Days until The BAF Gala! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  12. My Grandma always made rhubarb pie and so did my Mom...it was my Dad's favorite...you do have to put a lot of sugar in though because rhubarb is very tart. Kim
  13. Thanks for the input...guess I will go pick some rhubarb...I know the leaves are toxic...I have lots of rhubarb recipes that I am anxious to try! Kim
  14. Speaking of rhubarb, I have a plant about the size in luckiest1's picture...this is the second season of growing and although it is huge, the stalks are mostly green with just a hint of red at the base. I don't know if this is because the spring has been so cool and rainy, but I am just wondering if it is okay to pick? I love rhubarb, but I don't want to pick it and risk making anyone sick. :italianflick: Merrieeee...it's June 13th and I am sitting here in a sweatshirt and making soup for dinner it is chilly...send a little of that warmth our way, mmmkay? (just kidding really, but being Italian, I had to use that emoticon ) Kim
  15. 126 Days until The BAF Gala! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  16. Good Morning Everyone, Scarlett I missed the Cubs/Houston game last night; from what you said, probably a good thing...sounds like an exercise in frustration which has been pretty common lately with them..being a Cub fan is not for the faint of heart! Congratulations Luckiest1...I've been there myself...all the struggles and hard work are so worth it when you see your child walking across the stage to receive that diploma. 127 Days until The BAF Gala! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  17. Just going to say "hi" and I had a eye doctor appointment...no need for new glasses right now and I went to the dentist and "look ma, no cavities" double . ! FromClaygary...totally agree! Kim
  18. Back to the rain...I am so sick of this weather...I would love to be able to turn my air conditioning on; break a sweat; get a sunburn...enough with the cold and rain! Long day today...after work I have an eye doctor appointment and a dentist appointment...kind of a fluke they are on the same day...I make them a year in advance...right after my last apppointments and somehow they ended up on the same day. Could have changed them but figured I might as well get them both over with. 128 Days until The BAF GALA! Everyone have a good day! Kim
  19. Well, girlfriend, you are the one who touched Clay's heart so much that he got "misty" and posted his first message on the board at OFC! That's historic! You bow to no one! what was his first message if you remember? I haven't been a fan that long. I don't remember his first post; when he answered mine it was his third post...I don't know if it is possible to go back and read all his previous posts at the OFC. Kim
  20. Awwww Kim :thbighug-1: that got me a little misty too. So was that centered around the news about Spam? It sounds right but I'm not sure, but if so I think you said a mouthful!! Yeah it was...some fans were really having a hard time with it...but of course, in hindsight it was probably the best thing Clay has ever done...and I was wrong...his response was his third post...I remember writing and it seemed at the time that the words just flowed...sometimes that happens. Kim
  21. Well, girlfriend, you are the one who touched Clay's heart so much that he got "misty" and posted his first message on the board at OFC! That's historic! You bow to no one! Awe thanks! But in the interest of historical correctness, his response to my post wasn't his first time posting...I pretty sure it was his second...but still...my best moment as a fan and thank you for remembering! Kim
  22. I love reading here, but sometimes I am really afraid to post; you guys are so smart and articulate and knowledgeable(Old English!)...I mean, I thought I was reasonable intelligent, but some days I feel like I need to go back to school or do research or something! So, the only earth-shattering news I have is that sun finally came out...been so long I almost forgot what it looked like! This past couple weeks of Lambergate have made me realize why I don't watch Idol...why I don't care about Idol and how totally whacked our society has become when this is news and why sometimes I just have to roll my eyes at the fandom and say "are you kidding me?" Kim
  23. Actually, that gif above is him singing "Baby When I See You Smile"...I remember, because at the time we were all wondering who he was singing to! 129 Days until The BAF Gala! So, does anyone remember what the sun looks like? It's been so long, I have forgotten! Everyone have a great day, Kim
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