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Everything posted by aikim

  1. Can't share any pictures as I don't save them...hope I don't have to turn in my fan card...but I do enjoy looking at the ones that other's post. We had just gotten our first computer when Clay came along and about the only think I really knew how to do was check e-mail...before I knew it I was downloading clack (I was so proud of myself when I downloaded the sideways Invisible...that was the first thing I ever downloaded); saving clack; how to post links and just posting on a message board. The whole thing was so foreign to me. I also met very best friend because of Clay...we met prior to one of the Christmas tours..she was looking for someone to go with, saw my screenname and for some reason decided to send me a note and the rest is history. It really was amazing because she only lives about 10 minutes from and when we first met for lunch we talked for two hours and realized that our husbands actually worked together at one time. But I think the biggest thing I learned was tolerance and acceptance and really having to re-evaluate my thinking and just I think being a better person. Kim
  2. 38 Days unitl The Special Chicago Concert! 40 Days until The National Inclusion Project Gala! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  3. 39 Days until The Special Chicago Concert! 41 Days until The National Inclusion Project Gala! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  4. 40 Days until The Special Chicago Concert! 42 Days until The National Inclusion Project Gala! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  5. 41 Days until The Special Chicago Concert! 43 Days until The National Inclusion Project! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  6. 42 Days until The Special Chicago Concert! 44 Days until The National Inclusion Project Gala! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  7. 43 Days until The Special Chicago Concert! 46 Days until The National Inclusion Project! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  8. 44 Days until The Special Chicago Concert! 46 Days until The National Inclusion Project Gala! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  9. Welcome! It is pretty simple...this where we usually hang out! Kim
  10. 45 Days until The Special Chicago Concert! 47 Days until The National Inclusion Project Gala! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  11. 46 Days until The Special Chicago Concert! 48 Days until The National Inclusion Project Gala! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  12. Couchie; My deepest sympathies to you and your family. 48 Days until The Special Chicago Concert! 50 Days until The National Inclusion Project Gala! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  13. Yeah I saw that..gave me the warm fuzzies! Kim
  14. 48 Days until The Special Chicago Concert! 50 Days until The National Inclusion Project! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  15. 49 Days until The Special Chicago Concert! 51 Days until The National Inclusion Project Gala! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  16. 50 Days until The Special Chicago Concert! 52 Days until The National Inclusion Project Gala! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  17. Just sent my first two papers to the teacher...we have to read 10 articles on Libraries and send our reactions in for each...we have all semester to do them, but I think I am going to get them done ASAP...so two down and eight to go...I figure two a night and I should have them done in the next week. Not long papers..we only have to do a couple of paragraphs. That was pretty easy! Kim
  18. "Inhale" "Exhale"...I think it is working! We use Druple with our staff web page at work...so far I like it! Congrats on the raise! Kim
  19. A requirement of my full-time status at the Library is to take a LTA (Library Technical Assistant) Course..last night was class one...to say I was over-whelmed is an understatement...this was me about 15 minutes in Having not been in a classroom in over 30 years I felt totally lost and out of my element compared to others in my class who have taken college courses before and knew what they were doing. This is a blended class so a lot of the work is online and I did not know that you had to complete an orientation program before beginning...so I was fumbling through that while others were going ahead with other things. I also did not have my book...I was so unprepared which was probably my own fault for not checking out the course thoroughly but I think part of that was I have been so ambivalent about the course that I did not want to deal with it until I absolutely had to. So...needless to say I was almost in tears by the time I left at the work load and feeling so far behind and out of it. But then I got home; took a deep breath, got on the computer and finished my orientation, found my way around the website and completed the first introduction assignment we had to do. Did not get to bed until midnight. So I am feeling a little better about the whole thing...need to get the book and then figure out how to submit assignments. This is going to be an experience. Fortunately the instructor is really nice and helpful and really got me calmed down before I went into a full-fledged panic attack! 52 Days until The Special Chicago Concert 54 Days until The National Inclusion Project Gala! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  20. 52 Days until The Special Chicago Concert! 54 Days until The National Inclusion Project Gala! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  21. Sitting here pondering posts I've read on various boards for years that dream about a hot-loving Clay Aiken breaking hearts from coast to coast. As soon as he dumps the first guy we know about, some are severely pissed. Sometimes I think this fandom, collectively, needs to recline on a comfortable couch. It's that old fantasy versus reality bugaboo and some fans have trouble separating the two...me...if Clay is happy that is all that matters to me no matter who he is with. Kim
  22. 53 Days until The Special Chicago Concert! 55 Days until The National Inclusion Project Gala! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  23. Guess I don't look in the right places, because even though I heard of the video I never saw it and am usually out of the loop when it comes to anything regarding Clay's personal life. I know that Devin was on tour with Clay...saw him in Ashville and I am very happy that Clay feels so comfortable being seen with him and going out and having fun...I imagine he feels freer now than at any time in his life. I know that there is no such thing as complete privacy on the internet and anything that gets posted is going to be leaked...still makes me uncomfortable...can't imagine living a life where everything you do is scrutinized. Kim
  24. Thanks ldyjocelyn for posting this article. Unfortunately the cult of celebrity results in so much time spent being engaged in reading, watching and talking about celebrities that the important events happening in our countries go almost unnoticed. Don't know about the cameraman thing, but most definitely hear him harmonizing after about the 3 minute mark (on the original sideways version anyway) Well I have to say that Devin has a very nice voice. I wonder if he and Clay sing together. And how did this video surface? Was it posted on someone's Facebook? It was taken off of Devin's Facebook..personally it always makes me uncomfortable when private pictures, etc. are taken off of Clay's friend's FB and posted all over the boards. I know nothing is really private, but it does seem intrusive to me. Totally do not get fans who have to be friends with anyone even remotely connected to Clay. I just wish there could be a little more respect for Clay's private life and his wishes...but I know in this fandom there is always going to be a sense of entitlement. Again...not talking about anyone here...just a few fans who don't seem to have any idea of bounderies. Kim
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