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Posts posted by annabear

  1. :hello:FCA!

    I Suppose I could say that I flew half way around the world to catch Clay in Spamalot. It wouldn't be quite true, since I was going anyway, but its all in how you look at it.

    I did however meet up with someone from this board in Washington, get in their car (with Kids and DH in tow!), & have a wonderful day. (Sure did shock the kids though!)

    :hello:ChaCha Trusty -haven't seen you here for a while!

    Also hung around an alleyway (in NYC!!) eyeing up strangers until my rendevouz with Annabear & her Mum.


    We all know that the Schubert alley is a fine place but it sounds good telling my friends - dark alley, NYC, meeting strangers,country girl on subway at midnight all alone!


    Hee! I remember that like it was yesterday. Me & my mom, first time in NY, standing around in Shubert Alley at night. Once everyone else but you & your family and me & my mom had left, it just kind of figured we had to be the strangers from half way around the world we were all looking for, right?! :huh-bwah:

    Of course, there was also the time a few weeks later when I bought a last minute ticket to NY for the May final show & flew by myself to spend the weekend with people I'd never met...

    :hello:Couchie, luckiest, and cindilu

    I'm still around, though mainly just on Facebook nowadays. Saw Clay in Cinci in March, which seems like a year ago already. Keeping busy, but not necessarily in ways I enjoy... I lost my job of almost 10 years back in October and haven't been able to find ANYTHING since. My former employer has been a real PitA and I've had to get lawyers involved in the mess. It's gotten to the point where I have to make some difficult decisions, like giving up my condo, which brings with it even more messy and difficult decisions. :(

    Hope everyone here is well! :bloomingflowers:

  2. :hello:

    Thanks for all the lovely Spamemories!

    One of the best weeks of one of the best holidays I've ever had - going to spam twice,running around NYC,four other musicals, juniors for dessert Yum!, meeting the lovely Annabear, the subway, getting lost by myself in the big city......

    Can you tell I just loved NYC!

    Love reliving Spam - so many great moments & memories! :D That was my first night of my first time in NYC, ausdon. I remember our phones weren't working for some reason & we ended up finally being just about the only people left in Shubert Alley, so I decided to walk up and ask if you were Donna! :teehee1:

    And the May finale... flying to NYC by myself to share a room with couchie, cindilu, and luckiest - none of whom I'd ever met before! :huh-bwah:

    I can't believe that in January, it will have been 2 years since Spam closed on Broadway. I miss all of those madly talented people. :BlowKiss:

  3. OK, that's two goddam hours I'll never get back. They brought every frickin body back from the other season, a bunch of psychos...and NO GODDAM CLAY. I don't CARE who wins AI - I WANTED TO SEE FRICKIN CLAY!

    Though Darryl Hall has held up decently in looks (not so much voice) - Christina A. made the finalists sound like dog poo - I kept my fingers crossed that Bret Michaels wouldn't actually drop dead on stage and Janet looked good.



    Looking forward to next Tuesday and the listening party. I feel all virginy.

    Just please don't start busting out the Madonna! :imgtongue:

  4. At this point, I'm willing for King Arthur to give him a "flesh wound".

    You could always tell him to stow away in a large wooden rabeet. Or badger. :killer_rabbit:

    Perhaps you can arrange a bevy of African Swallows to transport your boss out of England, KAndre. Is he willing to dangle from a bit of creeper tucked under the dorsal guiding feathers? Is he any where near Mercia?

    OMG - now come and explain my outburst to my boss. Please.

    And please come and calm down my puppies. :snoopy:

    :yeahthat: So what could that mean? Is he going to announce blogs in advance? :wub:

    Maybe we should all take a poll so Clay can blog when we want him to? Just kidding. Ducks! :mallet:

    I really think he is trying to get the attention of the fans at FB doing farms, zoos, aquariums and who knows what other games over there. :hitsfanrs5: My new book is how to lose friends and make enemies. :chair:

    Hey now.... :huh-bwah:

  5. Congrats to everyone who got tickets! And hugs to you all too for the ticket buying angst you had to deal with... I'm jealous as hell (of the ticket getting/trip taking, not the ticket buying angst!) but going isn't in the cards for me this time.

    I'll join you in the congratulatory hugs for all those attending, spikesmom! :04: Not in the cards for me either. :(

    I'm just back to work this week, after being off for two weeks (with a few other days thrown in here & there since the holidays) with a sinus/bronchitis combo that developed into pneumonia. Fun. NOT. Since my wonderful workplace combines our sick & vacation time into one pool, I'm out of any time until mid-April. Please, if anyone comes down with any kind of upper respiratory crud, SEE A DOCTOR!!! [/end :onsoapbox: ]

    I hope the special & the new album are great successes for Clay! :clap:

  6. Home today with a massive sore throat and a headache. That means a good old cold in my immediate future. Yuck.

    :thbighug-1: I feel for you. I've been fighting sinus crud for over two weeks now.

    ETA: claycherie, "I melt everytime we kiss" is from Where I Draw The Line, which I think is one of the finest songs Clay has ever recorded.

    Agreed. I love that song.

    Yay!!! :snoopy: For news!

  7. :GM_FCA:

    Another WFI story...hope I am not boring people...end of the evening last night, we were getting ready to close up...when a lady stopped by to have some gifts wrapped...as we are wrapping we are telling her about the Project. She is very interested and then becomes quite emotional telling us about her brother with special needs and how much the Project would have meant to him when he was younger.

    She told of them attempting to send him to camp and being told to take him home. He is 19 now so past the age, but she was so excited about The Project that she actually volunteered right then to help us wrap next year and took information to pass out at her church. She left us names and numbers and said her mother would also be interested. It was such a wonderful and heartwarming way to end the evening and we are so excited to have additional wrappers next year...that means we can do more days!

    42 Days until GFI!


    Happy Birthday to all celebrating!

    Everyone have a great day!


    I *love* hearing stories like this, Kim! That's what it's all about. :clap:

    Sorry to hear about sassafras. I didn't know her, but have seen/heard her name before. Prayers & condolences to her family & friends. :bloomingflowers:

    Glad to hear your daughter is OK, preden. :hug:

    Here's to hoping you hear some great news when you head back to work, luckiest! :tomato:

    I added a new member to my family this weekend. :puppykiss: This is Gnocchi's new little brother...

    th_Shubert1-1.jpg th_gnocchishub1.jpg th_shubert3.jpg

    He's an 18 week old Bichon Frise/Yorkie mix, rescued :snoopy: by local volunteer organization (HART) from a puppy mill. :grrrr:

    I hope everyone here at FCA has a very Merry Christmas! :BlowKiss:

    This post brought to you by your local, friendly :22: ! :cryingwlaughter:

  8. :bye6:FCA peeps!

    Helloooo FCA!

    I haven't been here in a little while and won't be for a while yet. First computer problems and now a bulging spinal disc have been keeping me away. Doc and physio both say that sitting is not my friend at the moment so I am lying flat out and taking some strong pain killers ( hooray !) and getting bored to tears! Hopefully the exercises and rest will have me right in no time and by then there will be exciting juicy clack to drool over view with polite, restrained admiration.

    Hope you are all doing well, happy Thanksgiving, happy birthday, merry Christmas.

    :) I was just thinking about you this past week, ausdon! Gentle :hug: for you & your poor back.

    Haven't been around - here or anywhere else - much lately. Work has had me looking/feeling/acting like this -> :badmood:.... Hope everyone had a great turkey day! Christmas will be here before we know it - where did the year go??? :huh:

  9. Just a reminder:

    BTW........has everyone voted on Chase Community Giving?

    Simple to do....

    1. "Become a Fan" up at the top of the page

    2. Click on "Go to application" at the top right...."allow" the application to access your information.

    3. Search and vote for the Bubel Aiken Foundation (not the National Inclusion Project, in this case)

    You get ONE vote only per charity during this voting period prior to Dec. 11th. PLEASE do not dilute your vote for BAF by voting your other 19 votes (you are given 20 to start).

    No dollars to spend....just your voting fingers...what are you waiting for?

    Thanks for the reminder & for listing it, step by step, Claygary! :clap:

    Also please don't forget.....

    Let's ALL Deck the Halls for Inclusion!

    October 16 to November 23, 2009

    Support the National Inclusion Project's mission of inclusion for children of ALL abilities while decorating homes and offices with beautiful, handmade Rockdale wreaths and other natural items this holiday season! Wreaths also make wonderful gifts for family and friends.

    The National Inclusion Project will receive $9 per item for individual orders and $13 per item for bulk orders (8 wreaths shipped to a single address). Bulk orders also save the purchaser $5 per wreath on purchase price.

    Purchases must be made from the Project's exclusive Rockdale store in order for the National Inclusion Project to receive funds: http://inclusion.rockdalewreaths.com

    Buyer may designate any participating Beta Alpha chapter to receive credit for purchases by including the chapter name in the comment space provided on the order page.

    Deadline for online orders is Monday, November 23, 2009. Prices include shipping & handling and the buyer may also select a preferred shipping date.

    Please help by purchasing a wreath-or two-or even ten- this holiday season. Share the gift of inclusion. Inclusion works, and it is a gift worth giving.

    NB For our Canadian participants in Deck the Halls for Inclusion: we have a separate store set up at Rockdale, in order to facilitate the different shipping.

    The link is: http://www.rockdalewreaths.com/shopdisplay...amp;cat=Wreaths

    I'm going out on a bit of a limb posting the above link.....sometimes it will work, and sometimes not, depending on your browser. If you do not see the National Inclusion Project come up in the .gif header, PLEASE DO NOT USE THIS LINK.....PM me and I will provide it.

    This applies to the Canadian link only

    Sorry for all the confusion with our shipping! It was more than Rockdale thought to work it out, but they have been most helpful.


    And thanks again! :clap:

    i just have to pop in and say it was a pretty momentus day for me today! After 40 years I finally became an American Citizen! Whee!

    Congratulations, merrieeee!!! :04:

  10. Oh my word, couchie! :hahaha: *and* :hug: Whatta week! :chair:

    Belated, but verra verra :happybirthday04: wishes to cindilu! And anyone else I've missed lately!

    Last December I was extremely ill for nearly 2 weeks with the seasonal flu. I have some health issues including Fibromyalgia and seem to catch the flu every year. I also have small sinuses so anytime I get a virus with congestion issues I go into sinus infections. Last year's flu ended up as both a sinus infection and bronchitis and I was so sick I missed Christmas entirely. The year before that I was sick through New Years. So this year I got the seasonal flu shot two weeks before the gala because I also tend to get sick when I fly, and also when I do not get enough rest. I am happy to report I did not get sick this year! The day I left Raleigh (Monday) I had a very slight sore throat and was achy which lasted about 3 days. Its hard to tell because with me it could have been me fighting a bug or it may have just been been allergies and the Fibro from exhaustion. Either way after getting a lot of sleep both cleared up. I tend to need a lot of sleep otherwise I do feel ill and well I didn't exactly get a lot of sleep during the gala trip. lol

    :hugs-1: With the exception of the Fibromyalgia, I can sooooo relate, claylove. Sinus infections and bronchitis are practically a constant for me.

    Waves :bye6: to all my FCA buddies! I catch up reading now & then, but don't have much time to post right now. Keeping busy between work, school & getting situated in my new place. Hope everyone is well! :BlowKiss:

  11. I just hope no clayfans will show up at the funeral home. This is a private time for Clay and his family. It would be so disrespectful to want to be there at such a private occasion in Clay's life.

    Oh, God. I hadn't thought of this but....I just KNOW there are some 'fans' who will think it's just fine to do just that. But I'll keep the faith and hope that good sense and decency will prevail.

    I'll hope right along with you because I can't think of anything more disrespectful, inappropriate or rude than strangers barging in on a grieving family.

    Hugs & prayers to Clay and his family. And for all dealing with the horrific disease that is Alzheimer's. :hug:

  12. I *hate* to do this, but I must remove myself & annabearmom from the list... :( Similar situation to last year - I'll be in the process of moving and between that, school & work, I just can't make it time or finance-wise.

    I will definitely miss seeing some of you again & meeting others, but I hope y'all have a GREAT time & the gala is a HUGE success for the National Inclusion Project! :thbighug-1:

    I feel your pain, because my plans changed this year too! :thbighug-1:

    At least we can hang out online and wait for the Gala reports on Saturday night, right? :)

    Absolutely! :)
  13. I *hate* to do this, but I must remove myself & annabearmom from the list... :( Similar situation to last year - I'll be in the process of moving and between that, school & work, I just can't make it time or finance-wise.

    I will definitely miss seeing some of you again & meeting others, but I hope y'all have a GREAT time & the gala is a HUGE success for the National Inclusion Project! :thbighug-1:

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