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Posts posted by annabear

  1. Those gorgeous smiles win out every time...................

    Another someone I haven't seen in a loooooong time! :hello:

    Egads, this one is TOUGH. The smile or the intensity? The intensity or the smile? I think I may have to come back to this one. I'm not good at making :hysterical:important :hysterical: decisions....

  2. Happy Belated Annabear

    :lol: Yep, "Belated Annabear", that's me!

    Thanks for all the birthday wishes, everyone! :starhugs:

    Belated verra, verra happy birthday wishes to my dear fellow leo, Tijala - I hope you had a GREAT one! :bdayparty2:

    Real life is keeping a bit overly busy right now. The only place I'm even semi-caught up is FaceBook and only because I've got family as well as friends over there. Otherwise, I owe people pm's and emails and phone calls, oh my! Hope everyone is well. :claykiss:

  3. Just wanted to say that I understand this fan who is leaving, as I too have a similur background but loving clay as he is has opened my mind to many new things. It's not the only part of him. He is a wonderful human being. I had some difficulties and my family gives sometime a hard time because of this but I told them what goes on in Clay's private is none of our business, and I also told them if one of them told me he or she was gay, I would still love them and accept them as they are. I have a young nephew who came out a few years ago, he's the same age as my son and I had some difficulties with this but since I've accepted clay as he is, it's the same for my nephew and I just love him more now. Maybe some folks would not understand that I had some difficulties but people must understand what we are taught and how we can change our views and beliefs.

    I've always believed Clay was being used for more than just entertaining us. I said it before and again when Clay came out. Your post proves that point, preden. :hug:

    My Christianity is not about judging someone's way of life and praying that they'll be "fixed". We're all human, and therefore imperfect. God loves us all anyway.

    Regarding families, non-traditional certainly doesn't mean non-Christian, non-healthy or non-loving.

  4. Finally got the AC working. It only took two days and six phone calls. My "preferred customer" plan had expired, so I had to sign up for another $110 plan to get priority service and discounts. The house was 87 degrees and is finally down to 85 (and 85 with humidity controlled isn't that bad).

    ACK!!! :blink: I'm glad you finally got it fixed. I must beg to differ that 85 *in the house* isn't that bad, humidity or no! :ice-cube-or-cooled-emoticon:

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