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Posts posted by annabear

  1. I wanted to suggest he get all naked and dace in the rain, to learn to enjoy it....and then I thought, nah....I can't get there that fast and therefore what's in it for me?? :shrug:

    Really!! These things take planning. Now we have a theme for the next FCA get together.... :lipstick:

    Just for the record he could say "Hello, nothing to say" and I would be happy.



    but he would say that in the most witty way EVAH!

    And of course there would be the usual sooper sekrit meaning behind his witty turn of phrase! :pickme:

    Have fun picking up Piper, luckiest! Gnocchi & I have our final puppy kindergarten class tomorrow. He does really well in class. At home is another story, little shit!

  2. :::sigh::: I'm cheating on Clay.....with Reed.

    He's hot. ;-)

    Is there a mathematical formula somewhere that quantifies how much the hotness of one's pretend boyfriend's [b1] boyfriend [b2] proportionally impacts the level of hotness of the said pretend boyfriend[b1]?

    Like [b1] + [b2] = :Thud::onFire::yahoo::flirtysmile3::confetti2::whee:to the fourth power?


    According to my calculations, that simplifies to: 2hot2gether


  3. OK for the emoticonally challenged what does ;0p mean? I got wink and mouth open but p?

    As I understand it, Reed uses the 0 as the nose in his smilies (because his own is rather prominent). So ;0p is a wink / nose / tongue. :hahaha: A man after my own heart! :P

    Hee!!! The man is almost as adorkable as my our his boyfriend.

    What's with the strikethrough?? :o

    Can't we all share? :lipstick:

  4. Reed wrote:

    I love you guys! This was the best "last-show-party" ever!! Thanks Clay ;0)

    Gosh, that makes me schmoopie. I know, hopeless romantic here, but seeing Reed just writing Clay's name like that, in that context, makes me feel all gushy inside. Love.

    And Clay looks awful darn CUTE, I must say.

    I'm so hypocritical. I'm not sure that I like the FB searching, and yet...I appreciate every tidbit.

    :yeahthat: and :flirtysmile3: and :wub: and :Iluvclaysbutt:

    I got the first of two blogs about the carpets done and posted at Sally Rand McNally. Couchie, I think you asked me for this link a while ago, but I kept forgetting about it. Sorry! I must have done a few blogs since I last posted about them. I hope to finish the last part of the carpet one tonight. It was getting too long so I broke it up.

    Cool! Thanks, Kareneh.

    I had a request overnight from Scarlett to post some pix from Frisco. Nothing new but I kind of liked these ones, too.












    Ooops!!!!! That's more than a few isn't it?

    I think we might just be able to forgive you... :thbighug-1:

    I feel more :flirtysmile3: coming on!

  5. Spring may have sprung, but it's :freezing: here this morning. Brrrrrrr!

    Last time, I asked about movie quotes. Here's a better game. What's your favorite "double entendre" from concerts/interviews/articles?
    So many choices! :P I'll have to think on this one. Better yet, I'll have to listen to/watch some clack to "remind" myself... ICG.gif

    Off to puppy "kindergarten" with Gnocchi, then getting my hair lopped off for Locks of Love. haircut.gif

  6. Yes, freezing it mashed with lemon or lime juice works ok. I think the frozen halves were 'quick frozen', which we can't do at home, dang it! I've done the mash & freeze when I've found avocados on sale, or have gone a bit overboard and bought too many at one time.

    So this is what happens when we have no Clay news - we start talking about foods he hates! :hahaha:

  7. I've never seen frozen avacado. I tend to only buy one or two at a time because they only have a short life - as soon as they are soft you need to eat them or they go bad so fast! They are high fat but it's a healthy fat.
    Exactly. Just like most nuts. I love avocados for their creamy texture. Tuna is one of those things that I've always had to have a bit of mayo with, but I find I can sub the avocado. It tastes better & is better for me.

    I've been making this salad dressing almost religiously, as it makes the avocado go further. I'm not that fond of cilantro, so I usually sub fresh parsley. It's good on lots of things, not just salads!

    1 large avocado, ripe

    juice of 1 lime

    1/4 cup lightly packed cilantro

    1 clove garlic

    1/4 cup plain yogurt

    3/4 cup water

    1/2 teaspoon fine grain sea salt

    Prepare the cilantro-avocado dressing by blending the avocado, lime juice, cilantro, garlic, yogurt, water, and salt in a blender or food processor (or use a hand blender).

  8. I'm also addicted to tuna & avacado wraps.
    Oh my gosh, I absolutely LOVE avocado & tuna together. Sooooo yummy and healthy.

    A long time ago, I found frozen avocado halves at Trader Joes & fell in love with them. They were much cheaper than fresh avocados here. We used to get them for free when we lived in CA - we had trees all over our property! I also liked the convenience of just being able to pull out a half at a time and having them on hand whenever I wanted. Unfortunately, they don't carry them anymore. :(

  9. Loved the blog commenting on not commenting and confirming that he's not confirming anything! :hahaha: Our guy is just too CUTE! :flirtysmile3:

    Posted by Ms Marmalade at CH:

    Cherry Grrl.com

    Fresh Ten Gay Men We Love

    They’re out, they’re proud, and they’re our closest allies in the fight for equality. These men have all made the decision to come out about their sexuality, no matter what affect if could have had on their respective careers, and in doing so have earned their spot on our list of the Fresh Ten Gay Men We Love.


    4. Clay Aiken. To say that we all knew that Clay was gay long before his September 2008 interview with People magazine would be an understatement. But, for openly and honestly explaining that he decided to come out because he, “cannot raise a child to lie or to hide things. I wasn’t raised that way, and I’m not going to raise a child to do that,” we greatly respect and appreciate his courage.

    So do I. And I have for the past six years, closet or no. :wub:

    ETA: Yay for the job, Couchie! :7:

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