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Posts posted by annabear

  1. Posted by dotsomeis at the OFC, with permission to travel:

    I attended a performance last night [Friday] in New York of Lincoln Center's American Songbook series, An Evening with Alan Mencken. Some of you may recall that Mencken wrote the music for "Proud of Your Boy" and appeared on the Aladdin DVD with Clay.

    One of the songs Mr. Mencken performed was, in fact, "Proud of Your Boy." He gave a very touching intro to it, and mentioned that Clay Aiken participated in the recording of the song for the DVD. Those of you who have watched the DVD know that it was emotional for the writers.

    Also, Sean was played percussion in Mr. Mencken's 4-piece band!

    It was a great event.

  2. I've always been around animals - cats, dogs, rabbits, chickens, ducks, horses, goats, turtles, parakeets, pigeons. We had a class pet, a rat named Lucky, in 4th grade. He's even in our class picture! :) I always wanted hamsters, but we didn't think it would work out very well with our 20 pound tom cat, Sylvester, always hanging around their cage! :lol:

    Right now I have two cats, who are quite independent, and the grand pug puppy who visits for a week or so at a time. I am trying not to succumb to the desire to get my own pug puppy, because I miss her so much when she's gone. But it's hard! I don't want to get tied down, or what will I do when Clay tours again? Hee, notice I said when, and not if. :lilredani:

    Aww, yes... the thoughts of whatever will I do when I want to travel! Luckily, my pup is coming from a home of pet people and happens to be my friend's hubby's favorite of the litter! He's already offered to pet-sit whenever. They're the ones who checked in on the cats when I went to NYC in Jan. and the only issue they had was that Jeff was upset because Gidget didn't like him, because ALL animals usually LOVE Jeff! :hysterical: I told him not to take it too personally as Gidget doesn't like anyone but me - and that's more like she tolerates me! She seems to be in that teenage phase.

    Thanks for sharing that blog, Claygary. :clap:

    I've never understood or been interested in the conspiracy theories surrounding Clay and RCA. I do think Clive is probably past his prime and no longer the best judge of what is current or the next big thing. I agree that Clay can be stubborn - he's admitted as much. Who knows what has really gone on in his business life over the past 6 years? Certainly not the fans. It's not our business to figure out. Same with his personal life. Everyone's going to have their own opinions and views and that's fine as long as everyone realizes that they - and they alone - own those opinions and views. And if some of them should turn out to be right, that doesn't mean all.

    I think Clay likes performing too much to give it up. I think he'll find a way to keep on doing what he likes to do. And I hope whatever that may be, it includes a way for me to see and hear him.

    When I say I celebrate Clay, I mean just that. Not 'this' that happened, or 'that' that didn't. Just Clay. There's just so much good about him to celebrate. :wub:

  3. I'm sorry things didn't work out as you'd planned in California, {{smitten}}. Good luck with your move back home.

    Smitten, it is better to have tried something and gained in experience than never to have tried at all. Life is learning what we are meant to do and not do.

    This is true. I remember reading once that it's the things you don't try that you wind up regretting more than the things you do try that don't necessarily work out as planned. I've definitely found that to be the case.

  4. I just got a text message letting me know that my little guy is a sports fan...

    Well, to keep the "G" alliteration, you could call him "Guy", or if he's French "Gee" *g*.

    Actually, I'm thinking of naming him Gnocchi (nyō'kē, nyŏk'ē)... it's an Italian potato dumpling. Insomnia-inspired naming! :hysterical: I'm Italian, it's a "g" name even though the g is silent, and it has a bit of an Asian sound to the pronunciation, which is fitting since he's a Chinese Crested Powderpuff.

  5. I'm glad you did! I remember it from quite a while ago and it was fun to see again. I think he's fine as the guys, but not so much as Beverley or Deanna! ;)

    Agreed! :)

    annabear, could you PLEASE send me the means to send the Clay Trek to LBFCA? I almost DIED laughing!!!


    Penny, I'm not annabear and I hope she doesn't mind but here's a link:


    I don't mind at all. Thanks for helping out! :thankyou:

    ETAA: I don't really know what Clay wants and honestly it doesn't matter to me as I'm not invested in him doing, being, achieving any certain thing. Not to say I wouldn't have some sort of hissy fit the likes of which you've never seen if for instance he never toured again.

    :lol: and :yeahthat:

    Time for people who can't find joy in their fandom to spend a beautiful day doing something other than beating down on Clay and his fans, and follow what gives them happiness (if there is indeed such a thing). *holds nose and follows people around with a dustpan -- hey, maybe I can apply for that maid service that Reed always wanted... rummages around for ostrich feathers a la Babette*

    I love this fandom because I have friends (who care about me, especially the state of my mind -- ROTL!), and lots of clack and great hope for the future!!!

    There is searching and there is searching. As everyone knows, I'm more willing than most to listen to people who truly are trying to sort things out. All I expect is that people be consistent with the people they quote in their siggies (or copy KAndre's avatar and not be ashamed about it)

    Labels? Where we're going, we don't need labels!!! (with apologies to the Back to the Future folks) Down with labels! Labels divide people. Make love not labels!

    Imagine... there's no labels... It's easy if you try

    Have a great day everyone!!! *stands before my kitchen cabinet and contemplates removing all the labels from my spice jars -- nah! Even I'm not that crazy*


    A HUGE :yeahthat:

    I'm on a continuing mission to puppy-proof this weekend! Little guy will be coming home with me sometime this week! 4.gif

  6. Here's a picture of the adorable fabrics! Help, FromClaygary, Bella and annabear!!! I think I have the beginnings of a stash! Aaaaarghhhh!!!

    :hysterical: Kind of like asking a skunk to show you how to stop smelling bad! :hysterical:

    Bwah! :hahaha: True! I've got stashes of quilting fabrics, bear fur and costume fabrics & trims, paints, inks, yarn, markers, colored pencils.... :blush:

    John D? Always a possibility. I'm kinda partial to the cutie in the banner up ^^^ there with our CUTIE! :flirtysmile3:

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