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Posts posted by annabear

  1. OMG!! Kinda funny little work story here... we have some new consultants in for this lovely project I'm on and one of them now sits behind me. He's a very nice looking man, very polite - he's helped me on & off with my coat several times, sociable, great sense of humor, great voice. Anyway, it's quite close quarters with the way they have our cubettes set up now & my coworker was talking about how it's much noisier, especially since we have a lot more men around and their voices are deeper, carry more, there are usually more women around here than men, etc. Suddenly this guy wheels over in between us and says, "Well, I'm gay if that makes any difference!"

    I think we both looked pretty much like: :huh: then this: :hysterical:

  2. Oh my. "Prayers for Bobby" was amazing. I'm so glad I didn't miss it.

    I was disappointed that this wasn't shown on any of our channels (and I searched the listings). I hope it will be shown in future here because it sounds like a very worthwhile watch. I also received my copy of Mitchell Gold's "Crisis" from Chapters online this week, and I am looking forward to starting it.

    luckiest, this was posted by robyn428 in the Public Access thread at CH:

    was unable to watch the movie on Lifetime. However, last week I went to their site, and noticed that they had past programs available for viewing. They have this listed, but not linked yet, so I would think it will be available after the rebroadcasts.

    I always thought Clay's campy LIV was not only hilarious, but him imitating

    , no? :shrug:

    Have FUN, FCA GFI peeps! :golf:

    georgiesmybaby, I can only echo everyone else - Please talk to the police! Start with your neighbor if you feel more comfortable talking with him and hopefully he can put you in touch with the right people. You - all of you - have my prayers, sweetie. :hug:

  3. Periodically during the day today I've been peeking at those photobooth pictures again and again.
    Me too. :clay:

    Whether I had the 'right' to see them or not, I'm so grateful they ended up in my greedy hands. There is so much to enjoy about them. The goofy faces, the close proximity of their bodies, all those long limbs tangled together...the hugs, kisses, and smiles...And I can so easily imagine either of them, in the course of that celebratory evening, glancing over at the other...only to find a warm gaze already looking back. It does my heart so much good.
    A big ol' WORD to all that. :clap:*happy sigh*
  4. Morning, FCA! :hello:

    I love, Love, LOVE the photobooth pics! :flirtysmile3:

    I do feel badly about the invasion of privacy that took place for them to come to our attention, but hypocrite that I am, I enjoyed saving them as fast as I could! Looks like Reed is just as much a goofball as Clay... not to mention downright adorable... and Clay, well, he just floats my boat no matter what... Yep, there's that ICG! ICG.gif <- can we please add this emoti, MissCindilu2?

    but there are so many others who DESERVE the nasty comments, why not have a Google alert for THEM rather than target someone like Clay who has brought joy and hope into the lives of many

    Because darkness hates the light.

    :yeahthat: It's "cool" to be nasty. Nice? Not so much. Sad? You betcha.

    Great blog as always, Caro - thanks! :clap:

    I saw a preview for that movie, Lotus. Have the Kleenex handy is right! Looks to be powerful. Might help to open some minds & soften some hearts... BTW, I love your siggie.

    Off to run errands this morning afternoon, then back to catch up on some work (*waves to couchie*) that's been piling up over the past couple of weeks. Hope everyone who's been under the weather lately is feeling better. :BlowKiss:

  5. Did I tell ya'll mom is home. You wanna know the weird part. Before she left she was walking with a walker. She had some very scary days last week. But since she came home yesterday she has been walking withot her walker. HUH? LOL. The body is a wondrous thing. It's like she's better after this stroke then she was before it once she got through it.

    YAY! for MamaTomato! :clap: How are you doing, Couchie? Feeling better? :BlowKiss:

    From CV:

    Clay really didn't want to have to analyze anything he said. He just wanted it to be fun and "extra special" for us because of what we were "giving up."

    I love that & I love Clay Aiken.

    As I said elsewhere, this is one instance where Clay's sense of time (we all remember his definition of "soon" *g*) really paid off, turning a 1 1/2 hour dinner into 3 hours! 8.gif

  6. So, he either says the convo stays at the table or he doesn't talk except to say, "Pass the salt and pepper, please."

    He did the right thing, IMO.

    OMG!!!! How can you say that! Don't you know that excess salt is very unhealthy!! And when he encourages, nay advocates, such prolific usage he is endangering the lives of others!!! How could he be soooo reckless!!!!

    And don't get me started on pepper..................


  7. I've tried a few different salad dressing recipes from 101Cookbooks.com, heinz. Most of her recipes are vegetarian and fairly healthy. She uses mainly unprocessed and organic foods. I've also found here recipes to very 'substitution friendly', which I like since I can usually find something in my cupboard that will work without having to run to the store.

    I really liked one dressing made with avocado, yogurt, lime & cilantro and then an orange vinaigrette. I'm thinking I made another one, maybe a raspberry? Can't remember.

  8. By the way, I have been meaning to ask who H. Jackson Brown Jr. is??? Your siggie by him resonates with me, but I have no idea who the man saying it is. :cryingwlaughter:Enlightenment, please! :cryingwlaughter:

    Your wish is my command. :) BTW, congrats on your weight loss!! :14:

    He's the author of "Life's Little Instruction Book". From his website:

    Jackson Brown was born and still lives in Middle Tennessee. His numerous books are in 35 languages and read throughout the world claiming 158 weeks on the New York Times Bestseller list. It is sometimes noted that he graduated from a prestigious university and is the recipient of one of their most distinguished awards but, who knows? If you were to phone the administration office, they would probably deny that he ever attended. It seems hard feelings still linger regarding Mr. Brown’s insistence that the campus clock tower he pledged to help fund be in the shape of a 300-foot ukulele.

    Currently, Mr. Brown writes in a remote log cabin high on Hatchet’s Ridge in the foothills of the Smoky Mountains. There he retreats to observe, ponder, resharpen No. 2 pencils and train his parrot to squawk, “One more step and I’ll shoot.” Should you want to visit, get an early start. Take the gravel road east out of Crowell Corners to the end. There it becomes a dirt road switch-backing up the ridges. A hand-lettered sign nailed to a hickory tree teasingly identifies these last fifteen miles as Broken Axle Trail. The cabin is not the first or second on this dusty corkscrew but the third. You’ll think you’re almost there, but you’re not. And count the creeks. You’ll cross two. The first on a tricky two-plank bridge. The second, unfortunately, offers no bridge at all. Now look for the weathered tin roof and the trellised front gate crowned with honeysuckle. Pay no attention to the dogs Dan, Hoover and Hot Ticket asleep on the front porch couch; Hoover hasn’t bitten anyone in years. But be careful where you step. The copperheads, rattlesnakes, and wild hogs love this bit of heaven as much as Mr. Brown does.

    P . S . As Mr. Brown instructs in one of his books, "Don't believe everything you read."


  9. But I AM in the car that says blogging a hello now and then wouldn't hurt anything


    I'm easy, but that is the one thing that bugs me a wee little bit from time to time. Not that I'm going to throw a hissy fit or call him names or say unflattering things about him or no longer be a fan or not throw my money at him. It wouldn't take much time or effort on his part. Although, the rest of your post about it never being "right", no matter what he says is sadly true, so he's sort of damned if he does & damned if he doesn't. Might as well eat another Hot Pocket, read to Parker & take a nap.

  10. Would I like to have all the details from last night's dinner with the CV10? Hell yes! Do I think it's a case of "haves vs. have nots" or "keeping secrets" or Clay trying to "pull one over on us"? Hell no! I agree that it was to be a nice evening with people who made a sizeable donation to BAF, who happened to also be fans. And I also agree that if whatever was discussed was posted, it would be dissected and spun 157 ways from Sunday and someone would still end up with their panties in wad.

    So what else is new in the Nation of Clay? :lilredani:

    Is it unbecoming to be happy that the thread title drawn from something I said is in first place? :unsure::yess:Third time's the charm, baybee... HA!

    You're too cute! :hahaha: And a friend (:hello:Dediclaytion!) and I have had the same convo as in your siggie. Several times.

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