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Posts posted by annabear

  1. Spam & Sardi's updates from CH:

    Report from Butterflyshine...

    The show is totally sold out other than way up top of the balcony....SRO too. She is bummed because she couldn't get a ticket. So she walked over to Sardi's and talked to them...

    Sardi's said the caricature is in the office and that it will be hung on Friday. It will be hung right by the maitre d's desk as you enter Sardis. Behind that desk there is a wall to the left and right of him and Clay's caricature will be right there.

    ETA: Hmmm... it's working for me, but I replaced the url - try again.

    ETA2: They've added quite a few more pics, that might be part of the reason it wasn't working.

  2. From CH:

    Mr. Artquest was the peasant tonight. He was hysterical. Details to follow after we eat.

    More from artquest:

    Back from dinner.

    I asked Mr. Artquest if he could describe exactly what the experience was like. He said it was a combination of laughing and hoping he didn't look like an ass. After all, he said, he didn't know what was going to happen. He couldn't see much past the second row - in fact, it was disorienting. He looked for me but couldn't find anyone. Not just a Clay fog. But it's not like he wasn't prepped.

    At dinner last night, I explained that he might be pulled up on stage. He had firm instructions not to mention Clay, not to mention me, and not to mention my Clay fan friends, some of whom he met at intermission. I was serious. You have no idea what this man is capable of when it comes to teasing. Oy is right.

    Anyway, when the D101 showed up, I whispered that he was heading for stage and to behave himself. He stood up when Patsy came by and started laughing when the grail appeared in his seat. They do this really smoothly. I was watching for it and still missed the move. Then they asked him on stage. "What's your name?" asked the King. "Paul," he said. "And your last name?" "I'm a Jew." Heh, The king stopped for a minute, but the crowd roared. Then he gave his last name and they gave him his award, sang to him, and sent him back to his seat, grinning. It was a great anniversary present!

    People actually stopped him and asked for his autograph. Cracked him up. We waiting at the stage door for Clay (really cute and adorable and looks thinner than on stage), who signed the Polaroid and thanked hubby again for saving them tonight. *g* It was awesome.

    Now he expects his name in lights . . .

    The 'finale' of Mr. Artquest's peasant experience from CH: :)

    We're finally back in L.A., where it's a balmy 55 degrees. Reminds me why I live here!

    Mr. Artquest has totally let this thing go to his head. With a twinkle in his eye, he reminds me that the hand holding my hand is the hand that touched Clay. Or that a star of his stature shouldn't have to carry luggage. Or that he's thinking of retiring from Broadway while he's still at the top of his game. *Eyes rolling.*

    Here's his Cast Photo.

  3. The holidays really bring out the evil in some people.

    I had just weighed myself, screamed, and vowed to eat like a frigging rabbit for the rest of my life when I look out to see that the postal truck is parked in front of my house and hear a thud as the postman drops a package by my front door.

    I run to the door, grab, the box, and open it to find


    Like I said, evil.

    (Munch, munch, munch)


    Have we ever mentioned what a way you have with words, wanda?


  4. Finally! Success! Only about 3 hours after I first went outside! Earlier, I managed to turn the car around so that the driver's side would be directly hit by the sun as it warmed up to a balmy 11 degrees... I can't feel my feet, but both doors now open & close! Just heard on the news that it's supposed to be 60 on Christmas Eve... :thtwister2:

    Off to work, a few hours late, but at least not having to take an extra vacation day - always look on the bright side of life! :killer_rabbit:

  5. :rant:

    I'm alternating between :freezing: and :tantrum: this morning! It's 6 freakin' degrees and I go out to warm up the car... guess what! My car door won't close! I try everything I can think of to get the latch to move to no avail. I call the dealership & the service guy recommends opening another door, seeing if it will close and if it does, use it as a guide, along with a screwdriver, to get my driver side door fixed. Um, OK, opened another door, closed it, looked at it, messed with my door, messed with the other door, and now NEITHER OF THE FREAKING DOORS WILL CLOSE!!! :Ahh: [/Rant]

    On a much lighter & happier note.... :)

    Happy :bdayparty2: Birthday

    georgiesmybaby & Spikesmom


  6. It's verra verra quiet in here this evening.... I just finished my final essay & got it submitted with about 8 minutes to spare! :o

    Who? Me procrastinate? Never!! :hysterical:

    I wish there would be Clack of Sir Robin playing Jingle Bells during his big number about Jews! :cryingwlaughter:

    Off to bed for a few hours before I have to head in to work... :offtobed:

  7. Add me to the list of those who will be missing the Spam recaps when it's over, but I'll be anxious to see what 2009 has in store for us! :Iluvclaysbutt:

    The gift card I prefer are perhaps less cool, but they are the equivalent (I think) of a gift-card to say....Walmart, i.e. everyone lives close to it and the store has stuff everyone needs all the time. The gift-card of my choice can be used to buy groceries, toys, clothes, computer equipment etc etc. It may not look as cool as a gift card to an exclusive boutique but I am soooo not into throwing money away for the sake of being cool!!

    I'm with you on this, claytonic! Our company this year gave us Kroger (grocery) gift cards. Some people complained that it wasn't very exciting or fun. The way I look at it, if I don't have to spend that X amount of $ on groceries, then I can spend it on something exciting or fun - like Spamming in NYC! :lol:

    I also received iTunes gift cards from my boss - *love* those!

    Off to finish my finals.... everyone have a good Sunday! :BlowKiss:

    ETA: What an exciting & fun post for the top of the page... not! I'll fix that... :)





  8. Good luck with getting things arranged for your mom, {{{Couchie}}}. Looks like jmh came up with some good links. I'm glad you'll still be able to make it to NYC, even if you do have to cut the trip a bit short.

    Good job on getting your shopping done, luckiest. I didn't go near a mall today either. Went to one store looking for something for my mom, but couldn't find what I wanted. Ended up getting a really good deal on a purse for me, though! I have to get my cards done - yikes!!

    Love the story of Mr. Artquest as the peasant. :)

  9. Love the banner - look at the twinkle in that CUTE guy's eyes! :flirtysmile3:

    Off to buy cat food and a few things to fix my Christmas wreath for the front door, then back to do homework, homework & more homework, not to be confused with work from home which will also be mixed in!

  10. I'm adding these here rather than in the 'laughter' thread because they're job-oriented. And because we can all obviously use a laugh in this area... Some of these sound *awfully* familiar!!

    Real-Life Dilbert Manager Quotes

    A magazine recently ran a 'Dilbert Quotes' contest. They were looking for people to submit quotes from their real-life Dilbert-type managers. These were voted the top quotes in corporate America:


    'As of tomorrow, employees will only be able to access the building using individual security cards. Pictures will be taken next Wednesday, and employees will receive their cards in two weeks.'

    (This was the winning quote from Fred Dales, Microsoft Corp. in Redmond WA )


    'What I need is an exact list of specific unknown problems we might encounter.'

    (Lykes Lines Shipping)


    'E-mail is not to be used to pass on information or data. It should be used only for company business.'

    (Accounting manager, Electric Boat Company)


    'This project is so important we can't let things that are more important interfere with it.'

    (Advertising/ Marketing manager, United Parcel Service)


    'Doing it right is no excuse for not meeting the schedule.'

    (Plant Manager, Delco Corporation)


    'No one will believe you solved this problem in one day! We've been working on it for months. Now go act busy for a few weeks and I'll let you know when it's time to tell them.'

    (R&D supervisor, Minnesota Mining and Manufactur ing/ 3M Corp.)


    Quote from the Boss: 'Teamwork is a lot of people doing what I say.'

    (Marketing executive, Citrix Corporation)


    My sister passed away and her funeral was scheduled for Monday. When I told my Boss, he said she died on purpose so that I would have to miss work on the busiest day of the year. He then asked if we could change her burial to Friday. He said, 'That would be better for me.'

    (Shipping executive, FTD Florists)


    'We know that communication is a problem, but the company is not going to discuss it with the employees.'

    (Switching supervisor, AT&T Long Lines Division)

  11. I feel for all of you in the grip of winter right now. We're having very strange weather... it's been raining cats & dogs off and on all morning and windier than all get out. Oh, and it's 67 freaking degrees! :wacko: By Sun. it's supposed to be 9. :wacko:

    Thanks for the good wishes - again! - for my mom! Luckily, the orthopedist said no fracture after doing another x-ray. She's just bruised & will be sore for several weeks. She's supposed to be icing her shoulder, but she keeps complaining about being cold!

    Glad MamaTomato is doing better and will be home soon. I so hope you're able to work something out regarding her care, Couchie. You do indeed deserve your NYC trip and I agree that you actually need that time away for yourself. Sending more positive energy your way. :big hug:

    I've got finals due this weekend. Already the end of my 2nd quarter back in school. After Sunday, no more classes 'til Jan. 12th! :woohoo:

  12. So glad MamaTomato is doing better & will hopefully be home for Christmas, Couchie. :thbighug-1:

    *sigh* My mom fell on the ice yesterday morning, going out to her car, and hurt her arm/shoulder. She went on to work, but later called to tell me she was going to the doctor because she was in so much pain. They did x-rays and think she's fractured her collar bone... will know more today...

    Sorry about your dental woes, Muski. Ouch! :therethere:

    Hey, (looks for a little wagon rolling past...) if Clay & Jaymes have another baby, great. If they don't, great. Whatever works for them.

    I can't see the stage door video from work - if someone can find pics, please post! TIA! :BlowKiss:

    ETA: Letterman is on, in the background, interviewing Jennifer Anniston. Does Jennifer actually have ears? I've wondered this for a long time....

    BWAHAHAHA! Thanks for the laugh this morning - I needed it! :lmaosmiley-1:

  13. Waves to Claylove and FromClaygary. Can't wait to kick back and kick up my wheels with y'all in NYC! And Annabear, too. I do hope you will still be making the trip?

    Absolutely! Can't wait! :thbighug-1: Thanks for the hugs for my mom - I'll pass them on.

    Thanks to Gibby & liney for asking about my new abode... I love it - peace & quiet!!! I've still got a good bit of unpacking to do, but I'll get there. Someday! :lol:

    Love the Camelot Carollers, bottle! :hysterical:

  14. My last day of my job is Dec 30th. The next day I'm on a plane to New York. Am I stressed about the fact that I don't have a job yet? Nope, looking forward to it. I may need a bailout ..wonder where I go with my hand out heee.

    Stage door? :hide: :wetkissf:

    Glad you received an apology, luckiest.

  15. Good thoughts & prayers would be appreciated. My mom got a call from her oncologist this morning that her breast cancer markers have made a pretty significant jump and he's scheduled her for a PET scan the first week of December.

    Thanks to all for the good thoughts & prayers about my mom's situation. We saw the oncologist this morning and while the PET scan did show a small mass in her chest, the good news is that he reiterated that it is SMALL, it is NOT in her lungs (which we were concerned about because she originally did have spots in the lungs that were not expected to disappear with the chemo, but blessedly did), and it is the ONLY spot that showed up. He is going to continue monitoring her closely, starting her on a new medication, and blood work each month for the next 3 months. He told us not to worry & enjoy the holidays - this is only a minor detour. I plan to take that advice.

    Clay content? He's beautiful, he sings like no one else & I can't wait to see Sir Robin again in 17 days!!! :yahoo:

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