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Posts posted by annabear

  1. Good to see you here, jazzgirl!

    Thanks, ldyj - I should have been more specific! The pics from the Spam 3rd anniversary, I think, are what I'm looking for. I remember being able to get some great details for Sir Robin (don't wanna run into any licensing issues...) Aiken Bear's outfit, but now can't find the pics. :huh:

    Since I start back to classes on Monday, I'm going to work on Sir Robin Aiken Bear II this weekend with the last *sob* of my free time. I've got the tux/tails pattern already designed from a groom bear I made several years ago. Will have to go shopping for sequins, though! :lol:

  2. I really miss concert Clay, so I am good for anything...TV theme songs, the phone book; commercial jingles...it is all good!
    Yep. If he's singing, I'm there, no matter what, no matter where!

    *waves* :hello: to the lovely PermaSwooned, whom I finally met this past weekend! :)

    *waves* :hello: to the lovely KAndre, whose "RandomCuteGuy" (aka the lovely :hello:saltwaterdog's hubby, John) I met & got a hug from this past weekend! :tongue09:

  3. Hi FCA! :hello: Checking in on the crappy Flintsone's version of the hotel internet - Web TV... only 45 minutes of time left, so hopefully this post will go throuh before I get kicked off>

    Having a great time! Loved, Loved, LOVED Spam last night! Clay has really grown so much as Sir Robin. Got a stage door appearance FINALLY! I was so glad to see 'Clay'. It may sound silly, but I really wanted to see him not as Sir Robin. Didn't get a pic,but that's perfectly fine - I did manage to get out a thank you &a happy new year and got the same back Got his siggie on a card for a friend. And of course we got to see his CUTE face! :)

    I love Clay Aiken!


    Left Orch row A

    seat 7


    Seller: nicegurrrrl

    I know for a fact that ticket is sold, because I grabbed it for one of my travel buddies!

    Repeating from previous page - I'll be around to check PM's until about 11:00 AM eastern tomorrow:

    Extra ticket for Sat. matinee - Jan. 3rd, 2:00 PM - center orchestra, row N, seat 101

  5. I sense a theme with Couchie and Muski - last minute washing and packing! Heeee.

    Um, it's not just a theme with them! My cleaning spree the other night did NOT include laundry or packing for my trip tomorrow! :cryingwlaughter:

    EEEEEEEEEEEE!!! Tomorrow!!!! :Iluvclaysbutt:

    Glad you're home safe & sound & with a sd pic, ldyj! With all of the delays, you could have just hung out at the airport & waited for some of us to arrive tonight & tomorrow!

    I'm at work today - not getting anything done, but I'm here. Pretty sure I'm leaving early - too much to do before I head up to Columbus to meet up with Dediclaytion tomorrow.

    EEEEEEEEEE!!! I wish everyone could be there this weekend. {{{FCA}}}

  6. Yikes! Good luck, muski. :BlowKiss: I'd say the train into Penn Station might be your best bet, but not sure how to get to your hotel from there... then again, I know nothing! We opted for a car service Thurs. night since there are 3 of us arriving in Newark. You might wanna spend the night at the airport and ride in with us! :imgtongue:

    Our group has an extra ticket if anyone's still looking - Jan. 3rd, 2:00 PM - center orchestra, row N, seat 101 (right center aisle) $150.

  7. Change of topic for a question, please.....I'm away from my PC and have no favorites to access....would someone have the link/information to the Broadway Offers stuff for Spamalot for January?

    I apologize for having to ask for it again...I forgot to email it to myself before we left.

    Here you go, Claygary: BroadwayBox.com

    LOVE your 2008 year in review, claytonic! :hahaha: Happy New Year to you & ausdon! :04:

  8. IMG_2296_filtered.jpg


    ACK!! I'm so excited & ready to head to NYC that I'm hyper! So hyper that I've been cleaning! :o

    anna... is there something you can take for that??? I mean... cleaning??? There must be something out there... FCA??? We can't leave a fellow FCAer in this condition... cleaning??? :cryingwlaughter:

    Hee! No worries, justclay, jmh, ducky, and liney! Thanks for your concern about my state of :o cleaning :o , but I'm SURE it will *soon* pass! :P

    Happy Tuesday!! One day and counting. weeeeeeeeeeeee

    EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!! :twinklewhore:

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