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Posts posted by annabear

  1. It's too weird to see Clay on stage with someone else dressed as Sir Robin!

    Sure does seem weird for someone else to be wearing the Sir Robin costume

    I know! My apologies to DHP & MM, but Clay owns Sir Robin in my mind and it seems odd to see him standing there with someone else in Sir Robin's tux. Especially since Martin is (or at least looks) so much older. I love Clay's younger, more innocent take on the character.

    Clay looked much better than Marty in the white pants. No dis to Marty - it just would be hard to top Clay's closing night white pants. :hubbahubba:

    Well, yeah, that too!! :cryingwlaughter:


  2. Spam report from butterflyshine is that tonight's show is sold out :yess: and Chris Seiber is there. :)

    ETA: She has also seen Jerome.

    From laughnoutloud at CV:

    bigappleforclay just called me...she's at the show trying to get a ticket. She's in the lobby. It's sold out and full of NYers who make it a tradition of attending closing shows. She's talked to butterflyshine. They're expecting Clay to be there, according to Craig the ticket guy, and in the audience. All the previous performers are expected to show up this evening. She says the place is a mad house.




    Thanks for all the :hahaha::imgtongue::cryingwlaughter: :lmaosmiley-1: :hysterical: as well

    Good Morning, FCA! :BlowKiss:

    Farewell to SPAMALOT! It's been a great run -- even from afar! :clap:

    UPDATE: The golf balls are still coming into the Carolina blog. I think it's so cool that a whole new segment of the population is reading about Clay Aiken, Golfing for Inclusion, and The Bubel/Aiken Foundation. :)

    Have a great day, all! :lilredani:

    Caro listen.gif

    :clap: This is GREAT, Caro! Thanks!

  4. Rider? Really, there's no need to ask. Y'all know what we all want on that rider. Time with Clay. My specific request would be for a daily one-on-one 15 minute minimum conversation, for the duration of the tour, including rehearsal days. And travel days.

    Oh YESSSS!

    annabear - I hope you find the 3rd anniversary pictures. Sorry about the clip -- I will try again tonight though with more "tools"!

    Thank you, Scarlett! :BlowKiss:

  5. On the topic of liberalism, there's also the liberal arts education, which is intended to broaden people's minds and make them well-rounded intellectually and socially. It doesn't necessarily mean that you'll end up a political liberal, and that isn't the intention, but it often does make people more liberal politically than they were (or their parents were). Lot of whining these days from ardent conservatives about liberal bias on campus, and from some parents who want students' college degrees to be practical and oriented directedly towards the job market (usually business), instead of wasting time with all that unnecessary liberal arts stuff.

    Great essay here from the President of Wesleyan College: What's a Liberal Arts Education Good For?

    Did you know that you can't get a federal student loan for a general liberal arts degree? Because I have several areas of interest that I'd like to work toward as I finish my BA and start thinking seriously about my MA, I wanted to go that way. I talked with an academic counselor, did some research and thought that was the best road to take, but then I found out about the financial aid issue. So communications it is.

    Oh, and I just got my grades for my 2nd quarter classes - - - 99.1 and 95.9! :woohoo:

    FCA Band? Hmmm.... I can't read music or play an instrument and while I was always in choir in school, I don't think I'd be a good back up singer. Hmmm.... I've got it!! I can be in charge of wardrobe! :27:

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