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Posts posted by annabear

  1. *looks around for annabear, queen of Spamisms, in much the same manner as Lance and Herbert look for his father*


    My theme for this weekend was "I'm not yet dead!" as I finished cleaning up the left-over residual CRAP at the apartment. My Spamisms are slipping... need a refresher... in about 31 days... EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!

    Here is Clay's horoscope from Washington Post (by Holiday Mathis):


    Today's Birthday, Nov. 30: Every year you get better at giving your attention to what and whom you really love. You'll be spending your time in the most productive ways and life reflects your stellar priorities. A powerful person offers you help in December. A love match is made in January. Financial success in March emboldens you. Cancer and Virgo adore you.

    (my bolding) I have no idea about the rest, but I sure think that statement is true!

    And I and about half the board--Cancer--adore him too!!

    Speaking up for Leo too!

    Yes, Leos love Clay, too! Roarrrr! luvclayseverything.jpg


    Verra, verra, verra :happybirthday01: wishes to Mr. Aiken!


  2. Okay, have a confession to make...don't laugh...I feel silly enough already...I sent Clay a Birthday Card and I....blushes furiously...wrote him a fan letter! The first time I ever wrote a fan letter to any celebrity...but since I figure the chances of me every getting a chance to talk to him in person are slim to nil...why not? I was very good, didn't get overly fangirly...just wanted to let him know he is being thought of.


    No laughing here. I think that's sweet! :friends:

    Ok, I've always heard of mincemeat, but I have no idea what it is exactly.... I know Google is my friend, but anyone here care to enlighten me? :lilredani:

  3. About the Word to jpg thingie - how do you do that? Would someone please tell me how they plan to accomplish that?

    It's a nifty little program I still have on my computer from my old printer that died a year or so ago - PhotoImpressions. I love it! I can take just about any kind of file and manipulate & save it as a jpg or bmp. Or tif, pcx, tga, psf, png, fpx - whatever those may be! :lol:

    FORGOT TO add my congrats to cindilu2!!! You are perfect for that. I am usually in awe of your talents!! :BlowKiss:


    Wow! Glad you found your money, couchie!

    Videos today were CUTE! :flirtysmile3:

    Ok, enough play time... back to work! :hello:

  4. I'm loving all the videos today! And I gotta say...him talking about Parker just warms the cockles of my heart. He really does have so much to be thankful for this year. And I'm thankful for Clay being in my life...

    OT HELP!!!! Is there anyone out there who can take a Word document (either Word 2003 or 2007) and save it into a jpg file? PWEEZE?!?!?!?

    Email me!

  5. Not caught up, but checking to see if my RoadRunner is working - it is! :) Thank you to all for the good wishes for me & my mom. We're just taking things one day at a time & will deal with whatever we have to, when we have to. In the mean time.....

    All moved into the condo, just trying to clear a path through the sea of boxes! Of course Clay helped - as soon as everything was loaded into the truck & I hopped into my car to lead the movers to my new place, I turned the radio on. OMWH, of course, was in the CD player and it randomly switched to the song, OMWH. I thought that was somewhat appropriate as I was on my way to my new home.


  6. :fca:

    If I can make it through this week, I'll be in the clear! The movers come Sat. morning (ugh!) between 8-9 AM. How on earth did I manage to collect so much sh... cra... stuff over the past 5 years??? I keep filling up boxes, turning back around and finding the shelves still full! And how does Clay Aiken manage to pop up (just for you, muski *g*) everywhere?? :wacko:

    I just keep thinking about January in NYC, seeing FCA friends again (*waves* to couchie & georgiesmybaby & others), meeting new FCA friends (*waves* to Scarlett, claylove, FromClaygary & others), seeing Sir Robin again - eeeeeeeeee!!! - and that restores a teeny tiny, itty bitty, modicum of my sanity. :twinklewhore:

    For those traveling to NYC over the next few months, who might maybe try to see something other than Spam....

    :thsigns053: :yow::jaw: Yeah, I know, blasphemy!

    Anyway, Shrek The Musical, starring Christopher Seiber (original Spam Galahad) as Lord Farquaad, began running previews Nov. 8th and officially opens on Dec. 14th at the Broadway Theatre. Might be worth checking out!

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