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Posts posted by annabear

  1. Just heard from ldyj! She concurred that it seemed like a full house and not a Clay fan crowd - people sort of figured out who he was when he sang the 'Idol of my age' part. :lol: Well received by the audience. The whole cast was there, no one out. Really on. He was flirty & kissed one of the girls in Camelot! During the 'Run Away' scene, one of the French girls was all over him with her skirt. Messed up his piano playing and made some funny faces!

    They had one of the possible peasant seats, D101, but the peasant was B101 - bummer! But she did get her pic with Clay at the stage door!! :7: At Junior's now for cheesecake before they leave tomorrow. She'll fill in any gaps when she gets back to the room.

    ETA: Welcome, tribeca! :welcome10:<- That sign seems appropriate since we're still in Spam mode!

    I sat in the last row during one of the shows in May and could see everything just fine - there really isn't a bad seat. I hope you & your niece have a great time! :)

  2. QUOTE (dancermom2 @ Dec 29 2008, 07:29 PM) *

    Report from butterflyshine...Spam is sold out tonight!!! WOW!!!!!!


    YAY for a sell out tonight! :nanarow:

    I saw your post at CH about your DD, Perma. Prayers & positive vibes being sent her way. :hug: Looking forward to meeting you!

  3. Broadway.com has a story & pics up about Clay's caricature at Sardi's :)

    I think the caption under pic #5 - "Adorable times two" - :flirtysmile3: might make a good thread title!

    I also really like this part of the blurb:

    His work in Spamalot will be done on January 11, when the Tony Award-winning Monty Python hit ends its four-year run. That said, if you haven’t seen him in the show, we suggest you don’t dilly-dally. After all, anyone who has seen his skilled turn as Sir Robin is wondering what show the American Idol alum could take on next. So hats off to you, Clay Aiken! Broadway likes you, they really like you!
  4. We certainly did, Penny! :Iluvclaysbutt:

    Good luck with your move & new job, smitten! :thbighug-1:

    This might be sacrilege but is anyone going to any other shows while there? Everything seems cheap. Has anyone seen Alter Boys?

    I'm planning to go see Wicked with georgiesmybaby. I would like to see something else while there. Thinking about checking out the new TKTS booth in Times Square to see what kind of deals they have. I'd still kind of like to see Chris Seiber in Shrek if I could get inexpensive tix.

    Work is driving me crazy. :breakpc1: I wish I had enough vacation left to have taken all of this week off.

    I'm ready to have some FUN!!! :nana:

  5. EEEEEEEEE!!! It's almost time!!! :twinklewhore:

    My travelmates & I will be arriving from Newark on Thurs. evening. We won't be going to that show, but should be checked in and around the Shubert by the time the show lets out. Anyone up for meeting up after the show, maybe heading over to Junior's for cheesecake or coffee or a drink?

  6. As always, great blog, Caro - thanks!

    Thanks, ladies. :bighug:I'm looking forward too, but Spamalot, the wonderful cast and Sir Robin will always have a special place in my heart.

    I'll be here next weekend too. *sniffle* I won't complain too loudly though, as I was fortunate to see it many times. You know what the man says though, you can never have enough Clay Aiken. *g*

    Would that man be Reed?

    "blushes furiously"



    Everybody sing... *aikim smutted, aikim smutted, aikim smutted, aikim smutted*


    I haven't seen any mentions or speculation on how quickly fans would spot someone carrying roses into the theatre this time around.

    Isn't that why so many of us are going for closing weekend? :lilredani:

  7. Spam1227E_1.jpg
    Awww, I love this shot! That's still my favorite hair.

    I love this one, too. That profile! GAH!

    Since this is Sir Robin's last week, I hope you'll indulge me if I let the holiday banner go a little early.


    PS... I think I have fixed it so Firefox users can see the mouse-message. Hee - thousands of dollars well spent, lol.

    Love the Sir Robin banner! And, yes, it is fixed so that Firefox users can see the message! :)

    Congrats on the new monitor, liney!

    Sounds like an interesting trip, KAndre!

    We won't be getting into NYC in time for the Thurs. night show, but hopefully we can meet up with some FCA peeps afterward in Shubert Alley & maybe head over to Junior's for cheesecake? Looking forward to meeting you, preden!

    Hope ldyj & hubby finally arrived in NYC!

    *This post sponsored by !!!!*


  8. He really does get a lot out in the few minutes he's on - he speaks so well! I hope they at least plug the web address and/or name of the Foundation before the show is over. Unless I missed it, they never actually said it.

    Agreed. I thought he came across very well & it was a good piece, but I also missed the actual name of the foundation. Hopefully they'll include it in the credits.

  9. First class? Cool, ldyj! :thumbup: Although we didn't have the delay issues when Mamabear & I went in April, we also got to fly to LGA first class. The guy that helped us check in turned out to be the son-in-law of a friend of hers from church, so he upgraded us at no charge! :) Sending up a prayer for safe travels & positive vibes that the delay/airport switch is the only trouble you'll have.

    I'm off to :chores003: and :chores009: and :chores012: and then :officework:

    ETA: Great recap & pics, cha cha - thanks! See ya next weekend - EEEEEE!!! :yahoo:

  10. As far as bears go, there may be a chance that someone might be able make some possibly for some people to purchase to maybe benefit a certain good cause.... :whistling-1:

    Finishing up Christmas tonight with my daughters... thank goodness... the temptations food-wise have been difficult and I haven't even gotten on the scales cause I know I've eaten too much and I worked so hard to get those numbers to go down and I don't want to see them up where they used to be. I'm waiting a week before weighing to give myself a chance to not be overly depressed. :cryingwlaughter:

    I know (verra verra well, unfortunately... <_<) that it's easier said than done, but don't be too hard on yourself for indulging over the holidays. :hug: It's making sure we get back on the right track soon (and most definitely NOT the Clay Aiken version of the word!! :hahaha: ) afterward that's the key! :treadmill:

    By this time tomorrow, I'll be on a plane to NYC! EEEEEEEEEEEEEE!

    EEEEEEEEEEEEEE! Have FUN!!! <- as if I need to say that! Be sure to let this CUTE guy know that there'll be some more cra... enthusiastic fans there to bid him & his Spamily a fond farewell next week! :killer_rabbit:


    ETA: Hi :hello:cha cha! Did you have fun Spamming?

  11. Morning FCA ~ Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas. :)

    This time next week I'll be in NYC, celebrating the new year with other FCA'ers and Sir Robin!!! :yahoo:

    Speaking of Sir Robin... there will be a new Sir Robin bear for the 2009 BC/EFA Broadway Bears fund raiser:


    Too CUTE! I'd already started on the tux outfit for my original Sir Robin bear, but haven't had time to get much done on it. Don't know when I will!

    Hope everyone has a good Friday! :hello:

  12. 7.gifGood Christmas morning! 6.gif

    Mamabear, the cats & I had a nice, quiet Christmas Eve. Decorated my little tree & ate finger foods - crackers & bread sticks with different cheeses, veggies and eggnog - while I tortured teased her by switching the tv back to TBS and the 24 hours of "A Christmas Story" every once in a while! :lol: Will be doing much of nothing today, then make Chicken Marsala for dinner this evening with steamed veggies & pumpkin pie - YUM!

    My wish for all here and Clay & family

  13. Welcome back, clayzycoffin! :hello:

    I just KNEW someone would find that sweater. I personally like it, and don't even mind at all the shirt with it. As someone said to me last night, that combo is just HIM. That's the way he dresses, and I don't think that's ever going to change. *shrug* Yes, I know -- the music business is all about "image" -- but that's one of the reasons why I love Clay Aiken. He breaks the rules, damn it. It's never been about his clothes or his hair to me (or frankly for me, even about the voice) -- it's about HIM. Even with all the revelations in the past year, I still admire the hell out of the man he is, and wish I could be half as strong as him.

    :yeahthat: And hee - I believe that someone was meeeeeee! :tongue09:


    dancerdad from last night's stagedoor. Dark hair; babyburns; long, luscious lashes. I do believe I'm in lurve. :sm227:

    Me too. :flirtysmile3:

    I love the Sardi's pictures. That siggie was a hoot! I think the man is priceless! I looked at that sweater/shirt combo and just laughed, it was sooo Clay! I love him!!!

    Thread title?

    Those Sardi pictures! My ICG is working overtime. e1269.gif

    Clay really is a treasure. I can't wait to see him on January 4th! e1269.gif

    Another thread title?

    You know, it really is incredible how much 'stuff' Clay has experienced in a (relatively) few short years. I wonder if simply sits and shakes his head sometimes? I'm sure when he stood in line in Atlanta, he dreamed of platinum records and performing in front of thousands of screaming fans, but....

    I mean seriously - did he ever imagine his caricature on the wall in Sardi's? That he would travel internationally as a UNICEF ambassador? That his hopes and dreams for inclusion for all children would be that much closer to fruition because of a foundation that he created?

    I really believe that his story only could have happened in Season Two of AI - before we saw 'behind the curtain', while the show was still innocent (IMO only of course). Something special happened - and then five years later, that something happened again. He found just the right show, at just the right time, because I also believe Spamalot was the perfect venue to introduce him to that world. It has gained him new fans, new respect - and a whole new family as well.

    How could he not just sit and shake his head at times? I know I do - and I have that ICG permanently etched on my face while doing it.


    *sniff* Yeah, all of that. :wub:

    Pic via the CH:

    Is it too late to have a fireplace installed in my house? 'Cause I'd really, really, really like to have this Santa slide down my chimney...


    Damn. I knew I should have bought the condo *with* the fireplace! :rolleyes:

    Safe travels to all hitting the roads & sky this week. :canfly: May you all have a wonderful holiday with family & friends!


  14. Yay! Glad you finally made it safely, Claygary. And out of the snow!

    Weird weather continues here... Near 0 yesterday, up to about 25 this afternoon with sleet around lunch time, but sidewalks & roads OK. By the time I left work around 3:30, it had changed to freezing rain and the roads & sidewalks were skating rinks! Accidents all over, roads closed. I stopped at the bank and saw two people fall in the parking lot on the way back to my car! Now it's up to almost 40 & raining. They're still saying almost 60 tomorrow...

    Have been cleaning & trying to find my Christmas stuff amongst the unpacked sh... cra... stuff - the cats have been having a blast, hopping in & out of all the boxes - Merry Christmas to them! :lol:

    It's snowing! I thought it wasn't going to start until this evening, but looks like it started early.

    I was doing dishes and one of the Christmas music boxes that I have on the shelf by my kitchen window started playing all by itself...this one plays The Little Drummer Boy. It was very peaceful, doing the dishes, watching the snow fall and having the music playing softly.

    I have quite a collection of music boxes and often one of them will start playing for no reason and I always believe it is my Mom and maybe even my Dad letting me know they are still around.

    It all reminded me that this is a season of hope and even though many are missing loved ones, the birth of Jesus reminds us that one day we will see them again and there really is reason to celebrate.

    As I look out my window there are birds at the feeder, sparrows and a beautiful red cardinal...they always put a smile on my face as it reminds me that Spring really isn't all that far away.


    I believe you're right, Kim. Beautiful post. :hug:

    I'm going to wish you all a very Merry Christmas since I'll probably be offline completely for the next few days. My family is European and, for us, December 24th is the big event. When my kids were little it was always Christmas Eve with my parents and I, then Christmas Day pickup by dad at 11 am and home around dinner. Now they see dad and co. before Christmas and we have two full days together with my mum.

    I hope you all have a wonderful holiday! :BlowKiss:

    A very Merry Christmas to you, too, Bella!

    akim...loved your post. I was in a store yesterday waiting for a sales guy to help me pick out an inexpensive digital camera for Alex and my cell phone rang. It was my mom calling from the assisted living residence. She...was confused, said I'd never given her my number and so she'd had to get 'everybody here' to help her 'find' it.

    I found myself feeling so impatient listening to her. I just wanted to hang up. And I know it's because I haven't visited her recently and I feel guilty. I was supposed to take her to her doctor's appt. last Wednesday but ended up having the visit to the endodontist from hell that afternoon, so hubby took her. There have been other opportunities to visit, though.

    As I sit here at work listening to Clay sing holiday songs "Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas...now", I think of how the holidays must feel like for my mom and for other elderly people with even more advanced dementia...What do the holidays MEAN for them?

    In San Francisco this weekend, the family did some shopping. We were on a city bus and a guy started doing that 'guess which cup the button's under' thing. Carrie was fascinated and was calling out the answer and the guy gave her a dollar! She thought she was hot shit. :cryingwlaughter: So a little later after we shopped for Christmas gifts, she and I were waiting outside a store waiting for hubby and Alex, and a very down and out man in a manual wheelchair pushed himself by us to stop at nearby. He was breathing hard from the exertion of pushing and his shoes were hardly in one piece. He had smiled, though, when he went by.

    I turned back and waited and then Carrie said, "Mom, is it okay if I give my dollar to that man?"

    I said, "Sure, honey, if that's how you'd like to use it." So she did and when she came back, she said, "That felt good!"

    :wub: So I talked with her about the idea of 'pay it forward' and she was a happy camper.

    When I think of that---That little dollar won't buy that man much, but I bet it made HIM feel warmer, too. So maybe I can't be everything to my mother, or do everything right or be able to make her happy all the time...but maybe just a little bit now and then will be good, huh?

    [/schmoopie post]

    Aww, I loved your schmoopie post, muski. Hugs for {{{you, Carrie & your mom}}}.

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