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Posts posted by annabear

  1. muski :naughtywag: :lmaosmiley-1:

    Um... yeah... Reed is definitely a cutie! :tasty: But I still prefer Mr. Aiken... :Iluvclaysbutt:

    Via Rainlover -- thanks to laughn at getclayaiken for posting...

    New photos of the 2007 Holiday on Ice Show

    Aww, rehearsal pics... how CUTE! Thanks, ldyj!

    And, on another note completely.....also posting this, hope it isn't a duplicate but if it is I don't care because I'm SO PROUD OF TBAF!!

    TBAF Inclusive Learning Service Projects

    Here's some fuller information, from CANN:

    Together We Make a Difference

    Congratulations, TBAF...Kristy, Aron, Diane, Clay!

    I read about this last night! LOVE it! Yay TBAF!!! :clap:
  2. liney23' date='Jan 29 2009, 12:18 AM' post='99714'

    Caro listen.gif

    Caro... where did you get that song on the little black box... When I Need You. I have never heard it before and thought I had heard every song Clay has ever sung. Can I download it somewhere? I LOVE it! I enjoyed your blog a bunch! Thanks for sharing!

    liney, it was on one of the many different versions of the OMWH CDs. My memory fails me as to wheter it was on itunes, or WalMart or whatever but hopefully someone will get the answer to you.

    Actually, it was on the K-Mart extra of ATDW, and as someone has already pointed out, the QVC version of OMWH.

    That was If You Don't Know Me By Now. :)

    I'm loving all the talk of Australia, its history & culture. Something to investigate.

  3. Posted by BEEDAWN at CH regarding the "Fascinating Queers: Clay Aiken: Measuring the Man" article:

    Lorrette C Luzajic from Gay Online Magazine has made a comment on her blog:

    Hey, thank you all so much for writing your thoughts! I’m glad most of you enjoyed my article and I hope you’ll stay tuned for all the Fascinating Queers I’ll be bringing to you regularly.

    I have carefully considered what some of you have insightfully remarked on, in reference to the stereotypes or names and puns I used about Clay- and use often in much of my writing, about myself, too. I enjoy wordplay and have a rather twisted sense of humour, and I respect it if not everyone is amused. I hope the affection is clear, however, in my intention. I firmly believe in that ‘reclaiming language’ stuff- that taking the bite out of words by playing with them lovingly changes their sting and gives them a sweetness, or puts their charge in my court instead of ‘theirs.’ I think it started for me a long time ago when I was 13 and everyone called me a fag hag at school because my best friend was clearly, shall we say, unique. It felt so hurtful until one day I discovered ‘hag’ means holy woman and I became quite proud of the term. Still, it’s not really a political act but a playful one. You’ll likely find my wordplay in future writing, but I’ll try to be clear and inoffensive!

    I also chuckled at the idea that I’m a closet Clay fan? I think I was quite open to gush about my crush- it’s not a secret that I think he’s a living doll.

    thank u all, please feel free to write me

  4. Hmmm... I read it as a Reed word! :imgtongue:

    Winter here, summer in Australia! I'm thinking Qantas has a zone thingie - some of our Aussie buds need to tell us which is the best itinerary as Australia is a titch large...Qantas mentions a Wine and Culture one (Los Angeles to Sydney to Melbourne to Adelaide to Brisbane to Los Angeles) but it doesn't seem to include koalas and the reef (I'm a touristy tourist!)
    Koalas, the reef, and kangaroos are musts!


    looks like you took pictures of my back yard. So pretty as long you don't have to drive in it. So happy I have today off :)

    That it is! I'm glad you have today off, too, if it's anything like it has been here!

    I told my boss last night, as I left work in the middle of a pouring sleet storm, that I was NOT coming in today if we even just got another inch of snow overnight. Dumb ass that he is, drove into work this morning right in the middle of the blizzard (literally) that hit during rush hour and then sent all of us an email about how he hoped he could get home! :rolleyes: Then the office finally sent out an email around 11:00 about understanding people's concerns about the weather, giving them permission to leave early... it stopped snowing around 12:00 and now the sun is trying to peek through the gray sky.

    Hmmm....Clay is Wicked Awesome!
    Another thread title? Or we could use Clay's own quote:

    My game is wicked
  5. Snow/ice day here! :deepersnow:





    ''My game is wicked,'' Aiken admitted from the Mirasol Country Club in Palm Beach Gardens Monday. ``I just tip the ball in. I don't have the patience. I think my handicap is like 7,000!''
    Interesting choice of adjectives. *g*

    6 years and counting and he's still curling toes.
    Thread title?

    I love Chinese - it's simply one of the few things I won't put cheese on to eat.
    I have to agree with that. Cheese? Good! Chinese food? Good! Together? Baaaaad!

    Australia in the summer for the short clad dudes of course!
    Which would be winter for us, right? :lilredani:

    I'm in for the trip to Australia! Gday_kangaroo.gif

  6. Ok I was thinking. I know some of you Clay encyclopedias can help me. Remember when Clay did the Billboard radio interview/countdown back in 2003/04 and they played his favorite song at the end. And it was some unheard of R&B duet? I can't remember the artists..I think Patti Austin and James Ingram or it could be Peobo Bryson and Anita Baker heh. Anyway, if it's James Ingram I just have to laugh. Really, although a great singer he is not all that well known. The majority of his hits came as a result of his work with Quincy Jones. Q has a stable of singers he calls up for stuff and James is one of them. Clay and I are probably one of the couple of folks that actually bought James Ingrams's solo debut album. I don't think it did well and don't think he's had many since then...at least I don't think so. The man can sang though. I love his duets with Patti Auston -- Baby Come to Me and How do you keep the music playing.

    ETA: And let me make this clear..Clay would have had to buy the album at a garage sell since he was probably 3 when it came out. :hahaha:

    It's James Ingram & Anita Baker, "When You Love Someone". :)

  7. Out of all the songs he knows he picked a downer that he does not like enough to remember the words to.

    Isn't that a bit of a leap, though? Supposedly one of his favorite songs on MCWL was MDYK -- which we all know was a major Aiken Random Lyric Generator moment for him in concert. I don't think I would assume that because he forgets the lyrics, he doesn't like the song.

    As for his song choices -- to me, it's almost always "hey! He's singing! Good enough for me!" It may be songs he's sung several times before, but he add subtle (my term, not Clay's *g*) differences to each and every version, and I revel in the voice.

    In the meantime -- heh. I watched TITM -- and honestly, will probably never watch it again. Much better than the old high school version, to be sure, but I just don't get that one. IDHTH, though -- OMG. This song has always been one of my favorites since it came out in the early 1990's, and I think Clay did a magical job with it. I'll be watching it over and over and over again.

    Strange but true story for me -- this is the second song Clay has covered that has a connection to an old boyfriend. The other one was ICMYLM. I suppose you could see how THAT whole relationship turned out. Heh.

    Aiken Random Lyric Generator?

    Also known as ARLG - the fandom's affectionate reference to Clay's occasional memory lapses in the middle of songs. *g*

    Is that one in the glossary, claytonic?

  8. Scarlett, dear, thank you sooooooo much for the Clack! :BlowKiss: Do you think you can send some FL weather with the next upload? PLEASE?!?! :cry: We woke up to about 2" of :snowing2: yesterday, 4" more of :snowing2: this morning and another 4"-6" :deepersnow: are expected tonight, along with sleet and freezing rain. Oh GOODY! <_<

    I wanted to work from home & took my laptop, but couldn't get into the network this morning. Unfortunately, our company culture is such that you're considered a slacker if you don't want to put your life in danger getting to the office, so after an hour on the road and several interesting near-incidents, where I got waaaay to cozy with some street signs and mailboxes, I'm here. Until it starts snowing/icing again this afternoon. :freezing:

    I'm incredibly easy where Clay's concerned. :lipstick: It was just so damn good to hear him singing last night, I really don't think I would have noticed the roof caving in around me. I FLOVE his version of IDHTH. And POYB. And RHW. And TITM. Ok - ALL of 'em! I don't even like Mandy, but if it's Clay singing, I can deal. :flirtysmile3:

  9. I didn't have time to lighten up the clip (the lighting was very dark, just like at the Gala in October) and this is mpg (DVD-quality) but here's a link:

    I've sent it to geekette so it will be on CH, CV and CU but this is for those who waited up to see it...

    This Is The Moment (mpg)

    Thank you!!! It's going to take about 36 minutes to download, which should be just about the time I finish my paper. *muah* :BlowKiss:
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