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Posts posted by annabear

  1. I wanted to tell you guys

    today in the mail was my niece's Clay Spamalot poster.

    Instead of being signed by just Clay the whole cast signed it :)


    Clay's signature is way up at the top alone

    and everyone else is way at the bottom

    That is so cool! :nana:

    Jaycee, thank you for sharing your thoughts & feelings today. If I were to guess, I'd say that a lot of other fans have felt similarly to you at different points over the past 5-6 years. Everyone has their own filters and experiences, as bottle pointed out, that create their own version of Clay Aiken in their minds. Then something is said or done that doesn't fit that version and people have to readjust.

    To say he's been through a lot since AI2 is an understatement and, of course, he's going to have changed in some ways, but I think the essence of Clay is still exactly the same.

  2. I really only have issues with some things. Not enough to go pay someone for anything. Certain things just take me longer (reading & writing ) and I see words & numbers backwards a lot of times. I did get my Associates Degree in Social Services and was on my way to a BA when I run out of money.

    Don't give up on going back at some point to finish your BA if that's what you really want to do. :friends: I just finally started back this past summer after lack of money, fear of working full-time & juggling school, and life in general got in my way for quite a while.

  3. From toni7babe at CH:

    Friday night treat!

    I found these on a PUBLIC FB just fooling around the other night after following some links after other pics had been posted.

    I wasn't quite sure if I should post them but they were on a PUBLIC FB as I said AND I figured if I didn't post them someone else would and claim to be a insider.


    from Spamalot




    Don't ya just love him to death???????????

    ETA: Links fixed


  4. To continue along that line... So, when there's a combination of 1st, 2nd and 3rd person nouns, what's the order? Is it 3rd, 2nd and then 1st, ie. "Clay, hon, would you stop re-aligning those milk bottles so that Reed, you and I can play with those balls that KAndre tucked into my white elephant goodie bag?"

    OK, if you're having that conversation, I think the 1st, 2nd or 3rd person question would pretty much be a moot point.... :naughtywag:

  5. Re-posting the pic from the previous page with the recap by lisajluvsclaya:

    I was fortunate enough to be at Spam last night. Eric Idle was sitting behind us. Very cool. He has a great laugh. Well when he went up on stage I turned around to sneak a peak at Clay. All I could focus on was his gorgeous face that was just beaming with joy. I didn't even notice the clothes he was wearing. I did see him before the show and thought he looked adorkable. He was the same Clay that I've loved from the beginning. Here are 2 photos that I managed to take. Not the greatest, but security was right in the aisle near me.


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