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Posts posted by annabear

  1. Heh, some gay-centric board. *rolls eyes* I've slept with lots of the members and not even one of them gave me a little action. :hahaha:

    BWAH! :cryingwlaughter:

    .... I don't do aliases, I am always luckiest1 on every board, even if it is non-Clay-related.

    Wellllll, unless it's out of your control .... I seem to remember a "lickiest1":lilredani: running around here a couple of years ago?

    Heeeee! :hysterical:

  2. Cute sweatshirt Reed!

    Hmmm.... heeeee! What were we chatting about the other day, cindilu2? :hahaha:

    OMG a friend from JUNIOR HIGH and high school...and we lived together our first year of college contacted me on Facebook. LOL...OMG

    I had a friend from 4th grade contact me the other day! Then, today at work, one of the cashiers in our cafeteria asked me if I went to a certain high school - turns out she's married to a friend's brother-in-law. Small world. :)

    Oh and keep your fingers crossed -- a couple of job possibilities are floating around - and I'm learning more and more it's not what you know but WHO you know.

    Good luck! :BlowKiss:

    Work, puppy & this last week of school are keeping me beyond busy. I check in every now & then, but don't have much time to post.

    Good to see Clay presenting an award to Tyra! :clap:

    Love the new banner! :flirtysmile3:

  3. When people realize that Clay Aiken is NOT their friend (worthy or otherwise) they will be far better off. What part of 'private' facebook do they not understand? Maybe they could locate my missing IQ points and absorb a couple for their very own.

    I loved the blog from Clay & message from Reed, although I hate that they had to write about such a subject. Sad.

    Speaking of Facebook and privacy and 'friending'... has anyone ever received a request to 'friend' themselves - from themselves?! :huh:

    ETA: Ok, it's some 18 year old girl (supposedly) from Italy who has the same name! :lol:

  4. And you know...if one of you would just go ahead adn make vacation plans, Clay would announce something for the rest of us.


    Done. I'll be in CA the 2nd & 3rd week in August for a friend's wedding, which means Clay will either tour out there the week before or after and will be in OH while I'm in CA! :P

    No "porky pies" :lol: here, claytonic! I just usually have my gmail open & minimized all day. And I just got back from lunching with the "cutest" puppy. We're starting to walk around the neighborhood, but it's slow going because he thinks every.sinlge leaf, rock, flower, blade of grass, etc. has to go in his mouth before we can walk past it... :rolleyes:

  5. I am going to state categorically that I will miss our current thread title enormously in a couple more pages... :cry4::cry4:

    Can we immortalize it in some way somewhere??? Can we??? Ideas???

    It might be a good title for our photo gallery??? Something???? I love it so... :clap::clap::clap:

    Hee! I see Couchie listened to your plea. :) I also think claytonic's idea a while back about starting an ongoing thread for our "how I became a fan" stories is a good idea!

    I honestly and truly cannot remember a single pic of any puppy (including my own) that is as adorably cute as your Gnocchi. Really and truly, those eyes, that face absolutely melts me! I had sneakily saved the one of him watching sports on TV because initially THAT was the cutest pic, the expression on his face.... but now I steal all these as well. Um, is there any copyright breach....

    If I were one of you cats, I'd be pretty miffed about sharing my space with something that cute...

    :cryingwlaughter: I guess I'll let you of the hook on the copyright thing! The cats are actually adjusting fairly well. I did baby gate my office, which is where their food, water & toys are, and the hallway back to the bathrooms & my bedroom, so they still have their own space that can't be invaded by that cute little monster. Of course, they are able to jump over the gates, so they are free to re-invade their space in the living room anytime they please.

    I have to say, his cute little face matches his cute little personality - he is the most loveable/loving little dog I've ever seen! He absolutely LOVES to be petted and held and around people. He's doing incredibly well with his crate & potty training too. All around just a great little dog!

    Thanks for the pretty pics, Gibby! :flirtysmile3: I wanna do Clay too - a concert, of course... :hahaha:

  6. Good idea for a thread, Fear.

    One thing I haven't figured out, partly due to time constraints - how do I participate in the notes when friends "tag" me? I'd like to fill them out for myself, post to my page, and tag others, but I haven't quite figured that out!

    Another good way to find friends is through your work and education history. Since we moved from CA to OH when I was in junior high, I still have friends, and people I wonder what happened with, from my early school days. I've actually reconnected with several in the last few months on FB. :)

  7. anna... get Ayr (or some other brand) saline solution and irrigate your snus several times a day. It will help the infection go away faster. Have fun with your puppy (did you, indeed, name him/her Gnocchi???

    I've got the saline solution. I'm hoping I'll start feeling better tomorrow 'cause today I feel like absolute crap. :( So far, so good with puppy, though. :) Still trying to decide on the name. The only thing I'm not sure about with Gnocchi is that it starts out sounding like 'no', which is a very important word in puppy vocabulary! My mom was going to wait until next week to come down and meet him, but decided she couldn't wait. :cryingwlaughter:

  8. Fortunately the bitchers and complainers at OFC really are the minority and it is possible to skim past their inflammatory posts.
    Especially if you have them on IGNORE! :hahaha:

    I don't find myself visiting that board very often but will still fork over the money just so I can rush over there when I read those magic words. "He blogged"

    I have faith in Clay and I believe with all my heart that he has good things in store and just needs time to make it happen. I am very excited to see what is next!
    Me too! :clap: Good luck with the job opportunity and the unpacking, claylove. :friends:

    I just returned from the doctor.... my cold has turned into yet another full-blown sinus (or snustm {{{cute singerman}}} with the sore jaw) infection.... <_< I'm looking forward to heading home soon. Don't think I'll be getting too much rest tonight with puppy joining the household, but at least it's FRIDAY!! :7:

  9. Anna

    Forgot to tell you that your puppy is so cute :) what kind of dog is he/she?

    Thanks, tribeca. :) He's a Chinese Crested Powder Puff (link). When breeding them for show, people let their hair grow long. My friend keeps her dogs in what she calls a "puppy" cut, which is shorter, curlier cut. That's what I plan to do. I'm not spending more time per day on my dog's hair than I do my own! :hahaha:

    Thanks, 00lsee & ausdon! I did post it in the blog comments, as well as in the thread at the OFC.

    Must head back over & renew.... :Iluvclaysbutt:

    liney - Don't sign in, click on "Fan HQ" and the renewal info should pop up.

  10. My new name idea for BAF was Inclusive Children's Action Network -or- ICAN. To expand the focus to all, not just children, "Children" could be replaced with "Communities".

    I certainly hope Clay's feeling better soon - our version, not his. I can imagine Jaymes has her hands full with a 6 month old and an impatient patient.

    Heading home to do final puppy-proofing tonight before the little guy comes home with me tomorrow! :puppykiss:

  11. couchie, a trip to San Diego is nothing for us SoCal types. It's 2 hours, and it takes 2 hours to get anywhere down here if you hit the traffic wrong. OR I could do my new favorite thing and take the train! The bus/train combo thing to Fresno was awesome!!

    :hello:Perma! My mom, grandma, aunt, and I used to take the train from Fullerton down to San Diego every summer. Good times. :)

  12. My sister and I were just talking about this list the other day . She calls it her "travel bucket list".

    Hers had Italy on it and mine featured a lot of Canada. How about everyone else?

    Italy, Australia, Egypt, Ireland, Scotland, more of England & France, the rest of the US, Canada.....

    Why, yes, I am planning on winning the lottery, retiring and traveling for the rest of my life! :lilredani:

  13. Slightly OT, from the CH:

    Slightly OT but this is a video from a public Facebook of Reed dancing last night in a benifit called Defying Equality on Broadway.

    Defying Inequality

    I changed the title of the link to the correct title, and I haven't watched it yet...

    Thank you! How bad is it that I kept expecting to hear Clay sing? :hysterical:

    ETA: Glad I wasn't the only one, luckiest! :lol: It really was a very moving performance with a great message. And Reed is not only a cutie, but a wonderful dancer. Very graceful.

  14. But think about it! $400 round trip airfare to gay Paree - a cheap hotel in the 7th arrondissement somewhere by the Eiffel Tower (because we're tourists, dammit!), a 3- or 4-day weekend - you gotta admit, that would totally rock! We could go to Clay's thread and invite him - he's cheap too! First week in May - we could do it, mon chere! I'm sure there's a Renoir in a salon just waiting for us!

    OMG!!! If I can get a pet sitter for that weekend, I'm soooo IN! I LOVE Paris!!! :twinklewhore:

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