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Posts posted by annabear

  1. Found out some very sad news this evening, a nurse that worked at my hospital and that I had supper with most evenings when we worked at the cafeteria, died last evening after a seizure, she was 24 years old. We are all in a state of shock. She was such a sweet girl, made me laugh a lot, loved teasing me about my fandom of Clay. So I'm mourning tonight!!!

    Oh my goodness, how tragic. My condolences to you, {{{preden}}}, and to her family. :hug:

  2. {{{00lsee}}} That bronchitis crap is mis.er.able. :bloomingflowers:

    AWESOME Ireland pics, cha cha! You're making my travel bug act up! :thankyou:

    ETA: Great story, Pax! You're adding to that acting up of my travel bug!! :bier:

    I have a pic to share, but it's not quite as exciting..... :hysterical: Gnocchi got his first "big boy" haircut last week, just in time for summer:


    I was so happy to see that he still has his coloring because a lot of times this breed seems to fade out to white with peachy/tan spots as they grow. Next milestone will be getting snipped!

  3. I'm sure Clay is well aware that his words will most certainly be picked up & spread around. I'm also sure he knows that most of the time it isn't necessarily "fans" who do the spreading. I agree that his thoughts regarding prop. 8 are one of the good things to be circulating. :)

    Frid, important meeting with social worker and special educator for my son Thursday morning, please send us good thoughts. He has special needs that need to be worked on, takes a lot of patience and energy.

    {{{preden}}} Hang in there. My special kid is graduating high school next week! I never thought I'd see the day.

    Thanks! He's beginning a 29 week program in July in order to get him eventually a job. He gets so stressed out with anything new. I'm so thankful for special educator assigned to him.

    Good luck to you & your son, preden. :hug:

    And congratulations to you & your son, luckiest! :woohoo:

  4. Haven't had much time of late, but I am aware of the brouhaha over the blog... My $.02 is that I'm just not seeing the supposed dissing of Adam. I saw Clay expressing his opinion about a performance he saw. I saw Clay expressing his opinion about possible perceptions surrounding the situation. Hell, I haven't seen or heard a second of AI this year, but I know all about Adam from the media (over)exposure.

    I saw Clay expressing his opinion - one that I fully agree with - about the joke that AI has become. Especially the judges and their not so subtle antics. As someone who's actually been through the process, I think he's a hell of a lot more qualified to speak to those points than many who throw their opinions around like gospel.

    He's fully entitled to speak his mind. I didn't see him telling anyone, anywhere that they had to agree with him.

    Some want him to speak out more. Some want him to "shut up and sing". Some aren't happy either way. Ever.

    C'est la vie.

  5. Another commercial for Spam. I may go see it for old times sake.


    ETA: Great seats available for Spam. I'm trying to find a cast list. I thought I heard Meryl was going to be in it somewhere.

    Merle is travling with the Spam tour. :) Rick was also supposed to be joining the tour, seems to me in LA. Not sure if just there, or he is continuing on.

  6. Awww, Maggie is absolutely adorable, merrieeee! Looks like she's doing quite well. :)

    p.s. hope your newest baby is on his best behavior for his mom today!!

    "Best behavior"? I don't think he knows the meaning of those words!! :hahaha: Now "doggie biscuit" he knows and will do just about anything for... he's getting big ~15 lbs.



    Thanks to all for the recaps & the Clack! :BlowKiss: Clay looked & sounded grrrrrreat! :clap:

  7. A very :happybirthday04: to ncgurrl!

    Love the Cuteness Trek theme, bottle! :hahaha:

    While I most definitely think Parker is an absolute doll, I have real issues with the paparazzi taking pictures of celeb's children and splashing them all over the internet. :grrrr: Did I mention I think he's a doll? :wub:

    Been fighting a combination of the flu (even though I had a flu shot... <_<) and a sinus infection this week. Double the trouble, double the fun. I'm feeling better, but still pretty crappy. :drugsneeded: < - - - Let me clarify - I need better drugs! :mallet:

  8. Hey gang -- need to ask a big favor for some prayers for my Mom. She fell this morning, and broke two bones in her pelvis, plus a bone in her arm, plus she had fluid in her lungs. It's not looking good at this point. You might not see me for a while....

    Oh dear! Sending prayers & healing thoughts her way. :hug:

    Glad MamaTomato is coming home! :thumbup:

    :clap: for luckiest son!

  9. Just as long as Simon doesn't reproduce. That would be ghastly, dreadful, self-indulgent, cabaret... :kotz0:

    well Simon & the baby could share t-shirts

    BWAH! :hysterical: :hysterical: :hysterical:

    He answered mine too!! I did not think he really would answer mine. I asked about Ruben & dancing with the stars.

    Congrats! :clap:

    Interesting about the personality traits of the blood type, wanda.

  10. :happybirthday01:MomOfLdyJocelyn :bloomingflowers:

    The youngest that I nanny for had her 10th Birthday Party tonight. She is so happy to be in double digits :)

    she asked her friends to bring new stuffed animals for the children's hospital. It was so sweet! The girls all bought animals they picked out and some even made cards to go with the stuffed animals. Her friends also made donations in her name to the hospital. They donated $75.00!

    Awww, this is GREAT, tribeca! I love hearing stories like that. They reaffirm your faith in humanity a bit. :)

    Belated congrats, claytonic, on your lotto win! :tomato::dancingpickle::whoo:

    Love the question & answer session at the OFC! :snoopy:

  11. I think the bigger question is...why do I care? I'd much rather celebrate Clay and his achievement this evening. It sounds like his speech, while fairly off the cuff, had some good humor and some good emotional feeling to it.

    So to the criticizers, whomever they may be...I don't care.



    I'll take Clay any day.

    Thread title?

    I like what he had to say in his speech. Very Clay. :BlowKiss:

  12. EEEEEEEE! I just scored discounted $10 tickets to the Easter Bonnet on Monday. I had no idea it was on that day, but I just saw it on Facebook. We're gonna be busy!
    Cooooool - congrats! :clap:

    If you live near water, I'd suggest a beaver or nutria...or possibly a muskrat. The only other brownish, floppy, low-to-the-ground creature I can think of is the Simonous Cowellious, but I believe that is native only to California.
    BWAH! :hysterical: It almost looks like a ground hog, but I don't think they've got tails like that...
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