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Everything posted by annabear

  1. And I bet he would (for all children) if he could. *sniff* That ^^^ certainly puts things in perspective.
  2. I posted yesterday at another board how much I'd loooove some clack of Clay in that all black tux. Yum! And I really do wish Ruben & his lovely bride all the best.
  3. Oy! I see what people mean when they post about us being chatty! I went to bed early last night & it's taken me a while this morning to catch up. Thankfully most everyone else in my aisle here at work is in meetings. Hmmm... *quickly re-checks calendar* And now, for my next trick, I will attempt to organize my thoughts regarding the many, many quotes I've collected below! Belle! As you might have seen, especially recently, we're not only a Clay-friendly board, but also a pet-friendly board. I love your dog walker story. I've done that before with a local shelter. I should look into doing it again - good for the body and the mind! And the pups!! Yes, he was....AND an excellent judge of talent. I'll never forget how PROUD I felt when he was on Ryan Seashit's show and talked about Clay having one of those unique voices and then listed people like Streisand, for God's sake, as examples! He "GOT" Clay...and I remember thinking, "SHIT! Merv, go get him! Be a business mentor to this extraordinary young man and help him realize his potential!" Merv Griffin was an uber-savvy media mogul...yet he always seemed to "keep it real", you know? Yes, yes and yes to atinal, muski, keepingfaith and whoever else talked about these types of talk/variety shows! On a side note - any Seinfeld fans here? - I can't help but giggle every time I hear Merv Griffin's name mentioned... I now always see the epi where Kramer 'rescued' the set from the trash and had it set up in his apartment. Every time Jerry, Elaine, George and/or Newman came over, he had them sit in the chairs and "interviewed" them! :lmaosmiley-1: WORD to all of this, HeidiHo! I don't really get into the shipping much, but I love, love, love seeing him with women like Tyra or Hannah because they're successful and talented in their own right, can keep up with his charm & wit, he seems comfortable with them and they seem to "get" him. It's just nice to see that kind of positive interaction with him, as opposed to say, Ripacrite. Hee - how about the iOP - infamous Ontario Posse? And I agree on the whisper-singing. For me, it's very effective in building the emotional intensity. AMEN!!! I'll be sure to let y'all know if/when the West Coast travel plans are a definite go, muski, couchie, scarlett & other possible posse peeps! Good thoughts and positive energy to all suffereing from health issues! :F_05BL17blowkiss:
  4. YAY!!! Wonderful news, gbmifan!!! :thbighug-1: I agree with both of your thoughts here, claygirl. From the beginning, this part - - - Painted on, life is behind the mask Self-inflicted circus clown I'm tired of the song and dance Living a charade, always on parade Has always made me wonder if he relates to that since he so often uses humor to deflect. Anyway, I love this song and I agree with whoever - was it couchie? - said about frailty and vulnerability and Clay never clinging to stereotypes. I don't get any gender-specific vibe. I just think of human frailty. *shrugs* Loooooong, slooooow day at work. Then it got a little weird/interesting towards the end. Not certain, but there's a chance I might be winging my way to your neck of the woods Bay Area FCA'ers around July 20-25...
  5. grammarian and drmchaser!
  6. What can we say? We enjoy celebrating a good thing when we see it. And this *is* where fans of Clay come to play!
  7. Hello and lizzy! Another Canadian, eh?
  8. Thanks guys. I think I'm going to go for the other opening. A lot can be accomplished in 9 months - a baby, for example... heh - and I've been sitting here doing diddly squat. It's draining mentally and physically to constantly have to be searching for things to do, not to mention completely unfair for my skills to be wasted. Especially in the current job climate as they're letting other people go... Good luck today, {{{luckiest}}}. I can completely relate to that feeling of not knowing what to expect in situations like that.
  9. Chris Sieber and I agree - loved them all. Would love to see any of them in another show someday. So much talent! And Clay fit right in there with the best of 'em.
  10. *yawn* Morning! *yawn* Must get coffee or Diet Coke or caffeine IV... something... Yummy new banner! The many handsome faces of Clay - I love it! Sorry about the knee, {{{ldyj}}}. :F_05BL17blowkiss: I forgot last night - Congrats to Alex, muski!
  11. 2010 it is, couchie! A few more pretties before I hit the sack, hopefully to have sweet dreams... g'night all!
  12. {{{{gbmifan}}}} :F_05BL17blowkiss: True, Scarlett. He's good enough all by himself - no alcohol needed!
  13. Ooooo! I'll hit Alaska & Antarctica with you, couchie!
  14. Great story about the Relay for Life, Cotton. Thanks for bringing it over. JustClay & Play, Stanley & Holly are adorable. ETA: But of course! :F_05BL17blowkiss:
  15. Looks like we've got a party going on! to all the newbies - marsha, LonelyNoMore, CM and Sidi! Grab a hat! or a bum! Have a drink and some snacks!
  16. Who knew? :F_05BL17blowkiss: More funny Clay - how could we forget this!
  17. Hi Sidi and Claymatron! :arg-dancing-welcome-whitebg-url
  18. Update on the new job front... they gave the job I interviewed for to someone else. But they have another position that they strongly encourage me to apply for. I get the feeling that the encouragement means that they don't have any other candidates and since the manager I interviewed with likes me and recommended me for this other position, I would most likely get it. The problem is: Do I want it? So I have some thinking to do tonight. I need to apply this week, the sooner the better, if I do want it. I think part of the problem with the job I interviewed for last week is that it's a level below where I've been for a while and they don't like to do that. I could care less about a "level" if it's a job I could do well and would like. [rhetorical whine] Why can't we all just find jobs we're good at, enjoy and pay enough for us to live decently and support our Clay habit? [/rw]
  19. AAAAAAGH! I was there too! Hee! Me too! I think "twinklewhore" here -> <- should be renamed "concertho"!
  20. Oh goody - lots of clips to rewatch or download this week! Thanks to everyone who's provided some. :F_05BL17blowkiss: Sidi
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