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Everything posted by annabear

  1. The next installment of Spot's recap as the Spama-Monk carrying the Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch.
  2. EEEEEEEE!!! Tuning in for the end of AI was a good thing tonight - our local station, WXIX channel 19 in Cincinnati, is going to talk with "one of Idol's most successful", Clay Aiken, tomorrow morning!
  3. again! Uh oh! :o Now *that* may be enough to make Clay superstitious! Hey, he's in the top 5 and I'm still not convinced there isn't something out there that will actually bump him up to 100,000 before it's all said & done. No sooper sekrit insider info, just my non-edumacated opinion. And even if that turns out not to be the case, he still did damn well! Thanks for using your voice & giving us a wonderful new CD, Clay! :F_05BL17blowkiss:
  4. He's probably read or heard that Clay had CDs out before AI, but didn't bother to check the facts - something that waaaay too many seem to skip anymore - and find out that his weren't professional, label supported efforts. I totally agree with jmh upthread:
  5. I feel like I'm in an alternate reality today, reading the recaps from last night & thinking, "I don't remember that part...." Oh yeah, that's because I was asleep. D101! Can't wait to download it when I get home tonight so I can EEEEEEEE over his CUTENESS, too! I did dream about Clay last night. Unfortunately, he wasn't actually in the dream.... I was dreaming that I was trying to see him - at a concert, Spam, on TV, I don't know - and I kept missing him no matter where I went, or what I did!
  6. Unfortunately, yes. But looking on the bright side of life that does mean we're one day closer to Clay & Kimmel! Happy Birthday, Bookwhore!
  7. Thank goodness for Clack..... I was having a hell of a time staying awake & finally perked up when Jay said that Clay would be on after the commercial break. Damn commercials! I fell asleep & woke up just as Clay's time on the couch was ending!!! At least I did get to see/hear him sing pretty! Off to sleep.
  8. And now for something completely different.... Radio interview with WKVIL 103.7 in Texas
  9. Whatever the goal, whatever the prize, whatever the grail, whatever the 'numbers'...nothing, but nothing can change the fact for me that "On My Way Here" is a good album. A really, really good album. I love it. I just love it. So, regardless of the questions and unknowns and what ifs, with that voice in my ears, I'm chock-full of happy. I am so proud of Clay today. There's nothing you can't do, baybee. I'll have what ^she's ^ having! Plus, that makes me picture Sir Robin pointing to himself and nodding yes, when the LOTL looked at him while singing her song. Well, that's cool!
  10. I'm not worrying about the numbers. Didn't Jaymes post first day numbers somewhere over 17,000 on the OFC? And that was without a lot sellers reporting in at that time. So basically the HDD count so far is just one day. He'll be fine!
  11. Here ya go, Couchie: Broadway Beat - scroll down & click on "Broadway Cares / Equity Fights AIDS Order Form". ETA: In case anyone missed it and is wondering for certain whether Clay & Hannah's performance of The Prayer *is* on the DVD, here's the post from Spotlightlover at CH confirming: And I received this extremely articulate and erudite reply: So there ya go. *g*
  12. I unintentionally got Clay's CD some free advertising yesterday..... I had the WalMart version in the car on Saturday. When we got home from shopping Sat. night, I took the CD and tucked it in my purse so I wouldn't drop it, getting across the driveway & upstairs. Well, I forgot to take it out of my purse. Yesterday I ran up to Staples to get ink for my printer & thought it was odd when the security alarm went off as I entered the store. *Boggled* Got a few items, purchased them, started to leave when the alarm went off again. As I walked back to the counter, I opened my purse and there was Clay! We figured the CD must still have the magnetic security tag activated. This proved true when the same thing happened 10 minutes later at Bed, Bath & Beyond! ETA: His belly button, Cindilu?? He showed you his belly button?? :lmaosmiley-1:
  13. But it's also the night when Clay will be on Jay Leno. YAY!!!!! *always look on the bright side of life* True! :F_05BL17blowkiss:
  14. Me too. Did it really just end last week at this time? I miss reading the reports as they would come in about the little things he changed up & seeing the stagedoor pics. Now he's probably like, "HA HA! They don't know where I am from one minute to the next!" Tomorrow is Monday. Again.
  15. Yes, it is still raining! But! I did get tubes for the posters finally today & they're nicely wrapped in plastic and safely packed, ready to take to the PO tomorrow. I'll let you know the final $ then. There's no way I could even begin to put together a favorites list.... everytime someone mentions something I haven't heard in a while, I'd change my mind! The man is just too damn talented - thankfully for us!!
  16. Oooooooooh!!! Another Homefront fan here! I *LOVE* that show. Don't worry about paying me back for shipping your shoes, just please make & sned me copies of those DVDs when you get chance, Couchie. Thanks!! :F_05BL17blowkiss: I missed most of the CD listening party last night but while running around with my mom yesterday, we had OMWH on in the car. What's funny to me is how I find different songs running through my head. Yesterday it was Falling. Joining in with the positive thinking and energy for this album. It's seriously GOOD and really deserves a chance to be heard. I'm so freaking proud of Clay Aiken! Happy Mother's Day to all the FCA moms - including those, like moi, with furry little 4 legged children!
  17. Late to the party! Re "Sacrificial Love": That's exactly what I thought, too. Wasn't expecting it, but love it. Makes me sad. BWAH! Reading backwards.......
  18. I've got a couple of songs on vinyl, too, never played. Loved the listening party last night. I'm going to try to make it tonight, but my mom is coming down for Mother's Day weekend, so may be doing some mother/daughter thing this evening. We'll see. This morning WIDTL was the song in my head, particularly Either you're gonna resuce meeeeee, or you're gonna be the death of me....... Thanks for brining over the latest installment of Spot's Spam recap, luckiest. I'm totally fascinated by all of the stuff that goes on while we're sitting out there laughing ourselves silly!
  19. This was fun! My first listening party!
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