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Everything posted by Ansamcw

  1. EEEEEEEEEEEEE Night line is over.... that baby disco...is just weird.... EEEEEEEEEEEEEE
  2. Reports has confirmed...he looks fabulous...hee OMG...we better get some reports tonight
  3. I guess that's why his hair is short. How are they getting these reports???? I knew it!!! thats why he is non comittal about his plans... From CH: YES!!!!
  4. EEEEEEEEEEEEE...I don;t know but I am just bursting with excitement...I don;t care what happens tonight...I just wnat to see him...short or long...hee
  5. I cna;t stand the wait.... even watching Lost is not keeping me distracted... report ...report...
  6. Ok that was weird...as much as I like antonella...Marisa was fantastic OK...I used to like sundance...but hated him in hollywood...tommy sounded a lot better in those clips... weird choices. I do like antonella though...I hope she won't let nerves get the better of her. I like Jordin sparks...but the girls have all kinds of looks though so I can;t really say its the looks on Antonalla that got her through...and Marisa was also very hot,
  7. Ok this Alaina...is the first one I thought shouldn;t be there...she super suck!!!!
  8. Philip stacy is hot...and soudned good too. so far so good... Hee...Thomas lowe that has a lot of controversy surrounding him...didn't even wrrant a minute of screen time...BWAH!!! I really liek their choices so far...Chris sounded good...
  9. YAY santjaya made it...but his hollywood clip didn't sound too good... I'm glad Malaya made it...she was good and this last guy too... at least theya re showing the hollywood performance of the ones that made it.
  10. Not really...we are not keeping track of any amount. Thanks for joining... I was lucky enough to get some pins from pinmakers when I was running the gallery. I might donate them for the BAF auction. I;m sure they wouldn't mind their pins used for such a good cause. Still won;t let go of my CH pins...but I might have a few rare ones..
  11. oops I see ldyjocelyn beat me to it... DO NOT Mess up with the world dominatrix... hope nothing messes up Muski!!!
  12. So the big storm is coming tonight....we are anticipating a snow day tomorrow...so I won;t be home alone enjoying clack... EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE for the FCA gang on Kimmel...I hope you guys get great seats... wow that looks cool bottle...but I love that hi res closeup of Airport Clay....people find that fat???I find that GAH!!!
  13. Yeah I think we should just send the stuff to one perosn who will be in charge of the auction.
  14. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE have fun KAndre, Muski and Scarlett...can't wait to see you guys on TV... can;t wait to see CLAY ...EEEEEEEEEEEEE
  15. OMG he sounded terrible...where was the guy I really liked on auditions??? And I really feel bad for Bailey...that Amanda is terrible. I think Antonella actually was more sympathetic to Bailey. But I thought Bailey had more star potential than Amanda. I do love antonella. Oh the siging castro was taken out. I love Chris sligh's group. I am not seeing any stars...no way.
  16. I know...as a way to see who are the better singer it really is pointless but it is entertaining.
  17. Yeah it was funny cos I have heard all kinds of slight disses to big disses of Clay...but that really made me shout at the TV to say...WRONG...Clay sold platinum much, much faster...but did they say Rock CD? Cos then its true...but if not, they are just wrong.
  18. WOw that was harsh. I thought Jory was not bad
  19. EEEEEEEEEEEEEE love that picture of pissed off Clay....at least that means he is in Hollywood now right??? Short or long...this is going to make tomorrow night that much more exciting. So chat in Main...and of course we expect early reports from our beautiful FCAers. gosh you guys are funny...I don't have any new scandals. Maybe someone can find confessions of his former stylist....like....He really does carry epipens and pen lights in his front pockets... :medium-smiley-070: ow...muski stop hitting me... I am so jealous of all Kimmel bound...I wouldn't mind of course if you guys will be prompt with your reports...heh have fun!!!!
  20. Hee....thats too cool!!!! Oh you mean people are actually reading??? Is it actually hitting its mark??? I feel so important...BWAH!!! SO how many times do we have to define POD people??? eta: hey claygasm have they made up a name for us???? I really think the pod poeple name was cool and appropriate...hope they have one as cool for us. I think what a lot of our lurkers don't understand....I don't need to have everything perfect...I accept that Clay will have problems...What I refuse to do is to keep whining about things I have no control over and cry over a guy that is a millionaire and who seem very happy...will be having two major appearance and maybe three...who has a single creeping up on the charts... I refuse to put down a CD that I really enjoy just because it didn;t sell a million...I refuse to hate on an old man that is trying to keep his company from doing a freefall in profits...I will not resent other artist that are having a break right now...and I refuse to see Clay as a pathetic little loser that can;t take care of his business. I will not cry over his career as if its over....and I will not keep trying to impose my own musical preferrence on him...I choose to see where he takes his music and support that as much as I can. I don't put him on a pedestal...I just want to enjoy him and his journey with all its peak and valleys.
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