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Everything posted by Ansamcw

  1. WOW....that is just beautiful!!!! how can people overlook that beauty just because the hair was a bit darker or not combed out right...sigh. the beauty is soul deep!!!!! eta: BWAH!!!!
  2. Amen sistahs!!!! Couchie does not rant too often but when she does its truly effective!!!! POD...POD...the call of the POD is strong. What I find really frustrating is that the pods want to have company in their misery. They don't like to suffer alone...they like to recruit people and to get people to be as miserable as them. WHY? What is the purpose??? I was arguing with one PODDIE once who seem to be their attack dog. She simply goes on attack mode everytime someone makes reasonable arguments against their conspiracy. She told me she feels she needs to attack all argument cos its important for the fans to KNOW what was done to Clay... They also feel that its better to spread the idea that Clay was screwed over than to accept that Clay may not be as hot as he was three years ago.... OOOOKAAAAYYYY!!!!! whats wrong with this logic...oh yeah...there is none... first of all...nobody knows what is happening with Clay's career. I was shocked to hear that they were taking "insider" infos as gospel. I used to know one of the people that had regular "insider" info. I knew for a fact she made stories up according to what SHE thinks is happening. Insider infos come from gossip that may be malicious or goes through all kinds of filters. SO unless their info is coming from Clay's inner circle...I just don't trust them second...what do they think fans should be doing with this info??? DO they think it helps Clay when fans angrily writes reveiws on amazon that Clay is getting screwed over???do they think it helps Clay when fans start to second guess what they should do...buy the CD or not? Request the song or not? that is just ridiculous. They think they have the power to influence Clay's career???? I don;t think so. The only effect we have is on sales of CD's, tickets and ratings. When people angrily refuse to buy a product because they are upset with Clive the only one that hurts is Clay. third...when they start to actually talk to people that can affect Clay;s career...like distributors...the media and other industry people and perpetuate the idea that Clay is fighting with his label...that is not helpful. Not only will if affect Clay's current relationships in his label..,if he is indeed moving to a new one...it just serves as more proof that Clay has a group of wacko fans that don't know when to stay out of his business, Finally...I do not understand what people are expecting from Clay's career....Yes it was a meteoric rise at first...but it cannot be that way all the time...there will naturally be plateaus and even some valleys. But that does not mean that Clay's career is over. That is actually showing very very little faith in Clay. The thing is...the POD mentality is very, very tempting sometimes. It is so easy to just put a blame on someone cos Clay is not selling platinum...it is easy to think that all that needs to happen is for Clay to change label and all will be well. Its scary to think that the problem here is that Clay does not fit the popular trends cos that is a harder thing to fight. I also think that for the fans that didn;t get their rockstar Clay...they want to believe that it is hidden inside Clay somewhere and it will be released as soon as he gets out of RCA...if people are really relying on this...all I can say is These Open Arms....Clay had a rock song in that CD...and HE took out the rock elements and made it pop....I think that tells us about Clays real musical direction. Nope I'm not a pod person.I really feel bad for them because everything is a fight and something of a disappointment. I just wish they wouldn;t ruin the fan experience for all of us. I used to be able to post in other boards...but now...I just find it too depressing to even read because there is so much bitterness. If they look around podland and see that its all pod people around them...they may make the mistake of thinking they recruited everyone...but they should look closely...they are just much much smaller now, because non pods have left and looked for other playgrounds... that is classic Bottle...GAH...quick...what happens as Muski whisks him away!!! you can;t stop there!!!! OK...other pod head spinning/exploding scenario...this is fun.... Clay has signed up to be BArry Manilows opening act in Vegas!!! Barry will produce his next CD... Yikes that one even scares me...hee
  3. YAY the Dixie chicks!!!! Great Job!!!
  4. I know I was really very impressed with the Chicks performance tonight I am very happy for Carrie. She wasn't my favorite her season...but i remember lots of AI fans were dismissing her because she was robotic or pretty pony princess and she is Country...but she made a good album..developed her performance skills...made the right moves...and she is reaping the rewards...good for her.
  5. So true... good explanation of pod people Play... Another common theme that has been bandied about the past few days...RCA hates Clay and so cheap that they didn't spend on his video... FACT: A big part of the expense for a video is shouldered by the Artist. FACT: Clay has already vetoed the release of the one video. He has chosen video directors that went for the simple concept. FACT: ATDW songs wouldn't fit in with MTV. To me it makes more sense to believe that the type of video they shot was Clay's choice. Why spend tons of money on videos that won't actually be seen on MTV and won't help with sales. They needed videos for internet presence and for ads on TV so they shot these in studio pieces. Makes sense IMO. What is the video for anyway...that is just for fans to see hot sexy Clay...maybe for the next album...
  6. WOW...Carrie apparently won 2 grammy's already best femals country and best country song... wow for her congratulations.
  7. So is anyone watching the Grammy's. Came in late but saw the Dixie chicks..they sounded great and looked beautiful and Beyonce...was good. Still kinda compensating for being overshadowed by Jennifer in the vocals department I think...but she didn't do such a bad job with Listen live. But Gah she was gorgeous...
  8. Bwah!!! Mr Muski is funny... totally understand about Alex...sometimes is scary letting them go and take chances...good luck with all that. CLay is beautiful...whatever his hair may look like.
  9. awww bottlecap...an almost tongue free smiling Clay picture all for ldyjocelyn...cool YAY Feb 22!!!!so cool!!!CLACK!!!!
  10. ldyjocelyn we could either go on MOAM...Demos...or...a review of AI Clay...in honor of the AI shows. I think Friday or saturday will be good. :medium-smiley-070: heh
  11. Oh you guys are too funny...I guess the reason that at times the public and the media forget he is a singer is that there is just so much to talk about him. But yes...in the root of it all is this mans incredible talent and voice. Yup listening to ATDW again yesterday..sigh it some good... I think its time for another listening party... calling ldyjocelyn!!!! so on the question of who is more sexy Clay or Taylor...who was answering? Someone from RCA??? How could that be??? Didn't this guy get the memo from Evil Clive...only negative stuff for Clay...sheesh!!! Divayenta...funny stuff.. (((Couchie))) although I know she got some good news too so YAY for her. Howdy rcknrllmom!!! :medium-smiley-070: :medium-smiley-070: just because...hee
  12. I think I stopped watchign this show when John Stamos started his thing with Neela. I just find Stamos is a poormans luka and George Clooney... I have been watching The OC at this time...now that the OC is about to end I might get back to it.
  13. From the public side of the OFC: EEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!! so he sure is taking a break...heh
  14. YUP that life is jsut full of tragedy...hope the daughter can grow up without the stigma of her moms life.
  15. I think that is why every little spin is important and requesting..with in reason is also a good thing. It lets teh PD know that there is interest out there. If this is not the one the label supports...then at least we are letting the PDs know that there is an audicne for him and thenext one with support will get put in the playlist that much quicker.
  16. YAY,,,happy for the great news GerogiaClay and what a cute not just us story... I like that list you have there bottlecap...hee
  17. I think what could possibly be the most annoying aspect of Clay as a friend...is what a tease he would be... Sigh...I do want to spend an afternoon just hanging around with Clay and his touring family. hee that thread is interesting I see some pictures I never saw before...specially the one from Krispy Kreme. He looked so young... hee love the picture of Clay and Quiana...
  18. I think it was reported that Barkely is on at another show I think on the Tonight show on the 14th.
  19. YAY muski!!! that is good news indeed!!! and your doughter wil always have this lesson that if you use your voice...things happen. Ah you must be so proud...and that picture is totally perfect!!!
  20. hee the kimmel rumor...of coures it would be freaking great if its true...BUT I truly doubt it...big salt mine for me there... but yeah!!!! Kimmel in a week!!! and we have three gorgeous representatives!!! I am looking forward to lots of recaps and incriminating videos and photos!!!
  21. Oh this guy is goood....I think he is better than Ruben.
  22. Oh this girls facial expression and weird mouth is much much worse than Clay's
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