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Everything posted by Clayzy

  1. OMWH got trashed? Gosh, there should be an encyclopedia of the Clay fandom or a comprehensive history of so I'm not always going
  2. Hear, hear! Speaking as someone who was bombarded with the sensation instead of the substantial until a few months ago, I can definitely say you hit the nail on the head with that one. I mean, I wouldn't be a Clay fan now if not for chancing upon a Tonight Show interview where his wit and quick humor blew me away... and then I heard the voice! But up until then, I was one of those, "isn't he the gay guy that didn't win" people. Hopefully, you're right. Now that he's out (and about) the speculation about his sexual orientation won't be the first (and often only) thing you hear about when Clay comes up anywhere. Maybe there will be future converts like me, who are introduced to a guy with a big heart, snappy wit, and phenomenal voice instead of just knowing him as a punch line.
  3. I love your signature, merieeee! Exactly how I feel!
  4. Oooh! Pretty new banner! (Surely that wasn't there when I posted before? How could I have missed the prettiness?) FearofH20--I couldn't help but LOL at your idea of having Clay lecture the 'Mates! That would be hilarious--plus, since he used to be a teacher and he's awesome, I'm sure he'd be great at it! If you ask me, if people are "angsting" over the idea of Clay doing another cover CD, they obviously just don't have enough faith in the awesomeness of Clay Aiken. He could sing me the Invisionfree terms of service agreement and I'd love it, so any new songs are obviously going to be coolness squared. Why do I always root for horrible football teams? *buries face in hands at the ND/USC final score*
  5. I'm not sure if it counts since it's not exactly Spam, but I often walk around doing that thing where he says the YWSOB line and then lets the Gala audience fill in the "Jews" part and then goes, "*gasp* How offensive!" I find it hilarious. Of course, nobody around me knows what the hell I'm talking about, so I get a lot of funny looks...
  6. I wish he'd do some more Christmas songs... Of course, that would mean waiting for a year, abouts, until his next CD. Christmas stuff would fall under the covers category, wouldn't it?
  7. OK, I'm going to showcase my newbie-cluelessness again... why ATDW angst? I loved ATDW. (I loved them all, so that's sort of obvious... ) Is it the covers thing? Wait, I think I do remember something about this... But! Wee! Under the Covers With Clay Aiken, Pt. 2!
  8. Oooh, pretties! I'm trying to get the "it's just not good" face (when he's talking about Irish food) because it looks a lot like this, but I'm... failing. ETA: Late again, I see. Also... what's up with that pixelation? Dangit.
  9. Ha! Thanks, cha cha trusty! I never would have even thought of that. Silly me.
  10. Oh, look, clayzycoffin has another random question. Does anyone know which date is the "THEY WILL BE LOCKED" interview? I've downloaded about six interviews between Jimmy Kimmel and Jay Leno because I can't remember which one it is. I love Clack, so it doesn't really matter how long it takes, I'd just like to have it... I've figured out how to do the screencaps (which is a major personal achievement) and I've been capping all sorts of funny Clay expressions. The "it's just not good" face, the "the turkey's been dead a while, Jay" face... I want to add the "THEY WILL BE LOCKED" face to my collection now.
  11. *yawns and trots on in* Oh, goody, are we still discussing Clay's hair/makeup/general Thanksgiving Day Parade appearance? I liked the color, not so much the style. Wish he'd kept the GMA coming-out style--and those sexy glasses! Whoo! OK, I'm done. I've got more WAYC to listen to. . . . Also, homework.
  12. So do I! Unfortunately, Clay is not 1) 24 anymore, 2) the star of a beloved vampire romance novel, and 3) doesn't open his shirt like that. Although, personally, I think he should!
  13. Man, I can't believe how much I've gone over for this guy! I literally squeaked when he appeared--and I'm not a squeaker! So pretty... even with the rockstar-heavy eyeliner and the crazy hair. (I wanted GMA hair! Red and spiffy! This was a little too... Can hair get caffeinated?) I loved the Parker mention! (Also, loved the lack of gay joke. That was refreshing.) Happy Thanksgiving all! Now that the sexpot isn't on TV, I've got to go figure out what dish I've been assigned!
  14. I find the "Clay and I aren't really friends anymore" thing kind of sad, whatever the context. Oh well. ETA: Haven't heard anything about Clay yet... *pins and needles*
  15. I see the reactions to the show are all over the place. Personally, my reaction was that it was reasonably funny but too, too short! I was going "That's it? Less than a minute and a silly little gay joke?" I was very sad that there wasn't any singing involved. Oh, well... Had to go Sir Robin-ize, I suppose. As for the show itself... Neh. Too much cheese for my particular palate. If I was still one of the 'unenlightened' and not a Clay fan, I probably wouldn't have sat through it. Definitely not the Alanis "Mumbledybum" Morissette part. Did anyone know what she was saying? Because I didn't and neither did the people I was watching it with... Something about Day 1? I agree that that Knight (who was he again? ) was verra, verra, cute... But they didn't give us enough full-on shots to give the full effect of the handsomeness!
  16. Augh! *dies* Glut of new Clay pictures... *pant pant* I don't care if he's twelve years older than me and gay. Hot... stuff.. too hot to *thunk* Wha-? I'm good! I'm OK. Just a little over whelmed by the new banner and the new pictures and the interview! :bigemo_harabe_net-24: ETA: I don't get it, is the problem with the Lance/Clay joke b/c it was only made b/c both are gay or over the joke itself? I thought the joke itself was pretty harmless... And I showed up on Google Alerts?
  17. Cindilu2--yay! Muskifest--boo! I'm sorry to hear you're in pain. I've had to have a lot of work done on my mouth too, so I can relate. *reads the stuff about the hyperventilators still obsessing over the Clay is Gay revelation* Man, people are stupid. Gay Clay, straight Clay--who cares? He's Clay Clay. Lotus, I use Videora and I really like it. It's very simple, which is good because I'm computer illiterate, and is also pleasantly quick. And I don't think it takes up that much space... Best part, it's a completely free download. It also downloads a YouTube converter, but I've only used that once. (I wanted the video for The Way... it was blurry, unfortunately. While the .wmv conversions' quality usually gets better when I put it on my iPod, the YouTube one stayed the same... I wonder why that is? ETA: BWAH, Claygasm! I'd be one of the few Clay fans watching the NFL Channel (you know... if I had cable... *sigh). They're a wee bit late aren't they?
  18. I think about all of Clay's appendages. Except the naughty ones. (Right? Riiiight!) Come on, I know I'm not alone! <--Hand porn anyone?
  19. Oh, right...like YOU wouldn't. :glare: Oooh! clazycoffin's a smutter! Welcome to the Dark Side... BWAH! You made my words all dirty! Because I am a sweet, pure, angelic little individual who never ever thinks about Clay's naughty appendages...
  20. The problem with making jokes about Clay other than about the fact that he's gay... What is there to joke about? I mean, this is a guy who doesn't smoke, drink, swear, or run around town without his underwear on. (I bet muskifest would like it if he did. ) So what are they supposed to joke about other than his unconventional way of starting a family, hairstyle (which they couldn't use this time because his hairstyle is so handsome), or fact that he's just not that into her? And as far as Jimmy's joke went, it wasn't that bad. It was funny without being overly mean.
  21. Wow, I know I'm late (again) but I have to say that "blond interview" was awesome! But his end comment made me go Bald Clay is only one letter away from "bad" Clay! Very bad Clay! Hey, luckiest1 you reminded me of a joke-- how do you know when someone is a true Claymate? If the house is on fire, they save the Clack first! Just kidding. I'm glad the Clack is safe.
  22. Yeah... I've never figured out how to fix that. Also... Poor Clay, getting upstaged by hangnails!
  23. I'm considering going to Twilight... I hope I don't have Gibby's reaction! *pats* Poor Gibby. Love the snow picture, cindilu2. Being a Southerner, I find snow to be very exotic and enviable. I imagine you feel differently! Oh, that Rosie thing reminds me, does anyone know (and I think I know the answer to that question) what network is Clay's Thanksgiving "guest" appearance going to be on? I was also wondering... did I miss his ET appearance or did it get canceled?
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