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Everything posted by Clayzy

  1. Awwwww... Thanks, justclay12. :big hug: I gotta warn you though. You only think they're cute because they're directed at me. The meanie-friend part of me also directs them at others.
  2. Awww... *pats Couchie* My father has horribly complicated glasses as well, so I have a bit of an idea of how hard it is. (I also wear glasses, but they just correct my dang nearsightedness.) I hope the rest of your week gets better. ETA: Thanks, luckiest1! I probably wouldn't have looked there.
  3. Whee, thanks, bottlecap! Now to put this little brain to work and figure out the media-converter... hah!
  4. Thanks for the recommendation. Also, the reason I was asking about conversion was because I was hoping to put his Idol stuff on my 'Pod and I didn't see any .mp4 versions of those. Is something other than .mp4 iPod-compatible? I'm sorry if I sound kind of slow... when it comes to computers, I'm pretty much illiterate. Thanks again!
  5. Those pictures are great!! Where can I get that latte? ETA: I got a new iPod today that has video capabilities. Can anyone tell me if there's a way to change .wmv files to iPod-compatible or is it not possible? And... does anyone have any good Clack suggestions? I can't wait to put stuff on my shiny new toy!! Thanks so much!
  6. Woo-eee, what a fabulous new banner! (Not that there was anything wrong with the old one, of course.) And, I love that picture with the puppy. *melts from the super-cuteness* Where does it come from?
  7. OK, so this is a bit off-topic, but I didn't know where else to post it (sorry... don't ban me! ) but does anyone know where to buy Clay keychains or stickers? I want a keychain either for my keys (imagine that! ) or to hook on my bag (possibly dangle from my rearview mirror...) and stickers for my laptop--but no idea where to find some. I tried eBay, but they only accept PayPal anymore and I don't have it. (Shame on me, I used the word "but" four times in those three sentences! ) ETA: Wow. I'm such a scatterbrain. Congratulations, ldyjocelyn!! That's awesome!
  8. Wow... *nnngs* I think my tongue just got stuck to the top of my mouth. I love this picture. He looks so... happy and handsome and... and... did I say *nnng*? I have a really good vocabulary, I'll have you know.
  9. Cool water and aloe vera. I use a gel aloe vera, but I think any type will help. Hope you didn't burn yourself too badly! I burned my arm once getting something out of the oven and still have the scar.
  10. Lol! I bet YOUR Edward has red hair... freckles... stands six-one... has gorgeous green eyes ... great cheekbones... a nose that defies description... and big feet! *says the person who hasn't read the Twilight books and was in the process of being born in 1990* Hey, I'm confused, what's all this about Clay calling Parker 'the kid' or whatever?
  11. Thanks cha cha trusty! I did end up finding most of them the easy way--just typed in the song titles on YouTube and it was typically the originals that popped up. This is even better though, because they're all in th same place!
  12. Thankee, Couch Tomato! ETA: Ut-oh! Another random, clayzycoffin question is bubbling up inside me! Can anyone tell me when/where Clay was presenting something with Kathy Griffin and she came out in a wedding dress? Also, do they have some kind of running... something? I'm confused...
  13. Yo, peeps! (Hee!) I was hoping to spend some time listening to the original versions of the songs on ATDW and discovered a problem. I don't know who sang the originals on ATDW. *sheepish* Is there a list somewhere that has that info? I tried Wikipedia, but... well, I'm lazy... Can someone enable my laziness? Or just toss out a couple, maybe? I know HYCA was done by Dolly Parton, BYLM was done by Celine Dion, and WY was done by Badfinger... Thanks so much!
  14. I needed to get my fix of FCA before going to continue working on not failing Philosophy and I have to say... Thanks a LOT, cindilu!!! Way to make all thoughts of William James dribble out my ears with that eye-bugging new banner!! Alright, alright, I'm leaving!
  15. Goooood evening, FCA!! I'm sitting here listening to clack I never would have found if not for this site and it's making me gloriously happy! (It's WYSYLM, unsurprisingly.) I felt compelled to yell out my thanks and totally interrupt whatever y'all were talking about because I really, really need to write my essay for Philosophy (gonna fail, but as long as I've got WYSYLM life is good) and don't have the time to catch up! :F_05BL17blowkiss: And now I'll stop being crazy and leave. And no I'm not, in fact, drunk. In fact,
  16. Yay, Clay has overtaken Carrie Underwood for the #2 spot on that 'Best American Idol' thingy!
  17. I misread that initially and got really, really excited for a moment there...
  18. I'd recommend the one from the Ryan Seacrest show before the IT. Clack Unlimited There's another good one here from Denver: Claymaniac's Ultimate CD - Independent Tour Thanks for those, jmh123. :F_05BL17blowkiss: I love The Way the bestest... or next to bestest (WYSYLM cannot be defeated!) and I knew I'd heard a really great live version somewhere.
  19. Well, yeah. I mean, I'm not saying that I expect him to be the same as he was there. I'm just saying for me, a new fan still trying to catch up on his five years in the business, it was surprising. I try to begin at the beginning, so I'm sort of stuck in the past on that account.
  20. Did you know M&Ms have vitamins in them? That closet joke WAS funny. I wouldn't say it was bad that Clay was there, just surprising to me. I mean, I just got done listening to Learning to Sing where he was talking about the Billboard Music Awards. I'm still in catching up to Clay mode. It's great if he made good connections there! Oh, by the way. Does anyone know a really good live version of "The Way"? I heard one once where he really kicked up the emotion near the end, but I can't find it anymore...
  21. Speaking as a sophomore... YOWZA. I've no halo, but holy crow to that roast! I'm confused. Did Clay crack any jokes or was he just the butt of a few? I learn more about Clay all the time. I wouldn't have thought he'd ever be involved in something like that. :o
  22. Augh!! :2: My random-question bug has bitten again! Does anyone know if there are any recent numbers on OMWH's sales? It seems a little painful hard to believe that it has only sold 180,000 copies...
  23. This doesn't have anything to do with what y'all are talking about, but I hope you don't mind a brief interjection. No matter what, Clay Aiken can cheer me up. Case in point: Riding around with my mother today, we stopped to get some groceries and came out of the store to discover we had a flat. My mother had to go get some Fix-a-Flat while I waited at the car. While we were pumping the tire up, I suddenly heard Clay singing "Without You" on the store's radio. And even though I was standing in a Kroger's lot with a flat tire, I laughed out loud. Thank-you, Clay! I needed a laugh at that moment.
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