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Posts posted by luckiest1

  1. And Claygasm..this?

    5. Everything I Do (I Do It For You)


    6. Why Don't We Do It In the Road?


    That must be one of the rockin' original songs from his Lost Album! summer07poster3ani.gif

    Wait........Clay wrote for the Beatles? :huh:

    7. Everytime you go away

    8. Run to me

    I'm hoping he mixes them up a bit. :medium-smiley-070:

    The origin of podville. I don't understand why fans have fans. I mean I like you all and all that, but I will not just take everything you say as THE WORD, I need logic and common sense in my discussion.

    Absolutely! They can spin whatever conspiracy theories they want, but when they look at the facts that we know so far about this tour (2 venues with 42 piece orchestra, most recent Clay album is orchestrated) and somehow manage to come up with the scenario that he will be rocking out with his band on new songs instead, they are bordering on delusional. I mean, I don't know that the tour will be ATDW heavy, but logically, and hell, just using plain old common sense, tells me it most likely will be. If it isn't? No worries! Clay can sing the phone book to me and I'd be happy. I'm not invested in my vision of what I think the tour will be. That's the difference.....they are. If it doesn't turn out to be what they want, some say they will not attend (no problem there), and others will probably attend and live to bitch about it (and these are the ones that I wish would just move on).

  2. You know, the way Clay seemed so reticent to even talk about LAA makes me wonder if HE didn't want it on the regular album because he was either insecure about it or because it was too personal to him. Maybe he had to actually be talked into even offering it as a bonus track.

    I've often wondered about this. It's one of the reasons that I'm not overly thrilled that almost every fan in Claynation seems to be building up all these huge fantasies around him singing this on the tour. As much as I love it and would kill to hear it performed live, I don't want to get my hopes up and then have them dashed. So I'm not letting myself even go there, at this point. If it happens, it'll be a sweet surprise. :)

    BTW your Clive scenario is hilarious. :lol:

  3. Rick, eh? Oooookay. ;) Still, nice review.

    jmh123, thanks for filling us in on who Bets is over at the OFC. I've gone to bat a couple of times against her already, but I had no idea who she was.

    I'm just giddy with excitement over this tour. Can you die from anticipation? Hee, I'm trying to be patient, but it's hard! I found myself looking up quotes from Clay about how he feels about orchestras. Here are a few I came up with:

    From around the time of the Alladin DVD release (and this one isn't verbatim, I am going to have to watch it tonight and see for sure):

    He says he got the chills when he was standing with the orchestra and they first began to play.

    From an interview prior to JNaT06:

    Q: You'll be performing in a relatively small venue when you sing at the Convention Center Tuesday and with an orchestra rather than with a band. How do you like the change?

    A: Both of those are good things. I don't want to sound like a politician, but having a smaller venue is exciting to me because there is not the pressure to sing to the back of the rafters. It's always hard to be a small speck onstage. You can't connect with the audience. With an orchestra and a smaller venue, you can just feel the music. You don't need ear monitors. You can feel the music because it shakes you and rattles you. Most of the venues in this tour are comparably sized, and it's been done intentionally. I like the shows to be intimate.

    From his Merrillvile banter (which I transcribed):

    Last year we had no orchestra, barely had a band, we had dancers and a whole bunch of me....stuff (audience laughs) and this year it's obviously quite a bit different, it's a lot fuller with the whole, with all this, stuff. (applause) I appreciate it. One of things I do miss, though, for the past 3 years <snip clack banter> one of the things that I've really missed over the past....this year, on this tour, is for the past 3 years we've had some extremely talented vocalists who've performed with us.

    I think the man likes singing with orchestras. :) I'm sure there are many more quotes out there. Anyone care to add some to my list?


  4. I guess those who have latched on to that word as gospel think he was just lying when he talked about it being Clive's "suggestion" and lying with what he said about Clive on the liner notes.

    Yeah, I was told in no uncertain terms on another board that those liner notes were obviously written under duress. Yes, Clay not only had to thank Clive, he had to say nice things about him as well! ;)


    With a 42-piece orchestra. And lots of strings.

    Are you insinuating orchestra's can't rock?! :argument: :09: :finger:

    Oops, sorry, forgot we aren't at the OFC......heh.

  5. So the NaT wasn't in support of MOAM then? Coulda fooled me. ::rolleyes::

    Is it too early to start a pool to guess what he'll sing? I figure we'll get somewhere between 16 - 20 songs (and if there's more than that, woo hoo!). I came up with those numbers by counting how many he did on the NaT and the JBT (and medleys only count as one). So, we could guess the set list, and if it's a song that we don't already know, we could use the place holder "new original song" or "upbeat cover" or something like that.

    Yeah, I'm bored at work today. :)

  6. It's really become a joke over there. I was replying but I've stopped now because there's just no way you can say anything that they can't twist into what they want to see. Now they're saying that even if he does sing some ATDW songs, that doesn't mean he is "supporting" the CD. So no matter what happens (and as far as I am concerned there is no way he's *not* going to sing them) they'll feel like they were right. ::rollseyes::

    I really pity the mods over there.

    I'm quite surprised that we don't have any more leaks today. I figured that even if we didn't get anything official, we'd at least hear about another venue or someone would read something on a band member's my space or.....well.....something! ::insert frustrated emoticon:: (hee, no graphics at work)

  7. The poddies thinking he will only do one or two songs from ATDW and the rest rocking new songs? That's called wishful thinking or total delusion. It would make no sense.

    Yeah, I spent some time over at the OFC on the weekend, and it will just make your head spin. Looking at the thing logically, I just don't see why he'd hire an orchestra unless he, you know, planned to sing with them for the whole concert, or at least the majority of it. And since his latest album just happens to be orchestrated.....well, I draw a fairly obvious conclusion. If he is planning to unveil new, rocking songs instead, then logically, they must also be heavily orchestrated, else why bring in the orchestra? Now, I'm not saying an orchestra can't rock, but........I think they're grasping at straws.

    Since Clay and I haven't discussed it, I have no idea what Clay is planning on singing. I bet even he hasn't come up with the exact set list yet! But if I had to guess, my guess would be he'll do mostly songs from ATDW, possibly one or two from MOAM <snip>, and maybe a few news songs - songs we haven't heard him sing before (and <gasp> they may be covers!). I predict some of them may be uptempo pop songs and some will be ballads and some will be green-eyed soul. I also predict he will not be whipping out his electric guitar and rocking out.

    Hee, I'm with ya on this whole paragraph!

    Put Clay on a stage and good times are sure to follow. He is a masterful performer. He will sing and how bad can that be? It will be fun - and if the poddies don't want to go see him sing songs from ATDW, fine. More good seats for the rest of us!

    I wish it were that easy. I've only read one person so far who says that they will not attend the tour if it is in support of ATDW. Unfortunately, I expect that the usual suspects will buy up all the good seats, and then come back and spread their disappointment across the boards. But it won't stop them from attending.

    Me, I'm not setting myself up for disappointment. I have no expectations, I am just thrilled that we are going to have a summer of Clay. Now bring on more venue announcements!

  8. I found the songs I really didn't like such as RHW (sorry luckiest!) aren't nearly as annoying as I remember! Maybe its a case of absence makes the heart grow fonder?

    No problem, I continue to enjoy it just as much as I always did, regardless of how others feel about it. :allgood:

    And now I am off to get my oil changed and my headlight fixed, iPod at the ready. :medium-smiley-070:

  9. So now they think Clay is just going to bring out this new CD in the summer without fanfare? Without any promo??? SO how do they think it will sell better than ATDW...just on the strength of their good wishes and faith in Clay and this cool music they think is in this CD???

    Absolutely they do. I've been asking those questions for a while now. I was also told that if LAA had been released as a single instead of ATD, it would have been a mega hit, even without $upport. Riiiiighghght.

    These people are living in fairy land!!!

    Hee, I needed that laugh.

    The only way I can see a new album squeezing in within 2007 is if its release in the last quarter...towards December. I don;t think Clay would want to forego his Christmas concerts to promote that ...thats why I figured any new album will probably be a re issue of MCWL with AIW or AIW expanded to a full album.

    I don't see that he even has time to start working on a new album until first quarter 2008, so I doubt we'd see one before at least late 2008, or more likely 2009. I think many believe that the mythical "new" album is going to be the one they so desperately wanted, but instead they got ATDW. Personally, I don't believe in the black and white theories at all. I think that ATDW evolved from something.....but it was a process. Not a "ok scrap that one, put it on the shelf, and let's start all over again" decision. In short, I believe that whatever it was originally intended to be, it wasn't all that different in genre from ATDW (probably less covers). But hey, I like shades of grey.

    I have to say...RHW sounded pretty good by Richard Marx--that's my least favorite cover on ATDW, so it was no biggie this morning. However! BYLM and IFYDMBN????Puh leeze.

    ::luckiest1 gently cradles RHW and croons to it in a sing-song voice:: Don't listen to the big, bad people out there. You are the bestest little song on the whole album. I wuvs you. You are my widdle baby. Look at your cute little toe-toes, and your widdle cheekies, and teefies.... ::oops, I got carried away:: :medium-smiley-070:

  10. But that requires PATIENCE Ansa, and IMO the fandom has blessed little of that. I'll freely admit that I'm one who doesn't like to wait either, but I've discovered over the past few years that patience does pay off. Buying tickets immediately to the "first" show, only to find out later that there is one much more convenient to me, has burned me a few times.

    I have no patience today. EEEEEEEEEEEee I want more tour dates NOWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!! ;)

    I was fine until we got the first two. Now I'm on pins and needles, I'm sooooo excited. I have big plans - first concert, last concert, NC concert(s), all MI and ON concerts, anything close enough to drive to.....but I have to fit all that into a limited # of vacation days, and plan around family events such as kids birthdays and annual traditions (local Elvis festival, camping) that just happen to also fall in July. So I don't want to jump until I know the whole shebang. The fact that the JBT tour dates were removed from the OFC website last night gives me hope that a full announcement is coming........very soon. :P

    *puts ADTW on headphones.........ahhhhhhh.........much better*

  11. You know, I kind of like Clay playing at these veues with subscriptions. It may mean more Not.Just.Us types will see him (maybe even some PYTs!). I remember when I went to Williamsport for the Christmas concert and was sitting next to these two nice ladies who had a subscription to the theater. Now they remembered Clay from AI and loved him on the show, but they hadn't seen him AT ALL since. They never would have gone if not for their subscriptions.

    I sat beside a few people like that in my JNaT concerts. Judging by how often Clay did the "raise your hand if it's your first time at a Clay Aiken deba.....concert" schtick, I think he realizes just that. So playing these types of venues is very smart on his part, IMO. Personally, I don't have the funds to be buying up subscriptions, so I'll be waiting for two things before I take the leap.....a full schedule (hopefully, so I can decide where I'm going), and the public sale date (or OFC presale, if there is one). Do I want to be at the front? Sure! Do I need to be at the front? No, that's what binoculars are for! :hubbahubba: I just know I wanna be in the house for the first show this time. Seriously. I want to be unspoiled. How cool would that be?????

    I could be wrong, but aren't a lot of the people who have subscriptions to these kinds of things, shall we say, of an older generation? But yet, their money is still good, IMO. Or, if they are not of the "older generation," they are of "the "moneyed generation."

    I think you are onto something. :lightblub: Maybe Clay wants more older fans! Nah.....couldn't be. He's obviously going after the younger demographic with these symphony gigs. :rolleyes:

    But...but...but....these new fans are going to be expecting crooner Clay, and that's just not fitting his cool and suave image." Tough noogies. Personally, I think he's going to be "song-stylist Clay." I really like that description, and find it quite apt for Clay.

    I have always loved when he's been described as a vocal stylist, because to me, that's what he is. Unfortunately some people just want to shove him in the "musician" or "songwriter" box. They photoshop him playing instruments and rocking out. As much as I would FLOVE for him to sit down with a keyboard and sing LAA, I'm not going to hold him to it, either. I am glad that David and Jaymes convinced him to give songwriting a try, and I think it would be cool if he did more of it in the future, but I honestly don't think that that is his passion. I think singing and interpreting songs is his passion. I'm cool with that.

  12. That's the FIRST picture in a long time where I can actually kinda sorta see what you're all talking about! Hee.

    Hee, me too. Most of the time I am just squinting at them, trying to see the difference. But hey, I'm one of those older fans, who needs bifocals, but dares not get them, in case a toe-soxer notices me and boots me to the back row at the next concert.

    Do we need to hold a "12 Stages of Grief" workshop for those who are missing the chiclet teefies? :medium-smiley-070: (BTW, djs....I love the words toofies and teefies too...heh)

    Heh, not me. "Toofies"? "Teefies"? "Chiclets"? Sounds like y'all are talking about a baby. Boyfriend is a MAN, you know. Damned hawt one, too. :hubbahubba:

    I'd have my teeth done in a heartbeat, if I could afford it. And if I had no fear of the dentist chair. Which I do. So scrap that. ;)

    I'm gone all day today to a workshop. Boo hiss. But maybe, me being gone will be the impetus for Clay to blog, or for Clay to announce tour dates!

    My fingers are hovering over the keys, just waiting to text you some good news. Any time now, Clay! :medium-smiley-070:

  13. Hey, here's an idea - why don't we design t-shirts like the ones that are screenprinted to make ya look like a babe in a bikini - only have a picture of a smart'n'sexy'n'savvy'n'sophisticated Officially Sanctioned Clay Fan body on there - and then Playbiller could use the money from her retirement scheme, uh, plan! to fund Lifestyle Lifts for the truly desirable-fan-format-deficient folks.

    They have EZ payment plans, too, so there is just NO EXCUSE for going to a concert and sitting near the stage, or, even worse, talking to Clay or a media-type person, looking like your decrepit old self.


    What a totally awesome idea. Except.......the demographically challenged fans who REALLY care about making sure Clay becomes the biggest supah-stah EVAH! (because all will not be right with the world until he is) have already agreed to donate their upcoming front row tickets to my demographically perfect daughter. So she might be pissed. But.....if it means I can sit up front without the getting the evil eye from the toe-soxers......where do I sign up?

  14. That's what I love about this place the diversity ofthe opinions and the rude blunt way of stating them!

    Well of course, anything that I say is my OPINION, even if I state it as a fact. I shouldn't have to clarify that - it's implied. But if any of you "let Clay be Clay" people want to bury your head in the sand and ignore the obvious (no matter what he says in his blogs), that is up to you. I know I am right, and I will send you a PM and attempt to convince you, if you continue to oppose me. ;)

    Excuse me, but if WE don't have the right to talk about Clay's socks, who does? After all, we made him what he is today.

    Absolutely. After all, this is a message board, and that's what we do here. We criticize discuss Clay.

  15. I strongly suspect that the unmatched socks were deliberately provided to Clay by RCA and Roger.

    I know for a fact, through some associations that I am not priveleged to talk about publically, that Clay wanted to wear plain black, knee high, men's dress socks, but he was MANDATED by Clive Davis to wear unmatched socks. He was so devastated by this mandate, that he considered quitting wearing socks altogether. He refused to talk about his socks to the media for months. When he finally broke his silence, he said that he liked his unmatched socks, and in fact he said he was happy that a well-respected man like Clive suggested that he wear them, and he danced around and pulled his pants up to show them off, but I could tell from his eyes that he was just going through the motions. In fact, I suspect he has a secret stash of plain black, knee high, men's dress socks hidden in a drawer somewhere, and once he gets out from Clive's evil hold, he's going to pull them out and put them on and dance the cha cha! And then all the people who said he was washed up and his career was going to hell because the 18 - 29 year old demographic think mismatched socks are boring will wake up and cheer and all will be right with the world again.

  16. That sweet lady is happily married for 40 years and is having the time of her life. I don't think anyone has mentioned this but she kissed Clay's hand and said "And I don't care where that hand's been , honey!" BWAH!

    I've seen it called "ugly" on other boards. Whoa. I haven't seen it for myself, so I guess I should reserve judgement, but really, I have to think that people are processing this through some major filters to get to that kind of a statement.

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