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Everything posted by Mik4clay

  1. First question out of the gate baby!! its the first time I’ve ever heard Clay say my name! Ha OMG.. is it bad I don’t even care what the answer is?!! 😂🤣
  2. Teachers on next tier for shots- my nurse daughter gets her 2nd one next week. Slow but sure no worries girls.. impeachment # 2 on its way 🤞we will wash Donny boy right down the drain w his minions! anyone listen to the podcast yet? Mr Nance is an intel man, as well as my son.. so I had to throw out a question- interesting to see if they ask it.
  3. Oops Triple posting: I need to update that it was not a congresswoman that was killed. For awhile there CNN was so confusing about what was happening over there. Fact is, someone did die..a protestor. Blood on ykw’s Hands 😕
  4. I’m just so frustrated right now 🥵 Congresswoman dies- where are the arrests? How about that Ivanka eh? Tweets out “ protestors, American Patriots’ oh man, the chips don’t fall far from the cow pie yay to Osoff! yay to reconvening for the electoral count tonite! Im off to make stroganoff .. I need comfort food =O
  5. 1 word - Treason What did they think was going to happen? He holds a rally down the street, did they think they would hold hands and sing Auld Lang syne ?
  6. ✌️ V is for victory!!! Schumer is saying ‘Buckle Up- it’s time to get things done’ so excited!!
  7. I just 3 simultaneous texts from people saying O’s been voted in!? 2021 baby, just keeps looking better 🤞 keeping everything crossed
  8. Got my newsflash at 1 am, on my phone, that Warnock took it! and........ ???
  9. 😬 Man let’s hope he’s right! listening to Stevie K over on MSNBC is giving me a headache ~ he talks so fast, he loses me. I find myself thinking about what I want to have for dinner tomorrow night.. 🤦‍♀️ Clay could handle that though, he’s friends with Meghan after all.. that girl talks in a blur
  10. Heh, well in my dreams he tunes in to watch Kornacki run the numbers 😝
  11. Hell, I’m a Taister 3 days leading up to a vacay too This should be a meme.. Erin Burnett’s reaction to them telling her on CNN that the voters in Georgia aren’t wearing masks..and they bring their pets to the voting booths- cats, dogs and even a goat! LOL
  12. 😂😂 Didn’t work for him- won’t work for YKW either When I listened to this tape earlier tonite, I thought to self. ‘Mik, this is so what Clay would tweet about. I hope he comes back” awww he back ❤️ Cutie
  13. Hahaha talk to the manager 😂 Well, his hair still looked better than most of the other guys in those pics.. Taylor Lautner still has Clay’s hair from 2003
  14. Wtf? Haha, certainly is NOT a Midwest thing.. I’d take another 2020 b4 I’d eat a bag of that nasty 🤑
  15. ❤️❤️ what a great way to end 2020!!! Happy New Year to Clay - sweet, sweet man.. who btw can stop saying that he finally sounded like a man for the first time in his life. Have always sounded man enuf for me 😘
  16. I’ll answer my own question- answer is yes! youtube says live event will start in 11 mins =-))
  17. Thanks for the timeline- I love the podcasts! But missed a couple of those.. better get on it. speaking of- I saw on my app that the new podcast is up, but I didn’t get a notification! ldyj do u see it?
  18. Well Allison is a good writer, and smart too! Ha.. ldyj started drinking early 😜
  19. Well- maybe she can bring her bestie Clay Aiken with her! I'm looking forward to the podcast this week, recaps of the best of the last 40 some weeks. I bet the best will be the most contentious and yet during last weeks pod the producers were texting Clay to tell him to dial it down.. just when it was getting good! The crazy part was they were discussing censorship and they were censoring the man, he ignored them (yay) but still made no sense to me 🤷‍♀️
  20. That’s the same storm that was to dump 17 inches on us! luckily, it went full on south.. now we should only get about 4. Natures way of saying ‘stay ur ass home’! Im primed and ready too 🍤🍺🧩🎉
  21. Celebrity Wheel of Fortune starts in January.. never liked that game. Kinda hope that’s not the one Clay will be on 😏
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