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Everything posted by merrieeee

  1. Cleet! @clayaiken: Excited to see @korywithaK_18 in his first professional choreographer gig tonight! #KORYography Ken Arpino tweet @KenArpino: Supporting the baby @korywithaK_18 as he makes his choreographic debut! With @clayaiken and #stupidtwitterlessdrew #isthataword
  2. I guess at least one of them liked the movie! @KenArpino: Final verdict on #BlueJasmine... Loved it! Brilliant performances! @clayaiken
  3. Thanks for the birthday wishes! I was bad and had Thai food and a huge piece of cheesecake but loved it all.
  4. One of the female cast members tweeted in response @TCND01: @clayaiken @KenArpino mama loves you all.
  5. Matthew aka Pharaoh responded Quote: @MatthewRagas: @clayaiken @KenArpino oh Jesus... From CV. It appears that Clay was in a bar somewhere in NYC!
  6. @clayaiken: Hey @KenArpino you should write a sitcom about our #boysnight #stupidtwitterlessdrew http://t.co/7kOcpHyipz
  7. I wonder when it was Aiken? Hee look what the iPad corrected taken too!
  8. Cuties @clayaiken: #dzack http://t.co/cdEF0z0y6D
  9. Yes you're right specs r us is out in force! He probably just broke his cell phone!
  10. Clay tweet. @clayaiken: Some days you're the pigeon; some days you're the statue. :-(
  11. I just put Clays name into search in FB and one of the first two that came up is has a pic of NYC so i think he knows that that one is accessible to a certain degree.
  12. I read on CV that Clay changed his Facebook page to a pic of NYC. I love how he subtly tells where he is. Let's hope he is there on business as well as fun!
  13. Cute. Ken Arpino ‏@KenArpino 34m Who thinks I should figure out how 2 fit @korywithaK_18 in my tour suitcase? @clayaiken #luvthebaby #missmybros Matthew Ragas ‏@MatthewRagas 7m @KenArpino @korywithaK_18 @clayaiken yeah put clay in your suitcase lol
  14. I'm going to be good...I'm going to be good.....I'm going to be good!
  15. Another one. Just a quick recap now - more tomorrow when I'm (hopefully) feeling less emotional. Someone else already said this, but I feel like today was one of my favorite Clay fan moments ever. That theater was positively bursting with love and affection, among the audience members (plenty of whom were "not us") and especially among the cast members on stage. Every song had a little something "extra" tonight as the whole cast went all out. And the audience responded with overwhelming appreciation - truly an amazing afternoon of theater. Keala was clearly still struggling with a cold/allergies, which especially affected her upper range. But she kept plowing through and at the end I think she just threw all caution to the wind and went for it. She was in tears during the Joseph/Jacob reunion scene at the end (as was the non-Clay fan lady sitting next to me), and when she and Clay were singing they were just beaming at each other - at one point it looked like she mouthed "thank you" to him. I also just remembered that she took a picture (while on stage) early in the first act, at the end of "Jacob and Sons" - I hope she'll tweet it. The stage door was amazing too, mostly because of all the attention being lavished on the other cast members. They all seemed so thrilled and excited to sign autographs and thank people for coming. Three of the "brothers" even took a picture of themselves with the stage door crowd behind them. I was very close to Clay when he came out of the stage door - all I could do was stare at his gorgeous eyes and blindly stick a program out (not mine) for a signature. When Clay was done signing, many people still hung around the stage door area - I think none of us wanted it to be over. It was nice to finally meet the lovely canuck in person, and to thank her for her constantly positive presence here on the board. When I got home and read Clay's tweet, thanking us for once again exceeding his expectations (paraphrased), I burst into tears. I'm so thrilled that I got to attend three shows, but so sad it's over. (Rumor has it that those who weren't able to attend will be happy, eventually.)
  16. Recap from CV Long drive home....but, so worth the trip. I wouldn't have missed it for anything in the world. Went with my BIL and two SIL's....who were blown away by both the play and Clay. My BIL was not expecting anything special...initially a tag-a-long. Wow...was his mind changed!!!!! He thought Clay was amazing!!! One SIL saw in the program about Clay's book....she is buying it. I told her to buy the audio...it is so much fun to listen to Clay tell his story. The other SIL could have moved to a better seat, but, she decided at intermission to stay near the left exit seat she had...so, she could get Clay's autograph. At the end of the play, I literally saw her running out the exit door to get to stage door ...I didn't even know she liked Clay....but, she does NOW. They wanted to find his fan club oh no....they will be confused by the lack of activity at the official fan club. Both SIL's...."he is soooo cute". I saw the play twice at the beginning and twice at the end. It was very interesting to watch the evolution of Clay as Joseph. By tonight, he had totally mastered the role beyond anything anyone else in the history of Josephs will ever match.....BOTW/Solitaire (sorry Constantine, etc. etc.). I honestly believe he reads the boards and saw artquest's comments on movement. I thought there was a difference in this last show (as I was looking at his movement and expressions more than the previous three shows). As jasr mentioned, I, too, noticed Keala getting very emotional and grabbing on to Clay's hand with both of her hands. She was also emotional when the brothers finished their song. I was all night.....very emotional final show. There just aren't enough adjectives to describe this play....and Clay's role in it. While my one SIL was waiting to get Clay's autograph...I stood back and waited to compliment the other actors and get their autographs. This is where adjectives come into play....you were awesome, fabulous, amazing, I told each actor. Then the next actor came along and I said that he was fantastic. Finally another actor came along.....and with tons of excitement and a big smile on my face...I said "you were awful". WHAT?!?!?? I meant to say awesome. Was it sleep deprivation? all the driving? stage door anxiety? a senior moment? My SIL started laughing. I was horrified...but, started laughing a nervous laughter and quickly said "I meant awesome". Seriously, who tells an actor....on the final night of the play's run....that they were awful ? My SIL tried to make me feel better by saying that she didn't think he heard me. God...I sure hope he didn't. It all happened so quickly. Anyway....stopped for a quick lobstah fix before leaving Maine. Saw the tweet from Matthew (the one who had been so sweet singing to the girl with Downs Syndrome on Wed afternoon) about inclusion.... ....and then I saw the tweet from Clay . He loves us!! I almost squealed like a teenage girl... right in there in the restaurant. I felt like I did after I saw his very first concert.....super fangirly. All I can say is that something really BIG is on the horizon for Clay Aiken.....and I will be here.....always and forever. WOW....My SIL posted on her FB "Having fun being a Claymate seeing Clay Aiken in Joseph and The Technicolor DreamCoat...at Ogunquit Playhouse". Then she posted a huge picture of her autographed playbill on FB and said "Amazing Performance". Her FB friends are all saying they love that play...and they love Clay Aiken!!! These are not fans I know about!!! NJU are starting to come "out of the closet" (I feel momentum building).....and this past month, I have had the time of my life. THANK YOU CLAY AIKEN!!!
  17. Clay Aiken ‏@clayaiken6m I always think I know you folks well... and then you always find a way to take it to another level and amaze me again! I love you all.
  18. Kens tweet @KenArpino: @clayaiken with our fav bro archie!! @apuette @cinnabonzjordan #brolove #greatnite http://t.co/lRLoZ4lIa2
  19. Cute tweet from the stage manager! @StageMgrBares: People will donate for me to NOT take off my clothes at #Bwaybares2014 if I keep eating @clayaiken fan treats. No famine here @redroses1944
  20. Clay tweet! @clayaiken: The whole cast enjoyed some great homemade cookies c/o @redroses1944 Thanks! Isn't he supposed to be in the play right now?
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