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Everything posted by merrieeee

  1. Yeah for the iPad. Hee I was playing a game and listening to Clay on mine today. I'm such a multi-tasker! How did we ever survive without this "stuff"? You have to d/l the app for Words with Friends. We can play Scrabble against each other. I am playing games with 10 different people right now. (((((keepingfaith))))) It's tough when a cell phone dies! What kind are you going to get?
  2. They just tweeted that everyone has been notified! Boo hoo!
  3. Why do I feel like this is a Clay Aiken version of the Soup Nazi? No meet & greet for You!
  4. New Artisan video......I think! Note from ldyj: Yes, it looks new to me too. EEEEE!
  5. Clay's "A Day In The Life" is the featured video on AOL.com
  6. http://dianalevine.tumblr.com/ A blog from the photographer who did A day in the Life pics.
  7. Well I tore myself away from staring at the keyring long enough to book my flight to Jacksonville eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee I'm going to see him again. Florida 3-fer here I come!
  8. "The lady doth protest too much, methinks" I'd reply but I am just too worn out playing with you know what!
  9. I'll have you know that on my part it was not smut! Just innuendo! Big Difference
  10. Somewhere I heard that coming second was as good as first!
  11. I just read over at CV that Houston is added to the PBS list for September! I'll have find out if it's correct. If it is then it's party time at my place!
  12. Sure but there's one problem....my apartment is on the second floor!
  13. Err how to put this politely? I want to be alone with the large package. I want to run my mouse all over his pad and I want to fill up the tote till it caint hold n'more and slide that keyring apart and place my keys oh so lovingly on the silver prongs! So I think the answer is NO!
  14. Hee my Clay package came today! I have been fondling it very carefully. I love the keyring it is very subtle and you know me I'm big on the subtle!
  15. Tweet today from the girl that took the photos.: This is her site. She's really good. http://www.dianalevine.com/v3/
  16. More goodies Bringing Broadway Home The one of Terrance Mann sitting on his lap is priceless! I can't save any I just steal from other people*g* Hee told you I'd steal one!
  17. Grr! Ok so just when I sold my house with a pool they have to come up with a beach blanket for sale at the OFC!
  18. eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee A written article and wait for it 63 pics!!!!!! Popeater
  19. OMG <--------------------------------- Note new avatar!
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