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Everything posted by merrieeee

  1. Help Needed Here is an email I received from Ernie Manouse about getting the information out regarding the InnerVIEWS interview series that includes Clay's interview. If we can do this it will be seen all over the country by more than just fans. Please do not just request the Clay episode only but the whole series. Ernie was very clear about that. Please feel free to take this to other boards
  2. Real quick post before I go to work.........I want you guys to say thank you to keeping faith and I. In the meet and greet she blurted out omg Clay your hair looks fabulous and I did too. It was soft and spiky and It looked like you could run your fingers through it..gah! He laughed and said why does everyone keep telling me my hair looks great....I just got out of the shower! At that point we said simultaneously well then you need to keep it like that because it looks great. And it looks like he did. Lol! We had a long conversation with Ernie Manouse and in will post more later but he sold the most DVDs of that interview than any other. I told him a lot of people want to know how they can see it. Well he said you could call you local PBS station and request the series of interviews. I will email him later today to get all the particulars of the series and he wants to make sure we request the series and not just the Clay episode. Those are no charge to the PBS stations so it is a win win. We get to see it, Clay gets exposure and the stations have a show to air. I will post the details as soon as I hear back on what we need to say. We told him we could certainly do that. He is a really nice man and really likes Clay, said it was one of his favorite interviews.
  3. I had forgotten that in my M & G someone asked Clay if he was still seeing Jimmy Kimmel and Clay very deadpan said "I don't know that i was ever "seeing" him! The guy is so quick and funny. I cannot wait until tonight to see him again.
  4. Hee I just remembered something else in the m & g..............the lights were low and we were complaining that we couldn't see too well. He said they were fine it was more romantic that way!!!
  5. I was in such an Aiken fog I don't remember a lot but he was gorgeous and in a great mood. He shook everyones hand and when he came to me he said "I know you don't I?". At that point I was gone! He talked about not liking the recording process at all which we have heard before. He said that for him the acoustics in Miami were really bad. He kept hearing his own voice in the earpiece. He asked us where we were from and the minute he heard Houston he launched into his English accent! I told him if he needed pointers I'd be willing to help. I asked him about merchandise and he said there will be some stuff put up on the OFC He talked to the others and we had pics taken.......yeah I got up real close! The mans skin is flawless.
  6. Ok I'm coming out of the Aiken fog. What a great evening. His voice was wonderful . Subtle, nuanced and soaring. You could see he just loves performing for people. I cannot wait for tonight!
  7. I think I'm going to need a drink before I go to my M & G! I have no idea what to ask him maybe i'll just watch him in his the room Hee! The first thing I did this morning was check my emails again to make sure I really did win! I never win anything....well the last time I ever won anything was 1967 and it was a turkey! Don't ask. I get to stay home today because the ice is so bad that most of the roads are impassable. Whoo hoo!
  8. Kandre ........hmmm........doesn't that free you up to come to the Florida 3-fer now?
  9. Well it's kind of gloomy out there.......and i'm not talking about the weather!
  10. Get this my DH bought me a small carry-on suitcase for Xmas and yesterday asked me when I was going to use it. I told him that I had no plans even though the eHP was going to FL to see Clay! He wanted to know why I wasn't going. Hee now I am! eeeee
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