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Everything posted by merrieeee

  1. eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee From CV: ETAETA: Clay's team just tweeted back a smiley face: @clayaiken
  2. I have a webbcam on my laptop but I don't have the faintest idea how to use it.
  3. Well duh, of course I am going. I had a great time last year and really am looking forward to it again I just installed my new monitor... a 27" widescreen baby so I am already for the Clack to start rolling in! Now I have officially gone off the deep end!
  4. My god it really is..here today..gone tomorrow! So sad!
  5. Via Twitter: Dang what am I going to do with that cake with the file in it?
  6. You don't follow me? I mean I write such pithy one liners---Not! My favourite Tweet of the Day: Bye the way Stephen Fry is Gay!
  7. Did you go see Washington Cathedral and the British Embassy? I was married in the cathedral and had my reception in the Embassy! (Hee I used to be a contender ) In the room where the reception was held there was a drape that went completely round the huge room. It was made of one piece of fabric and had Shakespearean characters woven in it. Just gorgeous! The Terra Cotta Warriors were here in Houston and it was worth every one of the very expensive pennies to see them! OK now back to coughing up my lungs. I've been sick for 5 days but at least it is not the flu! GO TEXAS! My DD was at the game and said she was soooo glad they won! ETA: When in the he** did I get to be a chairman and who wrote all of my 2570 posts? Couldn't have been me! I'm never that verbose.
  8. I love the Christmas markets in Germany and the one in Hamburg is great! I bet Clay picks up some cute stuff for Parker!
  9. Hee liney I think that's what is called good PR....though I could be mistaken since Clay never got any!
  10. From MTV. Com MTV.com I feel like I am in an alternate universe........something nice and funny!
  11. Hmm What do these pics all have in common?
  12. I just love how this place is a family! Best of luck Cindilu
  13. Thanks for all the good words! I got to work today and my desk was covered with Red, White and Blue confetti. There were streamers hanging from the ceiling and two bouquets of flowers. I was really touched. I guess time just got away from me and major issues with my DH's health made me re-think some things. So I started the process in June and well here I am!
  14. i just have to pop in and say it was a pretty momentus day for me today! After 40 years I finally became an American Citizen! Whee!
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