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Everything posted by merrieeee

  1. OK we have to hide all copies of that picture! The more people see it the more they will say whoa! They will see what we've seen all along. They will then want to listen to his music which leads to going to a concert which leads to....yep you guessed it ...more ticket stress and less good seats for us! To late there are over 13,000 views now. Our little secret it out....CLAY AIKEN IS HOT Y'ALL
  2. Hee that pic has over 3800 4900 5044 views! Do you think they had a clue?
  3. That picture better show up in the competition or there'd better be some 'splainin' going on!
  4. OMG Gah Don't bother with memorial flowers just send a donation to NIP!
  5. All I can say is I hope that pic does not win the whole thing!
  6. But dang we'd all have the best darn cleavage if we could just find those push up finger splints!!
  7. Ok the next time he answers ?s at the OFC who's going to ask him?
  8. I know exactly what is on his collar. When you have a shirt a VERY long time and it gets constantly washed there are little white things, called pills, that show up on the fabric! That's what they sell those stupid clothes shavers for!
  9. HaI I see I'm not the only one NOT voting for that pic! Ah a girl can dream....can you imagine if he looked at you that way and crooked his little finger, oh yeah babee come to your momma!! Gah. I love that man!!!!! And I'm loving the picture contest. Ok now I'm off to try and lose a lot of weight before the Gala!
  10. liney How about you distract them while I go in for the kill?
  11. Oh my I want that man!! Can I have him? Can I? Can I?
  12. I think Clay finally grew into his ears! But he needs to throw the pilled up shirt out!
  13. Since that pic is on the tarmac does that mean it was a private plane, he was travelling in? Yep know the feeling my daughter was 35 on Friday! Now I had her when I was 10 don't ya know!!!!!!! This guy just seems appropriate somehow.
  14. God after looking at that photo above how can anyone say that man is not beautiful?
  15. Could you please add one to the list? A plus one by my name is good, Thanks.
  16. This is just too cute! From CV: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=inZ4C62xe4g
  17. Where was this one from again? Looks like a unicef picture maybe? Keep the pix coming. Folder is still a little skimpy. Ok it was his UNICEF trip to Indonesia and I believe he was sittting in a classroom with a bunch of kids!
  18. I learned very quickly earlier this week of the immensity of those bolded words. My thoughts....as profound as they are not! If I don't like what has been done to Clay in the past well....it was what it was, as for his new stuff....it will be what it will be and what we have now....is what it is....soooo I'll just go with the flow because NOTHING anyone can do will change anything! If I don't like something new I will just revert back to the old stuff. I never get tired of listening to, watching or laughing with him. I know I won't like everything (but no does) but I am not, by a long shot, writing him off yet because he used the dreaded "cover" word.
  19. Why do I feel like singing: I can hear the people sing...singing a song of angry men? (from Les Miz)
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