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Everything posted by merrieeee

  1. My DH lived in Western PA growing up and he really did walk to school uphill both ways. He lived on the top of a hill and school was on the top of a neighbouring one...so he had to go downhill & uphill going and the same going back! I am not yet recovered from the eHP get together. We are some wild and crazy gals!!! We did have early night though-almost 4:00am and we actually talked about Clay!
  2. Be very afraid...Kandre just said she wants a Titanium Spork!
  3. Scarlett here (on merrieeee's new laptop): We (KAndre, Solo, merrieeee and I) are here in merrieeee's kitchen and we all just realized that we couldn't name the top 3 of every AI season, tried top 2 and still missed some, and then tried to name all the winners and we came up short of 8. Just shows the relative importance of some things... Wish y'all were here!!!
  4. Aha that answers my question! A really nice person who is such a sweetheart and who wouldn't do anything to hurt a soul.
  5. What I want to know is what kind of a person actually Googles "Bloody Spork"?
  6. Me too! What I really like is the fact he got the "Clay Aiken" star treatment at the airport and then was able to go back to "Clayton" and drive himself.....no fancy limo or driver. I would think his is how he must keep himself centered.
  7. I wasn't implying that anyone goes to look at those sites etc. It was a heads up that "stuff" is out there. Won't bother anymore!
  8. You know I really dislike some people. So you don't have to go look the spin is that his charity has kicked him to the curb! aarrgghh!!!!
  9. From CV: I request if anyone finds the new name that they not post it.
  10. Hee come on down!! From CH. This is funny We Hate Idol
  11. OK so when is the eHP having a get together???? My place???
  12. Just when I have just about had enough of all the crap he pops right in answers a few questions and everything is all right again.
  13. TMZs headline: No,I am not providing the link. So if this guy named Clay Aiken is a "nobody " why is it even a story! It is really too funny for words.
  14. I take it you mean that in the truest Southern sense of the words?
  15. He's the Idol runner-up who got a lot of mileage for being the openly gay contestant this year, who now says that his sexuality is something he's going to keep to himself -- that he's a private person. I've heard that somewhere before, I think. I'd bet money that it's only until the Rolling Stone issue comes out! Oh that Adam he is such a peach! http://www.accesshollywood.com/_article_18546
  16. I love a good brouhaha! Especially wth vanilla ice cream!
  17. First so there is no misunderstanding this is not directed at anyone on this board....I just have to vent and this is my safe place (TM Tyra) You know what I am tired of? Thought you would never ask! People who come out of lurkdom to say "I still love Clay" but then go on to say how disappointed/mad/sad <insert you choice of word here> they are of him. If all you have to post is bad "stuff" then why bother....just to get a dig in? I also wonder if the folks that were too much of a coward to be honest back in Sept and couldn't admit their real reason for not sticking around (and stayed on the fringes) now have an excuse to come out and say they don't like him any more. Not sticking around because of so called rudeness is so much better than not liking him because ..horror of horrors...he is gay!. OK end of rant....I just want to spit! I think I'll go talk about the weather!!!
  18. Gosh i do to try to keep an open mind but I am wondering what happened to, like the actual winner of the show! All I see is AL, like he is being pushed down my throat and if I saw a pic of Kris (last name?) I wouldn't recognize him unless he was with AL.
  19. Duh! Ministry of Sound anyone? Techno is soo yesterday! I have not seen AL more than once, didn't like his style and all I seem to read about him now makes him come off a a little arrogant. Am I missreading this?
  20. I am sorry but that sentence is open to sooo many interpretations!
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