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Everything posted by merrieeee

  1. Ha I know I don't have to tell Scarlett my answer tone...It's Right Here Waiting For You and my call tone varies from On My Way Here to BOTW to The Real Me depending on whether it is text/call/voicemail! I have Sprint. It was hot here again today. I went shopping but I gave up and came home. I love air conditioning and pools....makes summer worthwhile! Scarlett, My DD called me from Rome today. She knows to talk fast because of the cost of calls from a cell phone! She said shepherding 6 17 year old girls around Europe is like herding cats...too many hot looking men! She said she was blessed by the Pope today and even thought we are not Catholic (or religious) she said it felt kind of special. In the middle of that conversation I heard one of the girls say look at that cute Italian guy and she said "Gotta Go" and ended the call pretty quick! Hee! Now where is our cute guy?
  2. I bought a cheap netbook from Wally world for my DD to take to Europe. She really likes it and has emailed me from London, Paris & Rome. It has no CD player or anything like that but it works well. It is interesting to me that it works like a "real" computer! Ha Ha. The screen is 8.9" and it is easy to read but then since my surgery I don't need reading glasses. I saw one today at Frys.com for under $200
  3. Clay and meshing together works for me! Oh scarlett did you get your new machine yet?
  4. Hi there Claysmelody, CsM, Ashes or hey you, ha ha. I too went to the blog. I had forgotten about that show. I remember being so excited he was goin to be on. Thanks
  5. Hi there Claysmelody! Glad to see we don't scare everyone off It is hot again. Tonight my car registered 100 in the shade. We had really bad rain at work yesterday...couldn't even see the road but did I get any at home no! I was going to go out shopping tomorrow but I don't think there is anything I need bad enough to get out in 104 degrees. Now if it was going to see Clay Aiken that would be a whole different story!
  6. Fox News has a report on how people are upset over PHs story yesterday that MJ was faking it. 10..9..8..7..
  7. I am sitting here today feeling profoundly grateful that Clay has not achieved the kind of superstardom that MJ did. I have been reading some of the stories of how his life was.....even his bodyguards would not let him go out. It's no wonder he had mental issues. Clay can still go out and even though he may be recognised it's not a mad house.
  8. Again I am home waiting on the electrician and I have not turned the tv on either. Don't want to see the circus I guess. I saw Frank Sinatra at the end of his career with my MIL. She was thrilled because she remembered him "when"! I was not impressed at all. He had to read a teleprompter for My Way and even then didn't get the words right. He was just old. She was a huge fan of his and this was her first time to see him live. She was so happy at the end of the night but for me it was meh! Will we be like that with Clay?
  9. With all the MJ non-stop coverage it will be just a blip if any. I don't think I can watch anymore tv...talk about vultures! It's going to be worse than Anna Nicole Smith. Let the guy RIP.
  10. It is just strange about MJ. He was so young! I went to a concert in the Buffalo Bills stadium and there must have been 70,000 or more screaming kids. It was crazy. It was a great show even though I did end up being rather relieved when it was over, because of the noise. My friend and I made a deal. She would line up overnight to get the tickets (way before Ticketmaster) and I would take the kids. I was always glad I got to go.
  11. Ok so I joined Twitter...Hi ldyjocelyn....and I am not sure what i am doing! (No comments please) How do you get Tweets about Clay? If someone who follows me tweets does everyone who tweets see the tweet? Try saying that fast!
  12. How come I try and delete a pic and it looks deleted in the preview but shows up when I post?
  13. If I drank I would raise a glass to all you open minded people! :11: I love Clay Aiken. He's a good man!
  14. Just popping in to say hi! Last year my computer was a very bad machine and went and got some kind of a virus so I had to get a new one. I had an external hard drive that had all my Clack on it which I didn't want to attach to my new machine until I was sure that it was Ok. My DH said he would take it and clean it for me. Well he did...it is like new! Yeah really like new...no Clack! Ah well I needed to tidy everything up anyway! Did anyone mention that it is hot here? Yep darn hot! My electric bill does not bear thinking about. Has anyone seen a certain red haired singer? He appears to be MIA!
  15. The weather person says that by the end of the week the heat index should be 110! Yep it's hot! We have voluntary water rationing because it hasn't rained....hmm I wonder where all the rain is?
  16. Who knew? It is hot here...darn hot and I spent 45 minutes in the car for a part of my commute that normally takes 4 minutes! Oh no no wreck just a red blinking light!!! aarrgghh!
  17. A certain someone has five days off before he goes to Russia so maybe Clay will be heading to Europe for a while.
  18. I need to move to Raleigh and get a job in a restaurant-O'Charleys
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