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Everything posted by merrieeee

  1. I have come to the conclusion that he has to be a real thorn in the side of AI. I mean he is only a runner-up who should have had his 15 minutes and then poof like Kaiser Sose...gone! But no he stayed around and in their minds defying them at every turn. He really didn't but to them him just being still there just doesn't fit in, in the grand scheme of things. One or two choice things said in the right places and now the media types (who are mostly lemmings anyway) join in and you have everything Clay/AI relate blown way out of proportion! Well at the end of the day I really know nothing about nuttin'!
  2. Smokin' OK where have we seen that shirt before? Ready...set...go! I'd sure like to get him
  3. Keeping up with Clay Aiken's doings lately is like a full time job with no pay.......but the benefits are great! Tonight ET and tomorrow 30Rock. Just what i need this week. I am so glad for people capping "stuff" I'd never see half of it otherwise. I lurve me some Clay Aiken! Sorry from me too....don't get the Charise love. Maybe I'm just too old.
  4. From cotton at CV...cos there is never enough Clay Aiken!!!
  5. Same preview this site says: . 30 Rock Preview OMG he is too cute and he looks like he is having a real good time...IYKWIMAITYD (Sorry Clay)
  6. Where did this one come from??? It's Clay and DF, but not from his performance at the main show. It is from the after party where he sang UM. I thought so. All I've seen so far are four photos from GrannyM. Are there more out there somewhere?? That's all I've seen so far but be assured if I see any more I will bring them over faster than a kitten chasing.......
  7. Another link to the rubber chix auction site on ebay! http://stores.shop.ebay.com/AUCTION-OF-100...S__W0QQ_armrsZ1
  8. Where did this one come from??? It's Clay and DF, but not from his performance at the main show. It is from the after party where he sang UM. Yeah wanda and it's all bendy too! Ha talking about rubber...wanna chicken? http://www.theatermania.com/new-york/news/...l-pa_19113.html
  9. Another thing about Clack is that it is taken from the Clack gatherers individual taste. Some like to video only Clay's face, others his whole body and even others like to take in the whole scene. So it really is what you personally like.
  10. Kenneth is a character on 30 Rock. Clay is playing himself but he is also playing Kenneth's cousin. Alec Balwin's character says to Clay you owe me because you are Kenneth's cousin. Clay does a great eye roll! Ta da!
  11. It's Kenneth's cousin! http://www.nbc.com/30_Rock/video/clips/kid...review/1100238/
  12. Someone at CV got their package. Back of the lanyard says..... I spoilered it so you can anticipate the big surprise! Clay's now asked a question at the OFC and answering.......OMG Clay Aiken wrote the word "rubber"!!!!!
  13. liney....where can I find a copy? Do you know the date? There maybe Clack of UM..from angelty at CV:
  14. OMG How did you get those pics of me? Remember my friend who had the preemie that weighed 1lb 3oz. Well here she is on her first Mother's Day. The tea cup is one of those giant ones from WalMart. Maggie is now 12lbs.
  15. Hee my daughter made me a pear and apricot tart that was delicious and she gave me some wind chimes which was very nice and they took me out to see Star Trek! No i'm not a fan but it was a really good movie and I even got some of the references.
  16. Clay at the after party from CV:Taken by GrannyM OMG I love love love his hair!!!!!! Best Hair evah!!!
  17. Clay and Jaymes are backstage talking to everyone Lots of cameras, Clay got standing O There will be Clack! Hee Goodnight all!
  18. Artquest: Great show, Dancers, He looked beautiful Never seen him look better Looked good, Clack tomorrow, Jaymes is so not pregnant, Jaw looks wonderful, Double chins are gone, Hair not spiked, hightlights,
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