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Couch Tomato

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Posts posted by Couch Tomato

  1. Interesting article and it's so true. Spoilers come from you at all angles so they are very hard to avoid. Some shows I don't mind spoilers. Others I just don't want to know. For the Olympics I don't want to know all the results before I watch. So I've decided to just DVR everything live and watch my tapes. Avoid the NBC spoilery coverage as much as possible. They at least used to say "we're about to give results if you want to leave the room." That has gone out the window. I have access to live coverage online and I went looking yesterday to watch gymnastics coverage and the 400 men's competition but both were blacked out. It just said concluded with no opportunity to watch. Every other sports you could still watch a tape of the live feed. Not sure what that is about but the women gymnastics is available today live. But I don't see it on ANY of the multiple tv channels that carry the olympics. I guess that is their money ball and they want to force you to watch NBC primetime. But NBC's spotty coverage of gymnastics was horrible last night. When I watch, I want to see the competition, not just the Americans. Or they'll show you a gold medal contender of another country if they fall or something.

    Back in the early day I couldn't get enough of multiple boards. Now, i just am not interested in filling the down times with anything. I just want to know when there is something firmed up.

  2. I agree about the commentators Merrieee. It's like they didn't know what was going on so a lot of the audience didn't. I'll admit we were perplexed a lot of the time. There were some amazing moments though and my favorite part is always the parade of nations.

    I hate the non live coverage. You have to basically ignore everything all day so you don't know what the hell happened. I was so pissed to see the swimming result before it aired. The drama is part of the fun. And I'd rather see more sports and less "human interest" coverage. And I turn the channel every time Seacrest comes on. I'm just sick of him. And since he's doing the emotional moment segments I don't feel like I'm missing anything by turning.

    I don't particularly care for Costas or the coverage and the whole "you are a loser if you don't win gold" attitude or the focus on a few select athletes.. Nobody is invincible and all records are made to be broken. I also hated that I was watching NBC and they came and told a result on the archery and then showed just the last shot to win. I did go back and watch it online and that is something that should have been shown. I don't know why we have to watch every heat of swimming or every round of beach volley ball but can't see a fascinating archery match.

    I guess I'm going to have to study the schedule and just tape everything I want to see live and just watch the dvr. And of course ignore all news, facebook, espn, etc for the next two weeks.

  3. So what is that list?

    Merriee -- I have NOT gotten my phone back yet. They were due in last week..and suddenly they just skipped over SF altogether and now they are scheduled to be back in the Bay Area on 8/6. But to be honest, I don't even miss the phone.

    So funny...I finally met my upstairs neighbor after 3 years LOL. Before they were just people who made too much noise. We have a lot in common and we have commiserated over being forced out of our apts.

  4. I think my first computer was a 10 mb something or other. And when I bought it, it came with the online sign up floppy disk to Prodigy. Is it still around? So it was usenet and prodigy. And then prodigy learned quickly to charge for their bulletin boards and so there was mass exodus to GEnie which wasn't a graphics based program. I'm so happy the internet for the most part when the way of the free. They tried to charge by the hour to freakin' chat. Then the next thing you know the dreaded AOL which by that time I was too snooty to use LOL. That was for beginners. I used to be such an expert with the computer but everything just goes along so fast now. There's something new everyday.

    Have a good one everybody.

  5. Thanks JMH. The seats are perfect. First row, mezzanine were my favorite Spamalot tickets. So I'm sure I'll love these.

    Now, what a crazy crazy week. For those not on Facebook, I'm a food buyer for a ship supply company. I don't don't normally do the shopping but I do the competitive bids, create the purchase orders and make sure everything gets bought. I stopped at the grocery store by my house on the way to work on Friday to buy this particular item they wanted. Somewhere along the line I dropped my cell phone in the shopping bag and my phone is now somewhere off the coast of Alaska as the warehouse just emptied my shopping bag into a box, taped it up and put it on the ship with the rest of the delivery.

    Then, today I need to call my leasing office where I live. And because I didn't have my phone, I went online to get the number. I started reading the yelp comments. Not good. I just chalked it up to regular internet chatter. So after I finish talking to the asst manager about what I needed to talk to him about I asked when I could come sign a new lease. He said they weren't doing new leases because they are renovating everything from top to bottom. We went back and forth it came down to this -- my apt building is being turned into workforce housing and after the renovation - schedule to be completed within 2 years -- I will have to qualify to live in my own apt where I've been for 10 years. How do I qualify? By my mom and my having a combined income of no more than 43K. In other words I have to get out. And the only reason I know this now is because of my traveling phone LOL. I'm pissed.

    Aikim. I understand how you feel. I'm not one to talk about these things because I have been lucky to see Clay too many times to complain. But over the past few years I just have been unable attend anything. I need him to come to me. I doubt I will go to a Xmas tour date if it's not in the western half of the country. And I mean west of Arizona not Ohio. I'm happy to be sharing with friends and I was able to attach this event for a real vacation. The first one I've taken in years. So I'm looking forward to going to my first gala and then heading to Virginia Beach for a week. It just happened to work out for me this time. It will for you as well one of these days.

  6. So who is that? I'm clueless too. I don't recognize any of them or the name Luckiest mentioned.?

    Fear, so sorry I missed your birthday. Hope it was wonderful.

    I went to the movies with Alexandria and 4 of her friends for the 10th birthday outing. We saw the movie Brave which was really cute. Then we went for lunch and the park and then ice cream. And do you know after all that my niece had the nerve to cry because my sister wouldn't take her to the beach. She's a great kid but dang that was massive brattiness going on. Kids! My sister held to her no and of course she got over it but still, LOL. I commend all the parents.

    Happy Canada Day!

  7. Picture of my neices and nephews from this weekend. The bookends are my sister's kids. The middle two are my brother's.



    And a picture of my Deedee during dress rehearsal for her dancer performance.

    This week I'm concentrating on my mom's trip. After I get her out of the way I will start thinking about the gala. I'm coming if I have to walk all the way there.

  8. Aikim - you wrapped it up in a nutshell.

    My neice was AWESOME in her show tonight. She really shines on the stage. She's still really shy off stage. After the show so many people came up to her. One older gentleman told her she was born to dance. And another lady pulled her over to say she had a spark on stage and stood out. She also sad she reminded her of her daughter who danced with the same company 20 years ago. And then the daughter who was also there told my niece I don't know you but you are fantastic. It was so wonderful to hear all those compliments from people we don't know. And I just looked her up on IMDB, but the daughter of the woman, and the woman who pulled my Alex aside is an actress and is on the show Nikita. http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0960912/ I don't watch the show but it was still nice to hear that compliment from her.

  9. I'm convinced that FCA is the last outpost for the sane and responsible Clay Aiken fans.

    If true then Clay's in trouble ha ha. Squeezing you tight!

    So my brother and his family are in town and I'm cleaning my house like a mad woman this morning. Man I don't want to be doing this.

    Tree-- so I take it the Giants won - no other reason for that shit eating grin LOL. I'll look at the schedule tomorrow and see what's upcoming. I think I'm going to get to go to the Giants game when they honor that World Series team that came oh so close. They will honor that team when they play the Reds. And I believe Darren Baker might throw out the first ball. Remember when JT Snow saved that ikid's hide. Anyway, he's so big now and quite the little athlete himself. I'm sure he will follow in his dad's footsteps. If my Tyler gets to sit in the dugout I'll get his ticket. Fingers crossed. Not sure if the Giants and A's play again this year. Hope so..only way to guarantee the A's a win against the giants is for you to go to the game heee.

  10. Wow just read the tweets in the thread. What on earth has happened to civility and manners? And I'm sure whatever has been going on has been going on since CA ended. And I'm sure Arsenio has heard from some people every f'ing day with their opinions of him. And starting tomorrow I am going to judge each and every one of you and tell you which one of your friendships is real and which ones are fake. Honestly, there is not a thing Clay can do for Arsenio to make him stick around and take this abuse from his fans if not friendship. I'm sure he is not expecting the Clay fans to make up the demographic for his show. This is all so 2003, in a brand new medium. And memories are short. There was MUCH Ruben hate after the finale. It went on for years.

  11. Just when I thought I would have a day that I could work on the paperwork piling up in my box I get a 20K order that I have to deliver tomorrow and a cruise ship sending quote requests. This has been the busiest 3 weeks since I started at this company. I need a day off.

    It's weird not to have aikim post in the morning . Guess she has a life too heee.

  12. I've only seen a few comments about the whole Arsenio get s a show. The one thing that pisses me off is the belief that Clay's twitter is somehow OUR property. That he should think about his die hard fans before he tweets and that he can't use twitter like every other person - to say stupid shit, to have conversations with their own friends, or like someone his fans don't like.Clay and I aren't joined at the hip. He's free to be himself and I'll do the same. And really why do a few try to speak for all STILL. In other words, some things never change. If Clay wants to be happy for Arsenio what in hell is wrong with that. I won't watch the show because of Clay. I watched Arsenios's first talk show and I'll give this one a shot. But I haven't regularly watched a talk show since George Lopez went off the air. I do expect to see a lot of guests that don't get play on the other talk shows.

    Wandacleo. I have the same idea for the gala...trying to lose weight. Giving it my best shot. I have 4 months.

    Welcome home LdyJ. Sounds like you had a blast. We missed you around here.

    • Like 1
  13. Hey Tree..we're ;missing the bay bridge series this weekend! We have to go to another game soon.

    My niece Alex has her dance performances this weekend and she turns 10 on Monday. I remember when I posted her lioness picture here after her first show. Really all she did was come on the stage and watch her teacher and try to do what she did. Now, she has solo dance parts and is part of the junior company. She has grown by leaps and bounds. And next month this time she'll be in Costa Rica. The owner of her dance school thinks of all her dancers as ambassadors. But what great fun for her. She's so excited to have her passport. My brother and his family is coming down from Oceanside so they can see her. So lots of fun for our family.

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