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Couch Tomato

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Posts posted by Couch Tomato

  1. Hey 00lsee. Congrats on the job. It's crazy out there!

    For the past three weeks it was so SLOW and I was leaving every day at 5. And I never leave at 5. But damn, since Monday I have been swimming upstream. I think I am busier than I have ever been in my 3 years there. And what's so funny is that I was highly skeptical that Denmark wants us to send our quotes to Malaysia to be entered. I'm like why, so they can fire us for not having enough to do. But it a godsend this week. Might be the weekend before I can stop and breathe and watch some clack.

    I'm still reading over at TWoP and I was about to get suspended for my nth time. Geeze, the way these folks analyze "claymates" makes me want to kick some ass. But the moderator put a stop to it thank goodness. It's just ridiculous. How on earth, 7 years later, can you still be a hater, not just of Clay but his fans. What is more ridiculous? And who needs a life? It certainly isn't me.

    Have a good rest of the week!

  2. Abrahammy, wow talk about a blast from the past! I'll check out your blog.

    I still can't stand the women's team. They need to break up the mean girls click. It feels like high school. Patricia seemed really defeated. She didn't fight back hard enough. Dayana actually seems to always know what's wrong with a plan but doesn't articulate to anyone at the right time. I don't believe for one moment that Aubrey didn't approve every last print that Patricia did. Editing be damned. And somebody tell me what the hell Theresa is doing. But I must say, I had a bias against all things Housewives but she's coming off better than most of the women on that team. Watch out girl, as soon as they get rid of the rest of Venezuela you are NEXT.

    I thought Clay did a great job as project manager and his team did their thing. Everyone has their part and they seem to work well together. It's hard to know which way things will go but the guys party did appear more fun. And it's crystal lite. Any thing that tries to make crystal lite uptown is doomed to fail.

    My favorite part of the episode was Aresenio talking about how great Clay's voice was and how he didn't need autotuning or even music and then they cut to Debbie and her special effects. I LOL. Great editing there. I pretty much like all the guys. It must be hard at this point to get rid of people.

    I'm by no means a prude and I can't stand Aubrey but still didn't like the cooch comment. Yikes. And I understand that he thought it was too outrageous to put on air but really, there is nothing too outrageous for these reality shows. So from the previews there will be two tasks. I wonder if the teams will be split for the second task.

    Still hate Trump. His son gets on my nerves. Are there 2 of them? Which one does the tweeting. The daughter is ok. She comes off less assholish than the men in the family.

    So I see there is a lot of stuff to catch up with today. Glad to here there will be some tour dates. I wish I had more info as I'm actually planning two trips right now - one in May and then my family reunion in July. I'm not sure I'll be able to squeeze in anything else this year so I hope he comes west. If he announces the summer dates soon enough I may be able to work it in as I have not exactly decided what I'm going to do. I just know it has to be before July 4th (doing a time share exchange which expires on the 4th) but all of June is pretty much out as the other food buyer will be on vacation. And in August my family reunion is in Savannah. I can see where that might work out to my advantage somehow. So maybe I'll get lucky. I'm going to think positively on this one!!

    LOL that Aubrey fans had a clip before Clay fans. That might be a first. And was an Aubrey fan screaming LOL. I thought her voice was pretty average on the anthem but that's a difficult song to sing.

    ETA: Ha ha I've read Abrahammy's recaps before. I just didn't know it was her.

  3. Arsenio is in it to win it. That much is obvious. I would expect nothing less.

    My favorite reality show people are Dr. Will from Big Brother (the only seasons I could bear that show was when he was on) and Boston Rob. I like snarky, sneaky, smart people especially when they know it's a game and play it with gusto. And if they are funny all the better. I can't stand people like Audra and Lisa who don't bring with them a measure of levity, just unpleasantness.

    Who is Jackie Collins? Alexis from Dynasty?

    Yes Trump is freakin' weird. Honestly I can't stand him already and the more I see of him the less I like him. He cuts people off all the time too. Thankfully I'll never have to see him again after this season.

  4. I read over at TWOP since I always read over at TWOP. It's kinda interesting to hear the C.A. fan point of view. What gets me is that there are still people obsessed with Claymates. I mean really, MOVE ON WITH YOUR LIFE.

    I feel like editing probably created a story rather than told a story. Not that Clay wasn't frustrated with Penn but according to Penn the "team" wanted to throw Lou under the bus by allowing him to have a really shitty concept. Clay's statement made it seem like he was one of those people. But that was editing. I definitely think Arsenio is one of those people from his talking heads. Not sure who all else. I think I believe that. But I understand the frustration with Penn. I'm sure he can work the nerves. But Clay and Penn having the go around about the way he was shooting down ideas and the "setting him up to fail" could definitely be two different things conflating. I think Clay won over a bunch of people on the episode though and Penn lost a few but still has a lot of support. Ha ha...I'm fascinating by reality show editing though. I spend as much time trying to figure out what really happened.

    I think the "some people in this room" is a hint at that. Also Clay would never go along with that. Didn't he do an interview where he said if the men won nobody went home. So he always went into it with that attitude.

  5. Last night's epi had a lot more clay therefore I was a lot more interested. I wish they would not have chopped up so much of the CLay/Penn stuff right down tot he 4 minute silence. That would made for awesome tv. The women had an inkling of an idea in there but the execution was atrocious. I hate the women's team although I don't hate all the women. I guess it's the Aubrey, Lisa, Debbie part of the team I can't stand. I know they break them up at some point - but hopefully not until most of them are gone. I don't want to have to watch them on the team with Clay.

    Ugh. Can't believe it's Monday already. It's just so dark and gloomy out. I want head back under the covers.

  6. "Our investigation is color blind and based on the facts and circumstances, not color. I know I can say that until I am blue in the face, but, as a white man in a uniform, I know it doesn't mean anything to anybody."

    Damn straight. It means JACK to me. I heard about this a bit ago and am glad to see it's going viral. I guess it will now get the national news attention it deserves. Unfortunately the real issue will get lost. Why this person had a gun to begin with.

    Cute pic of Clay and Tyra.

  7. Ok so my C.A. didn't tape for some reason. I don't see it on On-Demand. I guess I'll try CBS.com. Anybody know if they have it online? Oh wait..don't they air the entire thing on another night or network?

    Aside from my usual Sunday night stuff, and NBA which they've finally lured me back after that stupid strike, my mom wanted to watch the Oprah/Whitney family interview. Sometimes I let her win LOL.

    Totally not into show tunes. Of course I'll listen to Clay sing the phonebook. I know Frank Sinatra's version of this song. Barbra Streisand too. I love her voice. What's the album schedule to be released?

  8. 've had a lot of NJU's commenting to me on the show lately (mostly at work) and they all say either "Clay's not in it much" or "Clay's really flying under the radar so far".

    Not surprised. That's the kind of edit he's gotten so far. And on the latest long clip it was more of the same. That's why I'm glad he's project manager soon. I've watched much reality TV in my day and at the end I want people to say wow he earned that. But we have a long way to go and as the cast gets smaller and smaller things should really heat up and the edit will be forced to change. LadyJ thanks for refreshing my memory on what we know from the outside looking in. I may need to go read some back notes on that one.

    So was George Takei saying things about Clay BEFORE the show got underway or is he basing his feelings on what he saw on the show.

  9. yeah I'm afraid to look into it. That site was piggy backing on Ansa's husbands site and really I've had way over a year to move everything. PerusingOne graciously offered us space. So if he closed it out there's really no one to blame but myself. Great start to the weekend.

    I know Clay is involved in a lot of what's going on but the editing seems to go to him mostly for reaction shots and then his talking heads. I hope that changes soon. Do we have any idea when he will be project manager?

  10. I'm taking off tomorrow today just because.

    Lucky if you liked the interview I'll give it a shot.

    JMH... I just had some of your ice cream. It was a chocolate covered ice cream bar (like a Klondike bar only better). I remember the ehp talking about that brand in the past. I was surprised to see it as I have never noticed it around here before.

    Have a great day everybody.

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