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Couch Tomato

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Posts posted by Couch Tomato

  1. Trump, shock jocks, tabloid tv shows, housewives... sigh. LOL. And I really don't like these nasty comedians. Never heard of Lisa and don't think her comedy would interest me. I don't have these folks in my life on a daily basis. I'm looking forward to and dreading CA all at the same time. I have decided not to watch live but dvr it for later viewing and fast forwarding.

    As for politics they are divisive on a personal level just as they are in Washington. I'm mostly apathetic since 95% of politicians (from local to federal) don't impress me at all. On a personal level I've almost had to chop off a finger to keep from responding to a family member's social ideas on facebook. I found them so horrendous but I had to keep in mind that I could really cause a lot of family friction and never responded. I just thought they were extreme, not the usual back and forth that we are all used to.

    Why am I sitting here. Off to work.

  2. Well you can blame several here for my addiction to BBT. I tape 2 episodes on channel 2. I watch the regular weekly episode on channel five. And TBS now airs 2 episodes a night as well. And they are having a New Years Eve marathon LOL. I think I've almost caught them all already. Finally saw the pilot episode tonight. It's funny but I thought Sheldon was portrayed slightly different in the pilot. New favorite episode is The Bath Item Gift Hypothesis. AND the NBA is back. I was mad at them but my Warriors are winning. I'm easy that way.

    To me it's like the quiet before the storm. It will be interesting to see Clay on TV every week..or does this come on twice a week like so many of these reality shows.

    What's everyone doing for New Years. Went shopping tonight for everything I need to make gumbo and Louisiana bbq shrimp for new years day. I do nothing on New Years eve. Well ha ha guess I'll be watching the BBT marathon.

  3. I hope everyone had a great day. Got home a little while ago and had a great day with my sister and her family. We pulled out the grill and I bbq some ribs. Very atypical Xmas meal for us but it was nice. My nephew is now 12 and the boy racked up in gift cards and cash and presents. He has enough to buy himself an I-Phone but I LOL as he spent the most time on his 3 rolls of colorful duct tape. He made a wallet and some glasses out of it so far. Talk about low tech. My sister got the latest Kindle which means I got her hand me downs and I'm happy. So this is how crazy my family is. My mom and I had two big boxes as gifts. Opened the first and it was a nice wicker basket full of toilet paper. I opened the second big box and it was a case of toilet paper. ha ha. I guess I've asked her once too many times to drop off a roll LOL.

    Hope ya'll had a good day.

  4. I'm here I'm here. I've been reading but have just been tired or working when I got home from work. Plus my cousin Jamie had a baby so I've been visiting. Little Jazzlyn (hated the name until I saw the baby) is so precious. And I really really miss my cousin Clayton. He is so missing out on being with his grandchildren and I just feel the hole in our lives on holidays and big events like this. He died so young. He would have been 51 this year.

    I got a Xmas bonus. That was nice. And I'm off on Monday so that's good.

    I bought the single but haven't had time to listen yet. although I have heard it a bunch of times online.

    I would have loved to hear Clay's Hallelujah. My favorite is from K.D. Lang. I'm really pissed that I can't see the Olympics version online but apparently they pull it down as fast as it goes up. The voice is still fabulous but the visual made it a truly stunning moment and I'd like to relieve it. Did anybody ever get a copy of that? Is it available in Canada somewhere ..on some type of Olympics disc?

    Looking forward to Celebrity Apprentice.I was always happy he got the gig but wasn't looking forward to watching until the reports started coming in. Plus knowing he's in it to win it helps as well. So now I'm really looking forward to it. I'll put it on season pass on the DVR as soon as I can.

    Christmas will be low key. Honestly I haven't really bought any presents so far. I got 3 great presents from work and I am re-gifting them all. They are just things that I don't need or use. One is a Starbucks gift basket which my mom will love. I'm somebody that goes into Starbucks, when I'm dragged there, and I order a hot chocolate without the whipped cream ha ha.

    One thing I'm enjoying about being a buyer is I get all the keep giving us your business gifts at Xmas time. I've gotten some great bottles of wine and champagne. Those I will keep heee Most of the stuff I get is food and I just share it with the office.

    Just going to my sister's for Xmas. It's always fun to watch the kids open up their millions of presents. We aren't even having the traditional Xmas dinner. We are having bbq ribs and chicken. I'm really more looking forward to new years. We're planning a big seafood shindig with gumbo, crab and bbq shrimp. I'm saving all my good booze for that day.

    Jealous of your long vacation LadyJ. Good for you.

    I wish everyone here a happy holiday season. I'd love to hear what you have planned!

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