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Couch Tomato

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Posts posted by Couch Tomato

  1. First Celebrity Apprentice ad during the Super Bowl!

    OK, so we've seen it already, and Clay isn't featured, but still....

    Interesting game so far, although I have to admit I watch more for the commercials! Loved the Elton John Pepsi commercial so far.

    The girl in it is Melanie, winner of X Factor US. Pretty funny commercial.

    Kelly did great on the anthem. I know the anthem is normally lip synced but the half time show should be live. Call me disappointed on that one.

  2. I agree with Jamar that it was pretty mild what Clay said. But it doesn't really take much in this fandom. I understand where Bottle is coming from as well. But I also think Clay has done a great job holding his tongue all these years. Mostly I think about when he came out and how he let his own fan club board be used for people to say whatever they wanted to say. I could NEVER have done that. When he has said what's on his mind, funny enough, it's when I respect him most.

    So was Clay responding to what people were saying on his fan club board or twitter? Even if I were deeply disappointed in his projects, I don't think I could ever say it to his face. Seems so rude. These days I am happy and satisfied just reading here. So it feels different from those heady early years for me. I think the most important thing for Clay right now, is not to satisfy all of us, who despite what we say are still here all these years later. And from what I could see on my quick look around the boards (haven't done that in years) it's the same old same old put any gate in the box here. It's boring. It's time Clay expands beyond us. I hope he can accomplish that with his weekly exposure. Maybe it won't help his singing career but hopefully it will open up some more opportunities for him.

    Ok something has been bothering me. Has Reese Witherspoon gotten plastic surgery. Has her chin always been so pointy? ha ha.

  3. Looks like Twitter is the double edged sword I thought it would be. I don't care if he says what's on his mind. Everybody else does.

    I understand that people want new. I really do. But I think if Clay wasn't doing CA we wouldn't' be getting anything at all right now let alone something new. What they are trying to do is having something for people to buy if they rediscover him during this show. He's going to be on a tv every weeks for months and they are ready to take advantage of that. I don't think it's really a "career" move or something for us. It's something to grab back people who liked him on Idol and that's all.

  4. So Celebrity Apprentice airs at 9pm? I'm so into TGW right now and now it's off for 3 damn weeks. I hate when they do this. They air at the same time I think. I'm not a Nielson family so it doesn't matter what I watch I guess but I'm more concerned about it staying on the air. CA can fall off the map after this season for all I care. And since they have this season in the can there is no chance they won't air it. ha ha.

    Ooh wish I could go on that cruise. Been wanting to do an Alaskan cruise for a long time now. Good luck finding a roomie Lotus.

  5. :fca: OMG I'm a wreck! Big game day has me so excited for my 49ers. They weren't suppose to be here this year.

    They weren't suppose to be this good just yet. Reminds me of the 2010 Giants.

    If they win it will be FANTASTIC! And then several more weeks of an.ti.ci.pa.tion. heh

    If they don't win.....well then it was one fucking hell of a great year! One the fans have not seen in this area in many years!

    So it's all good.

    Chips & dip - check

    Pizza - check

    Corona & limes - check


    It's not the d-fence we need to worry about LOL.

    Yes it's exciting. I didn't expect them to win a playoff game let alone so many regular season games.

    Seems you have all the essentials! Superbowl is so close yet so far!!

  6. I didn't care about the left or right hands last night. I couldn't work because I need Wiki to do my google job for my current project. LOL. I was working away when that blackout happened.

    Anyway..found this quite by accident. Sorry if it's been posted already.


    The relevant parts:

    With season 11 upon us, The Hollywood Reporter looks back at some of the defining moments that shaped the show we know today.

    1. Runner-up Clay Aiken Outsells Winner Ruben Studdard

    Season two was all about surprises, but who could have predicted that the fashion-challenged Clay Aiken would not only survive elimination but rise all the way to the top two? On finale night, 24 million votes were cast, but Studdard squeaked through, besting Aiken by just 134,000. Soon after, Idol fans started voting with their wallets, and Aiken's Measure of a Man CD debuted at no. 1 with 613,000 copies sold in its first week out, easily outselling Studdard's debut, Soulful, which tallied 400,000. Aiken's retail victory immediately set a goal and standard for futureIdol contestants that didn't get the celebratory shower of confetti, and it put in place the oft-repeated consolation, "You don't have to win to be a winner." (Michele Amabile Angermiller)

  7. Clay tweeted, but I am on my phone and cannot copy it over. Can someone else do so? It's about watching the Golden Globes for the ads rather than the awards!

    ha ha..well I'm watching for the awards but I did see a new commercial that featured Clay.

    How on earth did Kelsey Grammar win best actor. He is so over the top in the horrific Boss. Critics love it for some reason. I honestly don't know why?

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