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Couch Tomato

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Posts posted by Couch Tomato

  1. Regarding the preview...

    I think Adam going home so soon was good for him. In larger doses he might have been annoying. What's so hard to understand about what Arsenio wanted. He did his own thing anyway. A comedy show and a roast are two different hings although they overlap. It's about Aubrey to the end. That's all I can say about her.

  2. Yeah it can go either way. I think it's a great story either way, especially considering the alternatives of going before the finale.

    I'm not sure what Clay thought he did that was so bad that he had to warn us (and we didn't see everything). Honestly I can't figure it out. There was a moment or two that I wasn't wild about but reality shows are really known for bad behavior and Clay was practically a choir boy. I mean think about it. It was Lisa and Aubrey who should have warned their fans.

  3. LadyJ I enjoyed Clay on CA. But watching CA was definitely for me one of those "things I do for Clay." We here in the fandom tease about that a lot. I would never under any other circumstances watch this show. Trump (who I detest) Lisa and Aubrey made it very difficult to handle week after week. But I did appreciate Clay and several others.

    I don't see Clay going into politics because it's too invasive into your private life.

    Granted, I LOVE watching him perform. Don't get me wrong about that at all. I think he's a marvelous entertainer, with a great voice, and a fantastic sense of humor on stage. I also think he loves touring (he's said as much), and loves connecting with the fans in that way. But I also think he's finding a balance between doing this and his charitable work, and I sometimes feel he gets much more satisfaction from the charitable work than the entertaining part.

    That makes sense. Selfishly I want him to stay in music because that's what I most care about. I'm proud of him for the other stuff but it's the singing that I'm passionate about.

    I wish he could do a show like Duets. Sounds like it could be an interesting show and it's about singing. I was going to watch it when Lionel Richie was involved. Now I'm less interested. I'm sure my sister will though as she loves John Legend and Robin THicke.

  4. I don't see a love fest with Arsenio any more than anyone else. They are all great and wonderful etc etc ad nausem. Arsenio is quite likeable and polite and except for his Aubrey blowup which many folks applauded he's played the boardroom well. Many people would call that brown nosing. I call it pretty smart. Trump has questioned why Arsenio wasn't brought back on one task. So I think in a heavily edited situation if you make it to the end, you get equal consideration and the opportunity to convince others that you should win. His teams have the most wins so he's been a part of that. And frankly he hasn't yet killed Aubrey so that's another point. I think at the end he'll have the contacts to raise money. Since this is an entirely arbitrary decision based on whatever he decides to base it on (i hear someone raised more money and still lost) I'm just not invested in the "win." I don't believe Arsenio wasn't a hard worker any more than I believe Clay was ever at a loss for words and needed Lisa's help to make decisions. Every time they showed Clay and then a pregnant pause I LOL.

    I'm actually glad CA is coming to an end and I look forward to the next chapter in his career.

  5. So wondering if anyone thinks Clay's political and social views will hurt his chances of becoming C.A. Not that I care. Fair or not I just don't have a high opinion of Trump.

    Off to read the article. Have a great day. And to all the mothers out there Happy Mother's Day.

    Loved the q and a with Faye. Her "bless them" was my favorite part.

  6. So I'm pretty sure I'll attend the gala. I cleared the general dates with my co-worker. I'm not sure if I'll go earlier or stay later or where I want to go before or after. I can't fly across the country for one thing (can't believe I used to do this 5 times a year LOL) so will have to tie it to the long awaited vacation I've been wanting to go on for months. I have family in the DC metro area. And I've been there many times so have seen a lot but there's always something new.

    Congrats LdyJ!

  7. I'm not into Survivor this year or last for that matter (due to casting) however the editors are clever and they give good smackdown when it's deserved. It can just be so satisfying. Haven't really felt that with this show at all. I know when you tape the show so far in advance it's hard to know how the audience will feel but Survivor manages to find those moments. And unlike tribal council, the boardroom has mostly been cringe worthy. My favorite boardroom moment was TrumpDaughter calling out Aubrey. Also Trumpson said he'd never seen anything like her in the history of the show - throwing her team mates under the bus midway through a task. Yet, that part was never really spoken out loud in the boardroom. I just won't be happy if she gets a you were so wonderful but oh you're fired. All Lisa got was you'r so emotional. Whatever. Not strong enough.

    The negotiations wasn't impressive to me either. She did it simply for the humiliation factor and so I didn't enjoy it (because Theresa was one of my favorite people on this show). But I will freely it admit that at this point I can't see her without prejudice.

    Hmmm... crap. I don't think I ever put itunes on my computer. Better get busy.

    No tomatoes from me. We'll see how you feel after the 100th listen heee.

  8. LBAL is up for download and it is AWESOME!!!!!! :yahoo::listen:

    Thanks for the heads up.

    Trump can spend 30 minutes talking about models and then cheat us out of Lisa really getting a smack down. Unfortunately I expect no different from Aubrey's exit. The best thing about reality shows is watching some folks get their comeuppance. Somebody needs to take some lessons from Survivor. No way I'd watch this show if Clay wasn't in it.

  9. I agree that almost every decision has been quite arbitrary. Sometimes I didn't think the team that won deserved it. And sometimes people went home for no reason at all. The same will happen during the finale. Trump will make up the rules as he goes along to have any winner he wants. There is no --- but he deserves it here. That's how I feel anyway. The biggest winners in one regard so far are Paul, Aresenio and Lisa because they have won the most for their charities.

  10. If 20 minutes of interviews were cut down to 30 seconds I can only surmise it din't go as bad as the editing made it seem. I think they wanted to make it hard to figure out who was going to get fired. It certainly was a fake out that Lisa went first to those who didn't know. Do people feel nervous watching the show. I know he makes the final two so this is extremely easy for me. I want him to win but I think either position is a good story and will give Clay years of funny material. I wonder if they got to see any of the footage before they did the interviews or if they were going in blind.

    I did read Clay's blog but I'm sure ya'll can guess whether or not I was swayed about Lisa.

    Happy Monday!!

  11. I understand that sentiment...it's not like Audrey is so much better in my mind. She's not. I don't like either of them. But Lisa, with her continued comments after the show - calling Dayana a spic and that she'd be spitting out babies in a week. I'm sorry she's a vile human being. And my opinion was engraved in stone long before she became Clay's partner so I doubt that will change.

    Oh it's the TAR finale. I didn't realize it until it until just now.

  12. Jmh - I don't understand the concept of work clothes, winter clothes, summer clothes LOL. I wear the same crap everywhere. LOL.

    Lisa said she didn't care what people think of her. She just cares about the 5 percent fans she will gain from doing the show. I know that eases my mind a great deal. 3 more weeks and I never have to see her again in my life.'

    Jamar, best typo ever.

  13. While I don't think Dayana is some wall flower I don't think she's all that manipulative. I think she took a lot of pleasure in watching Lisa blow her stack after taking her bs for so long. I personally don't care if Lisa runs out in traffic to save a puppy next week there is absolutely nothing she can do or say at this point to change my opinion of her. It's too late for her because she only has one or two weeks to repair her image. IMPOSSIBLE. Next to Lisa Dayana comes off like mother theresa. Clay got frustrated with Dayana but except for a few eyerolls he exchanged with Lisa I was fine with his reaction. And I think that has more to do with the fact that I can't freakin' stand Lisa and hate that they "teamed" up. I'll be glad when she's gone. I don't care if they are friends but god I hope she doesn't become linked with him in a professional manner.

    Who is John Rich? I'm sure he's a previous winner but who is he?

    Fear, OMG yeah those clothes she picked out were FUGLY.

    EW blog was hysterical. I never really laughed at it before but I did this week.

    And FINALLY the irony that Aubrey's charity is anti bullying comes to a head....


  14. Someone please shut Aubrey up! I can't decide which I dislike more...Lisa's profane mouth or Aubrey's conceit. I wanted to like Dayana and maybe she is a good person, but her droning interjections got on my nerves. I'm kind of relieved she's gone. Whew. Having trouble enjoying this show, for real!


    At least I don't think Aubrey is capable of seriously doing damage to someone. I'd fear for my safety around Lisa and her temper. She just seems unstable.

    Aubrey is just delusional LOL.

    How many more weeks of this. When's the finale?

  15. Thanks for tweets and the commentary.

    I hated that Clay had to go team up with Lisa. I can't stand her and I hate her more each week. And frankly I hate that Dayana went before Lisa or Aubrey.

    As for the editing, one of the reasons I was surprised that Clay went on this show because he was handing over how he was portrayed to someone else. So eh, the editing for me is something he has to live with. If I start saying Clay is editing then I might have to give Aubrey and Lisa a pass. And I ain't doing that. But I'll judge for myself later tonight..or tomorrow as it is the season finale of TGW.

    TAR time!

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