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Couch Tomato

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Everything posted by Couch Tomato

  1. Post your thoughts on the Hollywood rounds.
  2. Post information on what the finalists and the also rans are up to.
  3. Let's get started -- Post your thoughts on each audition episode here. We can figure out our pace as we go along. Let's try to stay in order but feel free to start related AI2 topics in this forum. I've been looking forward into delving into the season and putting a comprehensive AI2 review on the website. All suggestions are welcome.
  4. I like your ideas Playbiller. I should have some "stuff" to throw in the mix. As for AI2 - for about 5 months it's been on my to do list - to create a review of the entire show for FCA - so I need to start watching the episodes. So many others seem to be reviewing the show that maybe we'll make threads for AI2 to chat about. I also like that season for more than just Clay -- so many good singers. Everybody seemed to get better as time went on. There was a real competition. I haven't seen it since. IMO (cuz I know it's not universally held) Fantasia was so much better than everybody else in her season. And last year while there were no horrible people I didn't see much excellence either, other than Bo. So I'll get some AI2 threads started soon and maybe we can watch and chat about a couple episodes a week from season 2. Does everybody have the episodes?
  5. LdyJocelyn: TITN Oprah hair. With all this talk about AI2, how about we synch it up and do a chat and commentary about the eppys. Ansa and I have been talking about doing an extensive review section of AI2 for the website.... no time like the present. Anybody interested? And how about a new main thread..this one is getting long in the tooth. Any title suggestions?
  6. Hey Clay has beautiful hair. I don't care how it's styled or not styled. Just stay away from the mohawk and Ruben's brother. I loved the Oprah hair so much I have it on my Shutterfly calendar. I won't discuss my hair which needs its monthly detangling. I should just let it lock up like it wants to.
  7. Tell me about it. I've been working on my Shutterfly calendar for three damn days... finally I just decided to go look at other poeple's and steal their photos. Thanks ldyjocelyn! So my only question is it says the photos isn't high resolution enough should I pick another. I have 6 that I'm using that is giving me a big old warning sign. But I want them whine whine whine. So Fear, you better patent your talking calendar idea...sounds like this is what most Clay fans want - and can you do it for $30? Snerk.
  8. what is this, pick on couch tomato day? heee... WOW, great picture Skate. It is beautiful. Well my Clay stuff is in a couple of boxes but I also have stuff that is out. I have a gorgeous painting of Clay in the green IT outfit. I won that at a California gathering. I also have Laurie McAdams print. (red grease jacket). And as soon as I finish cleaning my room (which I've been doing for 5 months now, I'm going to paint and hang some other things including my pin boxes. I'm working on trying to put a calendar together but it's soooo hard to pick the 18 photos. I think I'll just go through FCA concert pages because so many of my favorites are posted there. OK i'm jealous of SNL clack. And can't wait to see what Buzzie goes through to get that Jerome DNA!
  9. Ok, nothing unusual or envy worthy in my collection. I have the usual magazines, newspapers, programs, etc. I guess my favorite things are the blown up JBT poster and the program for Heather Headley's Broadway Cares benefit. None of it signed! hmmmm ebay! I recently came into a bit of moolah. I finally got a settlement check from bankrupcty of a company I used to work for...almost 3K and no concert tickets to buy or trips to plan...maybe I'll start buying some good clack. Bottlecap...PM me your address. i think I owe you a bit of clingle clack.
  10. uh oh..my favorite topic..ebay gold..I actually have to go through my stuff this weekend and I'll post about it then..>needless to say I have everything in triplicate heee. And right now they're in 2 big boxes. sigh.
  11. I think for me it was all the holiday festivities. Although that Clay Aiken guy is pretty special too. I'm also looking forward to 2006 and hearing Clay's new music -- whenever it arrives heh. 2005 was so much fun with the highlights for me being traveling for the Jukebox tour and JNT05. I also loved that the Oakland pre party turned out nice although I was about to kill myself with the stress of it all. I love my Clay live. And I love all my traveling buddies.... even though they get to see all my foibles up close and personal!! Can't wait to this year's travels although it's going to take a lot more skill on my part. Hope Clay's schedule makes it easy for me. Playbiller...wow I haven't checked out ebay or pins in awhile due to the fact that I'm broke. I didn't realize pins were being sold on ebay though. LOL... I know what you mean. I love the Giraffe picture too...Clay looks so ... I don't know..I'm still searching for the right word. I think I told Roseviolet that he looked soft and cuddly...not the gifaffe, Clay. heee. Do we know who the people were on the row with Jerome. I just lOL that he's sitting behind Clay for some reason when there's an empty seat on his row. Back in the day when I was crazy...I bought every thing in doubles or triplicate so I'll probably start recouping some money one of these days. But pins? No way and really don't like the fact that they are being sold for profit like that.
  12. So I watched March of the Penquins..and thought of Bottlecap and Clay. Happy belated birthday Buzzy. Hope it was grande. So I've had company all day but I knew I heard something freaky coming from my room with my computer. My Dreamweaver is corrupted -- the dreamweaver I use to update FCA website. Keep your fingers crossed. I'm going in. And I'm killing a six year when I see him tomorrow.
  13. That was a fabulous show last night. So emotional. Thanks for stopping by guys. It was hilarious and I look forward to the next tour. Now, off to get my shrimp.
  14. yeah, when you get that peice of paper about winning a m&g that's all you think about until the concert...so yeah, it would have been horrible if they were denied their chance... of course if Clay were to personally try to make it up to them I'm sure they'd get over it hee.
  15. I won't walk about my room which has been 2/3s clean for about a year now.
  16. That was amazing...I'll be waiting up for Clack tonight
  17. Waves to clayforever and grammiel... I can not wait to watch the clack of this
  18. ah Clay is really giving wonderful introductions tonight! I'm getting teary.
  19. Hi Claysmelody -- yep, you sure can join in. Ansa and Shelley will swing by and pick you up on the way! I really am going to miss this tour. Bottlecap and Playbiller, thanks for jumpstarting the chats. It's been a lot of fun and I look forward to doing this again next tour. This is just about my pace!!
  20. Wow, I didn't think he could sing MDYK any better...but he has really has changed it up lately. It's even better
  21. Roseviolet...right under your crab pictures are links to Cheap tickets and hot fares...I may have to check my piggy bank. Company's comin'
  22. Clay is skeeeering me tonight! Go boy!
  23. OK so roseviolet and I will buy crab for everybody who is here by morning! Deal?
  24. Wow ANGELA...whoo hoo... that was good! I liked those "flourishes" Yeah dinner is on me on New Years... I'll wave to Roseviolet...she can conceivably come LOL! Howdy neighbor!
  25. gma23boys...I sure will. I'm sure I'll be down some time this spring. Were those pictures of Clay taken today?
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