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Couch Tomato

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Everything posted by Couch Tomato

  1. I loved the Busch Garden pictures today. Was that part of the crew in the second row because I had to laugh at Jerome sitting directly behind Clay on that ride. I'm sure he was going to be ready to throw his body in front of him just in case heee.
  2. Fear I just read your recap... wow 40 minutes circuling the parking lot. Too bad you missed WJ but at least you got their for main event! And perfectly happy with row 14..not an internet fan are they LOL. I know Clay said don't wait to make resolutions but make changes as you need to = shut up Clay....but I think for the first time in many a year I think I will actually make a few of the common resolutions. But I'm waiting to start - not on New Years Day HA -- but after the holiday is completely over. I have 4 pounds of jumbo shrimp and I'm making Lousinana bbq shrimp on Sunday. And although shrimp is ok...the recipe starts with 2 sticks of butter.
  3. Clay sounds soooo good...and the cellcert IS clear..the best for last! Hey gma23boys! I'm in San Diego a couple times a year at least...or near there...my brother lives in Oceanside. Some folks get so annoyed at Ethel...but in Atlantic City it wasn't Ethel that bothered me, it was the reaction around me when Clay acknowedged her - invited her onstage. talk about snipy bitter beyatches. Even felt obliged to tell everyone around them, many who had no idea who Ethel was, their snotty opinion.
  4. Oops sorry Bottlecap...what's up with CV tonight. Somebody short on batteries? Merry Xmas with Love... a little vocal change up. And on the last night no less.
  5. I was at the final concert last year for JNT and there were no serious pranks. clay was on the lookout for them but nothing really happened that I can remember. All the band and crew did get introduced and they all came out in their finest Sunday best.
  6. Bottlecap...love your bling. KAndre would be proud.
  7. I really love CW now... I didn't pay much attention to it last year but teeth and all that is one of my favorite scenes in the show!!
  8. There's nothing in the world like paying bills to the beautiful sounds of Clay Aiken. I can do with all the other commercial trappings of Xmas but I must have my tree.
  9. I'm enjoying Newland's recap. cellcert is pretty good tonight.
  10. Newland is recounting her rehearsals as a community players last night. She says Allison is hysterically funny. She basically leads all the rehearsals.
  11. LOL I thought the show was over but the CV cellcerter still going strong. They crack me up! I love 'em.
  12. I had goosebumps from my computer during the Raleigh show so can't imagine what it would have been like to have been there.
  13. Of course it's a clear cellstream...always is when I miss it.
  14. OK I'm getting a no good News vibe..the boy is racing through those intros
  15. ooh this is sounding especially pretty tonight...MDYK a well deserved standing ovation for MDYK
  16. No opening act? Shoot.. I would have run home faster from work had I known. He sounds good. I missed him...lOL.
  17. Georgia, have fun with your ipod. It's the best thing ever invented. I love having Clay right at my fingertips. I hope everyone had a marvelous holiday..now back to work for four before being off for three more. Hopefully we'll start to see that calendar fill in a bit. I'm thinking if we are expecting a spring release, that some stuff should start to happen in advance of that..so maybe February or March.
  18. Heee...when I was in Nashville, i was just chatting with Heidi about Kwanzaa. I still don't know what it is and what it's supposed to mean. I've never celebrated it. I want to drop by and wish everyone a happy holidays and thank you for supporting FCA. Ansa and I have lots of ideas for the website, now only if we can find the time we'll get them implemented next year. I've updated my blog...yes i just skipped ahead to my last trip. For the curious, because who knows if I"ll ever go back...the beer. What happened was after Vermont, we took off for Atlantic City. When MsT05 and I got to the Sheraton (which by the way must have been the official hotel of Miss America which seemed so fitting LOL) we were in the lobby checking in. In front of us checking in was an airline pilot and some other airline personnel. I was like WTF..they're drunk. i can smell the alcohol on them. They got their keys and left and I picked up my duffle and I noticed the wet floor underneath. Yep, I had somehow punctured a hole in my beer and it had seeped all through my duffle bag. Talk about embarassing. Of course the first thing I did was check to make sure my autographed LTS didn't get ruined. It didn't. Whew. Now here's the worst part..I just couldn't slink up to my room with the trail of beer following me. Because the first room we got to had one big bed although we had requested 2. So I march back to the lobby with my trail of beer. That got us free parking for the duration. Then they give us keys to another room...we get there and although it appears clean, there's trash on the table - like the remnants of somebody's lunch. So we call down...and they run us up another key to a different room..so that's now two hotel rooms I've left with the sweet fragrance of beer. (But we got free passes to the club level and free breakfast). So after we eat, we go in search of soap powder so I can clean my duffle...and did ya'll know once you get a block pass the casinos it gets mighty seemy. MsT kept me on the straight and narrow and we made it back safe and sound to our hotel. No where near as fun as what ya'll were starting to come up with. Blog - Nashville recap
  19. What a special night. I'm so glad I could hear it...and i NEEEED a DVD of this one and Atlanta.
  20. thank god I'm on the west coast...I'm not going to sleep until I get some clack.
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