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Posts posted by claylove

  1. Charity Buzz for the Make-A-Wish Foundation and Pediped

    Little teeny tiny kid sized mandals for auction...

    OMG, that is too funny! :hysterical: They're out of my (extremely limited) price range already, but we wondered if he would do a pair of mandals....and he did! :wub:

    OMG those are so cute!! I can so see Parker wearing little shoes like that! It must have been really hard for Clay to sign the inside sole of those tiny shoes. He doesn't exactly have a small hand. :dadrocks:

  2. Hey All, just saying "hi!" I got home last night and pretty much crashed from exhaustion. I took photos and need to do a bit of editing and will post them later on today or tomorrow. Still feeling wiped out so I am going to take it easy today. As my close friends know, I was going days before and after the gala plus not enough sleep and it all finally caught up with me.

    I had an awesome time and loved not only seeing Clay and supporting the National Inclusion Project but also having a reunion with so many friends and meeting many new ones too. That is what makes it all so meaningful and enjoyable to me. The breakfast was fantastic. Thank you FromClaygary for organizing it!

    Like Couchie, I really need to get a job!!! I think next year is going to be great and I surely do not want to miss it.

    Oh and I love Clay Aiken!! ...but you probably already knew that ;-)

  3. I love snowflake Clay but yesterday I had to chose the other photo. I have always loved the artistic quality of that shot. Great job Karen Eh! Its one of my all time favorites. I guess because I love photography I tend vote based on the photo composition itself, not just the event. And in this case even though some of the snowflake shots are absolutely in my favorites list (which I admit is a long list hee) the other photo was just too beautiful to vote against.

    I am loving this photo contest!!

  4. Hey All, just wanted to give an update on my job hunting. Unfortunately, I did not get the job at the non-profit that does disability advocacy. I got a rejection letter last Friday and was pretty bummed. But now that I have had time to think about it, it probably was for the best. While this is a cause I feel personally passionate about, I think there are some good reasons why this was not the position for me. About 75% of the situational questions in the interview were what you would do if.... questions and they all implied a constant high stress, high demand environment. Don't get me wrong, I am fine in a face paced environment. I work pretty quickly and do not like to be bored. But being busy and being under constant stress and overworked are not the same thing. I got the impression the work there is constantly intense and stressful and because I already have chronic pain from Fibromyalgia, that is really not a good work environment for me so it was probably a blessing that I did not get it.

    I have been sending out resumes for the last couple of weeks but so far have not heard anything from those. Finally today I received a phone call from an agency I had previously signed up with about a potential job. The good news is I have a temp job on Monday and depending on how that goes, it could lead to a longer temp assignment or even a permanent position. Its for an investment banker that just relocated to a new office building so the initial temp part is to help with getting things set up and settled in their new office. The temp agency thought this was perfect for me because I love to organize. The office manager there will also be retiring in a couple of months so *hopefully* they will like me and I will like them and it could lead to something more. But even if not, I am excited to have some work for Monday! Keeping my fingers crossed :-)

  5. Well, I've been voting in the poll as much as I can and as often as possible and will continue to do so. Many times I think popularity polls are meaningless but this one has much higher visability especially on Twitter. I think it would be cool for Clay's new label to see his fans carry him to the top of it, whether that be 1st or 2nd place (though I'd much prefer 1st!). I also like how the fandom is pulling together for Clay. JMO. YMMV.

  6. First... FromClaygary wanted to add my CONGRATS on your new job!!!

    I have also joined the group looking for a new job. I have been working since May at a contract position which was supposed to go to a full hire but unfortunately my position was eliminated due to budget cuts and last Friday was my last day. This was not a job that I loved, but it did pay well so I was hoping it would last until the market improved or until I found something else I liked better. No such luck.

    I did go on an interview last week for a job that I really want though. It's an HR Assistant at a non-profit that does disability rights advocacy in California, which would be perfect for me. I am supposed to hear by the end of the week and I am keeping my fingers crossed that I get an offer. I think it went pretty well but I was one of six interviewed so I am trying not to get my hopes up until I hear back.

    I also send out a few more resumes today and I am trying to be really careful with my money until I get something else. I think I can go at least a month maybe two if I budget really well so I am not freaking out just yet..

    My first fear is not having a job by the time the gala gets here but I am also worried about getting time off so soon after starting a new job. Just have to pray that it all works out.

  7. Including Samuel has a number of upcoming TV Broadcasts. You can view their schedule here:


    I think they are all in the United States though. This list is continually being updated so more showings will be added. I was excited to see Sacramento, CA was just added for Oct. 5th, so now I can see it. :twinklewhore: This is the same fillm that was shown at last year's gala and its a wonderful film.

    If you are interested in this, I highly recommend you join the Including Samuel group on Facebook if you are not already a member. Dan Habib does a great job of sharing information and updates about this project through the group.

    Also, next week they will have a viewing party kit put up on their website at www.includingsamuel.com

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