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Posts posted by claylove

  1. 00lsee , I am very sorry to hear what happened to Jack. Please let us know how he is doing.

    Just a bit of personal news... I GOT A NEW JOB!! I start on May 4th. The position is an Office Tech for the local energy company, SMUD. Actually, its thru an agency as a contractor to start because SMUD is a civil organization and it takes a while to get on there permanently. But this is totally different from anything I have done before so I am pretty excited about it. I will be doing a lot of work in Excel and Access, and their in-house software. The position does require a lot of information management, organization and techy stuff, but I love that sort of thing so it should be good! At least I am crossing my fingers that it is!

  2. Email from Aron Hall regarding the COC Benefit:

    Just a quick note to say:

    Check out www.bubelaiken.org for all the information you need concerning the 2009 Champions of Change Gala to be held October 17, 2009 in Raleigh, NC!

    While you’re there, don’t forget to watch the rehearsal videos with our dedicated dancers for the upcoming Dancing Like the Stars event April 26 at the Southern Women’s Show in Raleigh.

    Have a great week!

    Aron Hall

    Director Services

    Individual ticket sales start June 30.

    Niiiiiiiiice banner.

    I just tried to call the Mariott about the special hotel rate that is mentioned on the TBAF website but they don't seem to know what I am talking about. LOL I am gonna email Aron and ask him about it.

    ETA: Aron said the rate will be available starting tomorrow!

  3. From the OFC:


    On Tuesday, April 21st, at Family Equality Council’s Night at the Tavern event in New York City, Clay will receive the Equality Circle Award for his commitment to loving families of all kinds, taking a stand, and sharing his journey to parenthood proudly. Family Equality Council is proud to honor Clay for all of his work on behalf of children and for all that he does to make the world a safer place for his own child and the children of LGBT parents everywhere. Tickets to join Clay at this special event are $250 and all revenue goes to support the important work of Family Equality Council. For a limited time, Family Equality Council is holding a limited number of tickets specifically for Clay’s fans. If you would like participate in this special event, please email FECtickets@clayonline.com for more information.

  4. awwwwwwwwww I love the puppies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I totally understand the pet people here. I have 2 cats. My mom has 7 cats and 3 dogs and my sister has 9 cats and 2 dogs. I think its in the blood! lol But the cool thing is except for 2 dogs all of those animals are rescues. I have said many times that we need to start an animal sanctuary! hee

  5. Sorry no Clay content... but since we have some pet lovers here, I wanted to post something my mom sent me. I think its so hilarious (and kinda true too):

    The Story of Adam & Eve's Pets

    Adam and Eve said, 'Lord, when we were in the garden, you walked with us every day. Now we do not see you any more. We are lonesome here, and it is difficult for us to remember how much you love us.'

    And God said, I will create a companion for you that will be with you and who will be a reflection of my love for you, so that you will love me even when you cannot see me. Regardless of how selfish or childish or unlovable you may be, this new companion will accept you as you are and will love you as I do, in spite of yourselves.'

    And God created a new

    animal to be a companion for Adam and Eve.

    And it was a good animal

    And God was pleased.

    And the new animal was pleased to be with Adam and Eve and he wagged his tail.

    And Adam said, 'Lord, I have already named all the animals in the Kingdom and I cannot think of a name for this new animal.'

    And God said, 'I have created this new animal to be a reflection of my love for you, his name will be a reflection of my own name, and you will call him DOG.'

    And Dog lived with Adam and Eve and was a companion to them and loved them.

    And they were comforted

    And God was pleased.

    And Dog was content and wagged his tail.

    After a while, it came to pass that an angel came to the Lord and said, 'Lord, Adam and Eve have become filled with pride. They strut and preen like peacocks and they believe they are worthy of adoration. Dog has indeed taught them that they are loved, but perhaps too well.'

    And God said, I will create for them a companion who will be with them and who will see them

    as they are. The companion will remind them of their limitations, so they will know that they are not always worthy of adoration.'

    And God created CAT to be a companion to Adam and Eve.

    And Cat would not obey them. And when Adam and Eve gazed into Cat's eyes, they were reminded that they were not the supreme beings.

    And Adam and Eve learned humility.

    And they were greatly improved.

    And God was pleased . . . . . .

    And Dog was happy. . . . .

    And Cat didn't give a shit one way or other....


    by the way... she sent this to me because we both love dogs and cats!

  6. Hi Guys - I just got my CD this AM!! Woo!! Hoo!! I think I saw some posts asking for the photos from the booklet. Don't know if they have been posted yet, but I was able to get them by using Photoshop:







    Please let me know if you want jpg's of the whole booklet cause I have those also.

    My Walmart only had 3 copies so I bought all three. Two for me and one for my Mom who asked me to get her one (isn't she cool???)

    I have a job interview today and I think having it on the day Clay's CD came out is great karma!!

    Have a wonderful day everyone!

  7. Apologies if this has been posted... I am not caught up yet:


    Clay Aiken, T.R. Knight to Present at GLAAD Awards

    Originally posted Wednesday March 11, 2009 07:00 PM EDT

    Clay Aiken, T.R. Knight to Present at GLAAD Awards

    The Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation just added two presenters to its 20th-annual Media Awards celebration: Clay Aiken and T.R. Knight.

    Aiken will present the Excellence in Media award to Tyra Banks, recognizing her commitment to featuring lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people on both her talk show and America's Next Top Model. Knight will present the Vito Russo Award to Suze Orman, the best-selling author and CNBC financial guru.

    GLAAD's awards will be handed out March 28 at New York City's Marriott Marquis. – Mark Dagostino

    Get up-to-the-minute celebrity news and photos on your cellphone, iPhone or Blackberry at www.people.com!

    I think its awesome Clay is presenting this to Tyra!

  8. I know I am really late but I just wanted to say welcome to girlcanuck and headoverheels. Also, my Sincere Thanks and appreciation to goldarngirl an luckiest1 for the Best of COC Gala montages. I am still working on downloading but can't wait to make a DVD of these. I especially thank you so much for labeling them in order for us. I probably would have lost my mind trying to put them in the right order. lol

  9. All right, I confess. For years I have dreamed about Clay doing small, and I mean tiny, venues. Interacting with an audience of 300-500, not a bad seat in the house. With low ticket prices so even I could afford it. Kinda like the galas but in a more acoustic setting. Well, it's either that or my living room. He can choose.

    It's not that I don't think he should be a major star and all that, it's just that my ideal concert is not being packed into a concrete floored arena with thousands of screaming fans. I really like intimate clubs.

    I would love seeing Clay in those kind of venues!!

  10. I can't seem to stay caught up here lately. All my things from NC finally arrived yesterday so i spent the afternoon and evening unpacking. I think I am about a third done. LOL I did renew my OFC membership last night, never a doubt in my mind and I can't wait for that mug! I don't drink coffee either (blech) but I love tea so it will be put to good use.

    I have a meeting this afternoon about a job at the company where I used to work three years ago. I was there for 8 years and loved my boss there so I really hope it works out. **crosses fingers**

    I have TMJ too and I have done a ton of research about it. TMJ manifests in many different ways and consequently there are a number of different treatments, procedures and surgeries for it. I'm thinking its unlikely Clay had the joint replacement. I know people who have had that and you are down for at least 3-6 months with that (if not longer) and I don't see how he could participate in a Board meeting so soon after that. Its major surgery and really painful with a long recovery. You also have visible scaring along the jawline. I hope for his sake he did not have to go that route and needed something more minor like flushing or realigning the joint sockets. Most treatments for TMJ are as painful as is the condition itself and are intended to repair function not to treat pain, although often repairing the function does reduce the pain. I have opted to deal with the TMJ rather than go thru the recommended surgery as there is no guarantee it would help my pain anyway. But its a personal choice because as I said there are many forms of TMJ and some you cannot just deal with without being in constant agony and for those treatment eventually becomes the only option. I hope Clay feels better soon! (((Clay)))

    I am not ready to rule out tours or M&G's just because it was taken off the OFC perks. I think this way he can still do them as something nice for the fans if he so chooses but is not obligated to. I personally would rather have M&G's when Clay wants to do them not because he feels has to do them. JMO as someone who has never had one. lol And no way I am giving up on concerts! JUST NO!!!

    I have faith in Clay and I believe with all my heart that he has good things in store and just needs time to make it happen. I am very excited to see what is next!

  11. In the last several years, Clay's CDs are the only ones I have bought actual CDs in stores locally. All the rest I buy as digital downloads or online. Once I convert a CD to an mp3 the CD itself just sits in a box or something anyway so I'd rather just buy them digitally. Except Clay's I like the actual CD for a keepsake and for the CD sleeve artwork, but then I also buy the digital version as well.

  12. I think its important the announcement is titled "Clay Aiken Leaves Record Label" not RCA drops Clay Aiken. Also the paragraph on negotiations from the RCA rep implies that if both sides had agreed to terms and conditions, RCA may have resigned him. Semantics perhaps but it presents Clay in a better light than just getting dropped for whatever reason.

  13. I've been gone a couple of weeks while moving/relocating and am trying to get back into the swing of things. I have not caught up here but wanted to add that I too love Facebook!! It can be a lot of fun. I have only used it for personal stuff though not in a professional sense.

    better late than never, love the banner!

  14. I haven't read comments in the "Queer" article, but I don't think of the word "queer" as necessarily pejorative. Am I to understand from the author's comments that people are taking her to task for the way she writes about Clay's sexual orientation?

    Jesus. It was bad enough when people rampaged about writers just SUGGESTING he was gay ("queeny" comes to mind) but it seems excessive to quible about terminology at this point if the author is writing something positive. Will the fan pollice never retire???

    It probably wasn't queer..people are used to that..but as she said she used lots of other adjectives..I can't think of them right now..strawberry something or other.

    Our favorite strawberry fruitcake and rebel belle come to mind. Oh and I think the fans were called queenyboppers. LMAO! Really none of it bothered me cause instead of being said in an insulting way it came across to me as more endearing than anything else. And sorry but some of these actually made me laugh because they are soooo OTT.

  15. Whatever song Clay sings then becomes a Clay Aiken song for me. Now when I hear RHW by Richard Marx, BW by Mister Mister, IWKWLI by Foreigner, etc. they just seem to fall flat for me cause its not Clay's voice. In fact, I think I even had almost every cover song on ATDW before Clay's CD came out but I don't listen to them much anymore. I listen to his. Well, John Waite with When I See You Smile may be an exception but I have a huge collection of 80s music... The point is I am cool with whatever Clay chooses. Overall with CDs I do like a mix of uptempo, mid tempo and ballads. I adore EIDN (as well as Ashes and Falling) and yet if the entire CD was this style I would miss the ballads, the glory notes and the lyrics that touch my heart. But if the CD was only ballads, I would miss the up tempo stuff. The thing I love about Clay is he is so versatile. I personally like a very wide variety of music styles and I love that Clay does that and mixes it up on his CDs and even moreso in concert.

    I also have this fantasy of seeing Clay cover Livin' on a Prayer by Bon Jovi. I really think he could pull it off!! (now my secret is out. hee)

    We gotta hold on to what we got

    It doesn't make a difference if we make it or not

    We got each other and that's alot

    For love, we'll give it a shot

    Ohh We're half way there

    Woah Livin' on a prayer

    Take my hand and we'll make it - I swear

    Livin' on a prayer

    Livin' on a prayer

  16. Ok I was thinking. I know some of you Clay encyclopedias can help me. Remember when Clay did the Billboard radio interview/countdown back in 2003/04 and they played his favorite song at the end. And it was some unheard of R&B duet? I can't remember the artists..I think Patti Austin and James Ingram or it could be Peobo Bryson and Anita Baker heh. Anyway, if it's James Ingram I just have to laugh. Really, although a great singer he is not all that well known. The majority of his hits came as a result of his work with Quincy Jones. Q has a stable of singers he calls up for stuff and James is one of them. Clay and I are probably one of the couple of folks that actually bought James Ingrams's solo debut album. I don't think it did well and don't think he's had many since then...at least I don't think so. The man can sang though. I love his duets with Patti Auston -- Baby Come to Me and How do you keep the music playing.

    ETA: And let me make this clear..Clay would have had to buy the album at a garage sell since he was probably 3 when it came out. :hahaha:

    HEY! georgiesmybaby and I were just IMing earlier today about how we both loved James Ingram. In fact, when I was listening to the stream and Clay started singing "I Don't Have The Heart" I was freaking out cause I have loved that song ever since it first came out back in the day. Classic R&B rocks... current R&B not so much. hee

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