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Everything posted by Scarlett

  1. I think what the problem is is someone has created an actual profile and pretended to be Clay. I think what you're talking about is a fan page about Clay--not the same. Yes, it's not the same. On Thursday night two people from the fandom friended me (these were people I'd met way back in 2004) and when I went to look at their walls, they'd also just been friended by "Clay Aiken" and not with the same picture as the one that everyone else had been a fan of (blue shirt OMWH) for quite some time now. It seems to have been caught rather quickly, though, so that's a good thing. This particular "fake" account has only 92 friends as of now.
  2. Dream on!! It will be a miracle if she's caught up. She'll see her birthday wishes next week Happy Birthday PerusingOne. HBD, PerusingOne! (again!) She's caught up but doesn't post. I'm the exact opposite -- I post without getting caught up *ducks* Putting the home button on the Chrome toolbar
  3. Added the Invisible files and the XviDs for those that were only mp4's. Very cute faces after Invisible until the closing slam on the jukebox. Uploaading all of the last batch to CH/CV/CU today. All of 050828_Boston Have a great day everyone! :nature-smiley-014:
  4. :thbighug-1: {{{{{{{clayzycoffin}}}}}}} I hope tomorrow turns out to be a much better day!!! Infinitely better even!!!
  5. No problem. Will take yours/Aflacks and upload. I have these but they are mpg. Will let you know when they are up so you can look. Thank you!
  6. Link??? *sorry!*... the guy was too distracting but here it is... (and it took me 4 tries to get that) *shakes head!*
  7. goldarngirl and clayzycoffin, this is the link (so that you won't double-dip at the CH/CV/CU). I'm hoping to have Aflack's Invisible, WTSHNN and the LittleGirlSigner plus Shellyfish's Kyrie. PD and TITN. Do you think we could test with those and you could let me know if it looks "good" on YouTube? Thanks so much! To avoid dups, how about if we put Aflack's on goldarngirl's account and shellyfish's on clazycoffin's? (If I am being too picky, please say so. Thx!)
  8. Thanks very much, luckiest and Fear! We need to thank ldyjocelyn for taking these videos and couchie for standing guard -- all I did was process them (after much procrastination). A few more got done just as I was heading out so here they are... 050828_Boston_BFM_ldyjocelyn&Scarlett XviD mp4 050828_Boston_00sMedley_ldyjocelyn&Scarlett XviD mp4 These only have mp4's so far: 050828_Boston/050828_Boston_Quiana_IWALY_ldyjocelyn&Scarlett_XviD.mp4 050828_Boston/050828_Boston_BandIntros_ldyjocelyn&Scarlett_XviD.mp4 goldarngirl and clayzycoffin, I'll need to send you the wmv's for YouTube tonight -- sorry, I ran out of time. Thanks for hosting!!!
  9. Will be sending these up to CU but for an early copy, these are the XviD and mp4 files. If the XviD files don't run well on your computer, wait for the wmv's from CH/CV/CU. Thx! 050828_Boston_StumpTheBand_ldyjocelyn&Scarlett XviD mp4 050828_Boston_TRD_ldyjocelyn&Scarlett (Tears Run Dry) XviD mp4 claytonic, if the couch isn't on fire things are still ok.
  10. Thanks very much, goldarngirl! I'll pick up the wmvs and send the links. I just remember that for those times, with the heavy security, those particular versions of the NAT songs didn't have the interruptions that we usually had during the NAT.
  11. Aw, no one regularly posts to YouTube? Ok, I guess I'll just convert to flv. (And I even took extra time because I'd forgotten that Boston had 2 StumpTheBand songs -- YLTLF and OTWOL!) Welcome, headoverheels!!!
  12. I have one if you still are looking for someone with one. Thanks! Does YouTube take mpg's or wmv's? Should I convert to flv before sending them? (Sorry, I know I should google but I'm lazy and I'm hoping there are people here who already know and besides I have to run and make myself some supper, and run another batch of ldyj's HD Boston, so that should be enough time for a knowlegeable FCA'er to post ... Bueller? )
  13. Tasapio is still a fan but has needed to be more involved with RL since after the JBT although she was at a couple of the DCAT shows. She and a few friends and I had a nice pre-concert dinner in Orlando before the final show. She was still doing what she has always done before concerts -- adjust other people's camera's for them. There are many Clackgatherers in the fandom today who will share their story of how they got started when Tasapio sat with them before a concert, setting up their cameras (and because she has several brands, she can work with most anything), generously sharing tips and techniques. Many others who are still in the fandom also are very patient and generous with their advice --- this is by no means a complete list so pls. don't feel bad if anyone's not on it, but some very helpful advisors are Kareneh, Permaswooned and toni7babe. Thanks to all you guys!
  14. Oh, I loved that 3fer weekend! Does anyone here have a YouTube account? I'm hoping to see the clips that Aflack took on my camera at the evening Raleigh NAT, particularly Invisible and WTSHNN, (plus any others of course ) on YouTube. *pretty please?*
  15. I hardly ever hear Clay in my side of town so when I do, it's the biggest thing for days. I remember when I heard "I Will Carry You" at a gas station. I wanted to hang around there all day! I've been revisiting Tasapio's pictures lately, like her album from the Raleigh NAT. Glorious pics!
  16. This is the earliest I've been home in a while, and I even stopped to buy some juice and crackers on the way home. AFAIC, he only nice thing about daylight saving time this year is that I don't do servers anymore. Yay!
  17. Good morning! Since you're awake, you can help me scope out the TJMAXX locations in the city... :nature-smiley-014:
  18. *blushes* Topic? I'm thankful for lots of pictures and posts to ease the gap. Hus to everone! ETA: Hus are hugs wh en you're sleeepy. What. ETAA: Congrats on the new job, smitten!
  19. Nice poster, clayzycoffin! Why don't you start a cause on fb? (well, it will be like a sub-cause for tbaf but one that just handles the printer cartridges) KF, the tickets went to DS and roomie. I wish I'd known you then. Oh, we're very demanding! But in a nice way...
  20. I wish I could hear Clay in my CVS here... after the CFC last October, that's the only place I go -- because he asked! (Doesn't hurt that there's one right close to my place...) I need to print flight manifests in Cyrillic. Does anyone know what this looks like in Russian?
  21. Just checking in briefly from work to say thank you to kimiye for the Big Bang and Chuck DVDs!!! (sorry for not replying right away on fb)
  22. Wait a sec..... the first 30 minutes you two weren't even there! Solo and I were just merrily cruising along and THEN after 30 minutes, I get this frantic call, and (miracle of miracles) I actually answer the phone right then (rotfl! if the same thing were to happen today, would you actually call me or one of the others? ) ...You're on the line telling me that KAndre has lost her purse and therefore can't get on her flight but you do have your purse AND your concert ticket, so what do you do?
  23. Pensacola is within driving distance of the Woodlands. Ask merrieeee and KAndre!
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