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Everything posted by Scarlett

  1. A lot of us here have changed the way we've been buying things over the last few years. Brick and mortar bookstores and specialty music shops that used to claim a huge part of our entertainment budgets have started to (and for many, completely) taken over our book and music sales. And even when we get music on a physical CD, it's usually at Walmart or Target instead of Virgin. If you haven't bought electronics or clothes online, you've been missing out on some great deals. When you travel, do you still book your ticket with a travel agency or do you go online and do it yourself? How often do you drive to the bank too handle your finances instead of logging on to your bank's website? So, what's the difference to us personally if Clay sells his music through a label or by himself? Suppose OMWH had been distributed by Clay instead of by RCA? What would have been the difference? 1. Timing - a label has a release schedule; they need to spread out CDs among their expected "hitmakers" - labels don't release more than 15 new songs per artist per year, often much less - if he were releasing an album himself, Clay would still need to plan around things like holidays and seasons but there's not much reason for him to hold back a release (no, I'm not smutting here) when it's available 2. Content - Label has control over an album's content; albums could be delayed over content "discussions" - Labels will sell albums that fit their pattern of hits; content distributed by a label is more bland and generic because it needs to appeal to a lot of people at the same time -- the crafters here know this: large scale yarn and fabric stores will only carry items that can sell in the millions; one-off and quirky designs are usually found only in tiny stores that are willing to take the risk for something that has value but may or may not be appreciated by most people - Clay can listen to his customers and with a small operation can more finely tune his product to the needs of his audience - Also he can release specific products targetted to different groups of fans 3. Billboard, ratings, hobnobbing with the elite - He'll only get these with the support of a major label - But seriously, do we need this? 4. Finances - Most of the $10 or $18 that you pay for a CD goes to the company, the executives who run them, the advertising to make us feel good about what we bought, packaging, and to marketing people - Assuming he could keep operational costs down, both Clay and the fandom can get exactly what we want, or have been getting in the past with the label as the middleman, and we can split the savings between us - With the economy down, do you really still want to continue paying for the bonuses of recording company executives? 5. Growing the market - a major label has the infrastructure to reach more people at once - unless there's a major label that will use its clout to sell Clay, what's the use to us of all this influence - However, without the "benefit of a major label's marketing arm", he needs to grow his market himself 6. Quality Assurance / Processes - a major label usually had the equipment and processes in place to produce reasonably good items (I'm talking about the physical CDs themselves, not the content) - a small firm usually delivers either superbly or is a huge pain to deal with; if you have the right people and can retain them, life can be great; if the knowlegeable people walk out or are lured away by larger companies then the smaller firm, their product and their customers suffer 7. Concert venues - It probably won't be easy to book and fill large new structures without the power of a major label or sponsor behind you - I don't know the story with Disney and their Idol thing, but if Clay can't get sponsorship, then we'll end up in tiny venues that others didn't want; some could be wonderful like Clio and other could be badly in need of repairs 8. Clack - So far the label ahs not interfered much with Clack but if they choose too they could in a big way - Some blame the Tampa DCAT clackdown on RCA - With better control over his shows, Clay could choose to allow or disallow clack; realistically he might clamp down because this is something he could produce himself with better quality So, the people who lose in a theoretical "independent" venture are those who are not so much interested in Clay and his music but more in the celebrity and excitement of the entertainment industry. The music industry itself is not doing well but that doesn't really have to impact the people who simply want to see and hear Clay perform. In the end, this is all moot if he signs with a different large label that pays more attention to his career and the needs of his fans but it's something to wish for someday, if not for Clay then for some other artist out there to break from the system. ETA: I guess it's a lot safer to go with another established company since both Prince and Stephen King tried some form of an independent publishing model in the past and (I assume) they didn't get very far. *shrugs* Just once, I wish someone could do it, that we could find someone out there making a living and using their talent without the limits of an established system.
  2. Couchie, :thbighug-1: ETA: Babette is from BATB.
  3. Time for people who can't find joy in their fandom to spend a beautiful day doing something other than beating down on Clay and his fans, and follow what gives them happiness (if there is indeed such a thing). *holds nose and follows people around with a dustpan -- hey, maybe I can apply for that maid service that Reed always wanted... rummages around for ostrich feathers a la Babette* I love this fandom because I have friends (who care about me, especially the state of my mind -- ROTL!), and lots of clack and great hope for the future!!! There is searching and there is searching. As everyone knows, I'm more willing than most to listen to people who truly are trying to sort things out. All I expect is that people be consistent with the people they quote in their siggies (or copy KAndre's avatar and not be ashamed about it) Labels? Where we're going, we don't need labels!!! (with apologies to the Back to the Future folks) Down with labels! Labels divide people. Make love not labels! Imagine... there's no labels... It's easy if you try Have a great day everyone!!! *stands before my kitchen cabinet and contemplates removing all the labels from my spice jars -- nah! Even I'm not that crazy* :nature-smiley-014:
  4. Penny, I'm not annabear and I hope she doesn't mind but here's a link: http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y27/MiscP...rMe/claytng.jpg *waves to Bella who's up early despite the Chardonnay -- post any pics of your stash yet?* I like the Number One Clay best... Oh, it's not on this page? Need to fix that... ETA: Speaking of numbers... the eHP had a mini-discussion about the phrase "dropping the deuce" last weekend. Most gave the usual definition which is, well, what the cute knight does in Act 2 of a certain show, but I said that it could also mean, "pulling off a surprise that is most likely shocking." Why this is important at 8am on a Saturday morning, I don't know.
  5. Awww, I love the way you guys celebrate!!! ETA to my response to kf: One of my co-workers is a pastor who has been recording his own services including the music that his children have been providing. He used to distribute thiese several days afterwards because he edited things in a small studio he built at home but lately he's been looking into high-speed editing and CD duplication so that people could pick them up just as they were leaving the church.
  6. Thanks for posting!!! He just might lead the pack this way. Several other people have tried this in the past but I think they did it too early on and most people just weren't used to paying for music outside the regular outlets. I think the timing is good for Clay and he has the fanbase that can do it. Wouldn't you be more motivated to buy an album from a small firm that he controls instead of some huge faceless corporation? As long as he doesn't attempt to sell music through Clique I think it could be a very good move for him.
  7. ROTFL, annabear! :clap: Did you do that yourself?
  8. Why Miss Scarlett! - you naughty thing, you! I don't remember the last time I've enjoyed my Chardonnay as much as I have tonight (okay, maybe the last time Claymatron was over, but I digress) - yeah, I'm clebrating and I'm even having chocolate too! Oh Bella.... but, but, it wasn't I... points to tribeca, just like Sir Robin points to Patsy about the elderberries *hides face* Begins writing 500 times... I will not read smut into everything... *looks back at the scruffy Clay picture, sighs, gives up and crumples sheet*
  9. I'm with you, annabear! Clay -- I have faith in you. I have faith in those around you as well, for you seem to choose pretty well IMO. I will always be there for you, in whatever comes your way. yes but have you ever thought just once to give Clay a tissue? Oh, sweet tribeca smuts too!!! wait? what? look at her avatar. That man needs a tissue. Smut ting confuses me very much so much so sometimes I guess I do it without even realizing it. ETA I just realised what I wrote. Whoops Ok, I guess I've spent too much time playing Dirty Minds *mortified* .... hmmm, maybe I should auction it off at the FCA fundraiser...
  10. I'm with you, annabear! Clay -- I have faith in you. I have faith in those around you as well, for you seem to choose pretty well IMO. I will always be there for you, in whatever comes your way. yes but have you ever thought just once to give Clay a tissue? Oh, sweet tribeca smuts too!!!
  11. Thanks very much, justclay12!!! and I liked your romantic story too. Eeeep, luckiest! I'm still (finally) doing ldyjocelyn's JBT right now and it's not easy to switch around but there's a bunch of CITH shows that are special and people have reminded me about them -- Waukegan, Minneapolis from Solo (I posted "Welcome To Our World" from that show because I thought it was very special that Parker was there to hear it but there's more), some more Omaha, etc.
  12. I am so not caught up because this week I started a new job and my 2nd day was the start of a conference with people flying in from all over for 4 days. They're finally gone (well almost). I've been talking to people from Halifax and St Johns and btw, did you guys know that Newfoundland is 30 minutes ahead of Atlantic time? Two years ago (the year I was taking care of DST), they decided to jump 2 hours instead of 1 hour. I told our visitors how much "fun" they've given me through the years. I have a favor to ask... could someone please, please summarize what's been going on? I thought the posts implied that a cute guy blogged -- but it seems like he hasn't. Wassup? (Yes, I know I was also offline on Sept 25 and on May 29 -- my lot in life!) Oh, and thank you so much to kimiye!!! Your package arrived today and I'm going to have a huge Big Bang marathon for the weekend!!! MUAH!!!
  13. Hee! FromClaygary, if that's how skunks live I don't ever want to smell good again! Thanks, Bella, and please post your scrapbooking goodies! *puppy eyes* Would love to see them!!! Oooooh, I would love to roll around in your stashes, annabear!!! I kinda liked John way back when. Guh! Gah! FrstlgrglooMmflsgoolce! :heart: scruffy Clay! Remember his description of himself in the 'Clarity in Cabo' blog? I think my response to that post was, 'can we pay him to not shower and shave'?
  14. Home at last! I thought that dinner would never end! Well, the food wasn't bad and the architecture was very interesting since the place was a renovated church -- we'd reserved the entire choir loft for the seminar group -- but it was loooooong!!! Glad to be back and ready to defend the December 2, 2005 Beacon Emmanuel!!! Awwww, so cute!!! And here I was thinking that a quilt made from these (loot from a fabric warehouse close to playbiller's house) would be the best way to support "Quilt for a Cure!" (woven mat not included in loot) Oh Scarlett someone is calling! Scarlett was late coming over to my house on Saturday because she had to stop and buy this adorable fabric (hee) from a little shop. Can you tell I miss Spam. Spamalot is coming to Austin but only Merle is from the B/W cast. I don't know if I could stand seeing another Sir Robin. Here's a picture of the adorable fabrics! Help, FromClaygary, Bella and annabear!!! I think I have the beginnings of a stash! Aaaaarghhhh!!!
  15. *sneaking in to post in between an all-day seminar and a boring overpriced dinner afterwards, thank goodness it's free* Will have to argue the merits of various Emmanuel versions later... How strange that my all-day seminar was about logistics -- getting people on and off camps & offshore sites, safety, making sure everyone is accounted for and fed and housed, etc. Wouldn't blame anyone for enforcing rules -- it would be a nightmare to keep track of people who couldn't follow a few simple things. If it were up to me, I'd air-drop them somewhere in Papua New Guinea for a month or so.
  16. Kareneh, always good to see you here!!! annabear, would you mind tearing the drool cloth in two so that I can share? Too excited over the disks that kimiye's going to send!!! Just wanted to re-post the site with the mpg's and mp4's for those who want early copies. My favorites are Mandy, WDC and the 80sMedley. I'm sending the files to geekette for processing; the wmv's will be on the CH/CV/CU link. Actually, Sailing is quite good on this set since you and ldyj were right in front of the piano. KAndre might change her mind. Not.
  17. Thank you so much, annabear! Here's a present back to you...
  18. Something is clearly wrong when the eHP has more pictures of my behind than Clay's. I'm almost at the point where I'd be willing to log on to the OFC message boards just to send a desperate plea to TC -- Help! we need some fresh Clack!!! (well, almost but not quite. Hee!) ETA: And Solo, you know I'm going to get even for that one! *plans to hold your Frisco Clack hostage & send a ransom note for a midnight exchange at the docks Houston Port Authority (somehow that doesn't have v. much zing to it as a hostage exchange scene)... and your Minneapolis too! -- blows raspberry!* EATA: clayzycoffin, not at the last JNT (sigh, that was soooo long ago) but maybe at a pop concert! *keeps fingers crossed*
  19. I hope it's not too late... HBD luckiest!!! Glad you had a great dinner!!!
  20. Oh, handsome geek Chuck! When I first read the name, I thought you meant Pushing Daisies Chuck. Would love either Chuck! (well would much rather see some other geek whose name begins with 'C' but beggars can't be choosers) Thanks a bundle!!! :big hug: That's the part that's truly making me turn green! Clack question: Does anyone have a special request on Boston, eg. like KF & Motown? If not, I'll just go chronologically since I'm keeping myself in suspense for a mikestand move on BFM (haven't peeked at all and I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it's on the tape). What a job! :women23: It's great now but wait untill I really have to get some work done and I'll be doing Tsathy-like headspins between the window and the screen. anna, I can't wait to see you bear/s either!!! Do you need some help with fabric-shoppi...(voice trails off)... *I just yanked self back from volunteering to go fabric-shopping. I've done too much of that lately*
  21. Thanks for the heads-up & recap anyways. I'll watch for some highlight clips to show up online. Hee. Send me your new address and I'll burn you copies of every episode so far. They'll work on that cranky old laptop of yours. Squeeeeee!!!!! Thank you!!! (I heard from PerusingOne that your new netbook is just awesome!)
  22. Thanks for the heads-up & recap anyways. I'll watch for some highlight clips to show up online.
  23. Is there any way you can cap it, please?!!! *why didn't I buy a TV this weekend?!!! ... better yet, why didn't I win that TV instead of PerusingOne!* Ooops, yes I did. Thank you luckiest1 both for your kind words and for the soup instructions!!! Bella, I'm planning on it! (The Creativ(?) Festival in Toronto) *crosses fingers that my work doesn't take me out of the country before then* It'll be great to just wander around the display area with you and FromClaygary. Oh, and btw, are you going to teach me any new games or do you want me to bring some of the ones the eHP has? Hee, couchie! Appreciate your doing your best to keep silent! *clears throat at certain others -- LOL! just kidding. laughter adds color!*
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