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Everything posted by Scarlett

  1. gg, I was wrong -- the first one is the TV Medley & that was beyond cute! So, don't wait on me for WISYS but there are good things coming. MUAH! ETA: I needed that (Pala).
  2. Hey to all. Still at work but finally heading home. Had an <edited> awful 2 days in my supposedly "non-techie" job and will gripe later, but first... here's my belated yay for 30Rock and congratulations to clayzy. Well done! Tonight I'm working on rendering things for goldarngirl -- if I owe you some clips, now's a good time to point it out. Thanks. (Solo, yes I know) *Sends hugs to laughn! Missed ya! Then remembers Cleveland. Uh-oh. Did I already send you your Christmas reading clip? I think I did.* And about the eHP Vietnamese lunch, please set it already. How about this Thursday? Out of the blue I realized I could take a vacation day so I'm off then but will drive downtown if you all are free. Missed everyone, whether or not I've slept with them already. {{{Hugs}}}
  3. Wave all ya want, I ain't sleepin' wit ya! Well maybe...depends on how desperate I get. *staggers backwards, clutching at my heart in the sudden stabbing, agonizing pain* Owww! Such a public rejection! ETA: Yes, you would find it funny...
  4. It's only the OFC that grabs ownership of items posted on it. FCA doesn't do that. I don't think we try to own anything. Couchie? There can't be too many Scarletts on the OFC. So... who are you there? There will never be a single nanosecond of time when not a single person on earth is upset with Clay. He can brush his teeth, blog or not blog, go to sleep, anything. Even if he either presents or receives the Nobel Peace Prize someday, someone will be upset -- perhaps some victim of dynamite-fishing or coral reef advocates who are upset at Nobel & his family. Are they worth the bandwidth and screen pixels we will use to say how ridiculous they are? No. ETA: *waves back at canfly*
  5. Glad that he's presenting the award to Tyra -- wow! It's a great award both to present and to receive!!! I'll vouch for canfly -- there's only one of her *hears justclay12 mutter 'thank goodness!' under her breath*. And I there's only one of me on every board too except the OFC (bec. I wanted 2 of the loot -- still Scarlett on both though). How about a picture?
  6. KAndre, well we agreed that the corn on the cob in Vermont is the best in the entire world. Nice banner, 00lsee! I read KAndre post 4X and don't understand it. Of course I am from New England & never saw the Children of the Corn movie so that maybe why. But really, the corn on the cob was to die for. I'd drive coerce convince someone to drive to Burlington, Vermont just to taste that corn again. I would have hung around that booth all evening if there hadn't been a concert. Oh, and I loved the throwing of the mikestand. Come to thinking it, running off to Vermont became an ehP catchphrase around that time... Did he throw the mike stand for Back for More? I will send you some corn Did he throw the mike stand?!!! Yerrrssssssss!!! Squeee!!! Will trade Clack for corn!!! I have the frontal version of "The Clack skips around..."
  7. KAndre, well we agreed that the corn on the cob in Vermont is the best in the entire world. Nice banner, 00lsee! I read KAndre post 4X and don't understand it. Of course I am from New England & never saw the Children of the Corn movie so that maybe why. But really, the corn on the cob was to die for. I'd drive coerce convince someone to drive to Burlington, Vermont just to taste that corn again. I would have hung around that booth all evening if there hadn't been a concert. Oh, and I loved the throwing of the mikestand. Come to thinking it, running off to Vermont became an ehP catchphrase around that time...
  8. KAndre, well we agreed that the corn on the cob in Vermont is the best in the entire world. Nice banner, 00lsee!
  9. Liney, it's a bit scary to recall how many of those I saw firsthand. BTW, it was the JBT (not the NAT) in Vermont. I know, I know I'm being picky when you're bringing up good memories. Thanks! And btw, I received the package in the mail. Thank you 2x! ETA: FromClaygary, how did the dyeing class go? Did you use acid dyes or Procion or both? Hope you had a great time!
  10. lilyshine, glad you're doing it! Thanks! SmartyPantsSuz has a nice montage of the Fort Myers WTLGD.
  11. At least 5 other people have said this so I think it's ok for me to add, "He looks great!!!" tribeca, I think you'll love Mr. Smith Goes To Washington. As for Love Actually, KeepingFaith and I adore Andrew Lincoln for that beautiful caroling scene. We had a niiice conversation about him on July13-14 last year. Commenting on Clay's blog is like writing a letter to Santa. It's almost as much fun as smutting on a message board except that we all, er most of us, uh some of us would be too ashamed to smut in the blog comments. What a nice hobby, lilyshine! Do you sometimes make your own paper too? Some of the NGO's back home used to do that as fundraisers - maybe you could help start or organize one for TBAF! Beautifully textured journals and blank books / travel logs would probably appeal to the TBAF donor profile group. Thanks a bunch, Lotus!!! But... but... I assumed it was merrieeee's job!!! KAndre, yes there was a movie called "Against All Odds". It think the song came from there/was featured on it. And so was "Careless Whisper".
  12. "Somewhere in Time" and I love the music from it too!!! We do like the same things... and people too, lol! *starts searching around for an mp3...*
  13. KAndre... I woke up, looked at your list and the words "Against All Odds" jumped out at me. I was sure I was dreaming because that's a chick flick if I ever saw one. *rubbed eyes and looked again* Now see that you have it under "Songs". Ahhh, that explains it. I wonder.... do you love the song but hate the movie, "Dr Zhivago"? "Casablanca" works because it frames a "perfect" period that will be frozen in time forever -- they will always look that way, speak and act like they did, and it will grow better with each recollection. ETA: Claytonic, yes, hee! To add something new, Equatorial Guinea is not on the equator. ETAA: Hi, tribeca! merrieeee was claiming that she "didn't know what smut was" and I know how she enjoys romance because she's posted about "The Thorn Birds" and "Shogun". On the Mr Smith thing, I was talking about the 1939 film -- wow 70 years ago -- with Jimmy Stewart. You know, the one that was released in the same year as GWTW, The Wizard of Oz and Wuthering Heights.
  14. What is this "smut" word of which you post? I have no idea what that could possibly be! I'm more of an inuendo person myself! LOL merrieeee! tribeca, just started posting on Dec. 29 2008 so she's covered. What's your excuse? ROTFL! And after hosting dozens of those fun eHP parties too!!! But I agree with merrieeee that smut is not a requirement for romance; it's just fun to have around. Take "Casablanca", for example, which is inching its way up to the top of my pile. And I could classify Mr. Smith goes to Washington as romantic. If it had been released in any year except 1939, it would probably have made it to my top 3. Anyone up for another set of questions? Clay connection -- we can send these to the Salamanders as suggestions for next Halloween's photoshops! - Top 3 most romantic movies - Top 3 most romantic books - Top 3 most romantic songs (it's probably bedtime for everyone but at least this'll be here in the morning!) ETA: Thanks for the heads up on the Walmart orders, tribeca! I'm covered on Amazon but I'm almost tempted to go for extras.
  15. *hands tribeca some worry beads and sits down beside her* I'll try to worry a little just so you won't be alone. Besides I enjoy holding the beads. ETA: I would've said fingering the beads but Muski would've pounced on that like anything. BTW, you do understand that we just smut for fun and have been doing it for years -- nothing meant, truly! (I'm referring to that 69 thing from a couple of weeks back)
  16. Great news always comes when I'm out! I spent some time with DD who just flew in (& out -- I love living near the airport) because this year she volunteered to spend Spring Break working on setting up a new training center, and so we won't have a whole week to hang. However, it's so nice to hope that he might be on TV again -- I think TV's were invented so that he could sing on TV shows. tribeca, I'm sorry about the acronyms. ICMYLM - I Can't Make You Love Me. Please feel free to comment about it even days later.
  17. Bottle, I prefer a hard copy of a book just to be able to curl up with it but kindle's a close 2nd. I like being able to do searches, annotations and clippings.
  18. ldyjocelyn, I spent hours and hours in the library in grade school (the Matilda connection) and I think that's what led me to one of favorite jobs ever -- helping build, index, search through and maintain efficient databases, because what's a database really except one very large library of records. This is going to sound silly to people born here but as I was growing up I'd heard about how extensive the libraries here were and how there were multiple copies of popular books -- and it was a big item in the Pro column for moving here for me. We used to have such long waiting lists for our Nancy Drew / Hardy Boys copies back home and you could forget about ever getting one of the Tintin or Asterix and Obelix books unless you got in under special circumstances. I'm still envious and somewhat sad about seeing shelves and shelves of books just lying there. In my part of the world, the cost of books and magazines was so high in proportion to other things that books were treasures to be shared around like the precious items they are.
  19. Couchie, and my first thought on viewing the list was "there must be a California connection here". BTW, some on are good, trusted, reliable real (not fb) friends of mine so it goes to show that the posers and wackos who follow Clay Aiken are probably in the "Poser and Wacko Hall of Fame" whereever that is -- hey, nothing but the best for him!
  20. fromclaygary, thank for clarifying that the TBAF entry is authentic. 00lsee, Thanks for the crab legs -- just in time for lunch! Maybe I should have come back here and posted on Thursday night after I saw people friending this "strange entity", but I was just tired and it seemed like yet another strange thing that hit this week. Muski, I'm careful because e-mails can be faked more easily than fb or myspace or messageboard accounts because they're plain text and can be sent from anywhere. duckyvee, I'm so paranoid about anything labeled "Clay Aiken" directly that I haven't even become a fan of the real FB one. I hope people aren't counting or wondering if I still am. To be sure: ETA: Lol, bottle! If Clay would ever choose (even just once) to respond with less than his customary politeness to one of the countless times people railed at him or tore him down for things that weren't his fault, I would call that very appropriate (and long overdue) rudeness. ETAA: For someone who keeps trying to do the right thing he sure gets yelled at a lot... which is sad because when we allow this to happen, less and less people will bother to try.
  21. Thanks jmh, I'll clarify. I guess I'll ask 2 different questions: A. Personal Since we now have many online friends, we need to be able to trust their identities. If someone were to hack into your friend's account, how long do you think would it take before you realize it? (1 post or email, 2-3, 4-5, more?) B. Celebrities How do we classify our sources of information? If 1="I will probably believe it", 3="I'll take note and watch for other sources", 5="I won't believe it" - National newspaper (print eg, NYTimes, Wall Street Journal) - Local newspaper (print) - National tabloid paper or magazine (print) - National newspaper (online) (eg, NYTimes, Wall Street Journal) - Local newspaper (online) - National tabloid paper or magazine online) - Clay's Blog on OFC - Clay's post on OFC - a non-Clay post on OFC - a post on our board with sources - a post on our board without sources - a person's blog that is focused on Clay - a non-Clay blog - an e-mail citing Clay's family & friends as sources - an e-mail citing Clay's co-workers as sources - an e-mail from TBAF - the TBAF website ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ETA: Thanks for the quick reply, couchie! I would like to think that I would know as well, at least for close friends. Some acquaintances, I probably won't notice right away and that's scary because we tend to give out quite a bit of personal information once in a while (eg. addresses, locations, travel plans) I'm Jamar's minion today too!!!
  22. Sorry, I wasn't trying to be nasty -- this was a tough week.
  23. Oh, I wasn't trying to argue the case for or against gullibility of any type (and the enjoyment thereof) whether it's the "already squashed", "cannot be squashed" or "too opportune to be squashed", whatever-stage-of-squashing,... varieties. I was trying to open up a discussion on identity, labels, trust, belief, and how people react to different types and sources of "news" and other information but I guess there aren't many places where such things would be interesting.
  24. I'm talking about previous "fake" things here, not those who friended this last "thing"... but it's curious to me how a person can be more convinced by reading the words "Clay Aiken" than by trusting what they know and feel. Is it really that easy for "fake" people to display atypical behaviour and then, by holding nothing but a "label" of 2 words (yes, I'm convinced labels are evil, heh!) lead others down some twisted path that makes them doubt everything they know? It's a sad world when there's no one you can trust anymore.
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