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Posts posted by Scarlett

  1. Not quite $5, but NC has the highest gas prices in the nation - and Raleigh's pretty bad.

    I stopped for gas this afternoon and left with none at my first stop - it was $3.69!

    I tried again closer to home and found gas for $2.95.

    Our gas tax is high but that doesn't totally explain it. If you subtract the NC tax and then subtract the SC tax, NC gas is still higher than it is in SC!


    Yes, it is. It's almost criminal.

    Just want to clarify something that Clay may have inadvertently implied -- the people in Azerbaijan are doing exploration and production. It's the refineries that produce gas, they're related but aren't the same thing. The price of crude oil has dropped (though still not close to the $16/barrel in 1994) but gas remains high in places. These site are useful:

    http://www.raleighgasprices.com/ *Solo & I should have checked this before filling up this pm. That $2.89 Costco at Wake Forest and Six Forks is just around corner!)*


    *hugs to my twin Cotton* Could you send me a copy of our picture? Thx!

    *smooches to annabear* Missed you terribly last night -- and hope to see you at the next one!

  2. What a night it was. Don't you just love someone who in one night is funny, charming, serious, determined, great at geography and can heal a thousand hearts with just one song?

    I think Clay set just the right mood and message with RHW. It was a beautiful, beautiful song and I think we should share it in the same spirit that it was sung -- that he is RHW, patiently with love. We can take this song clip and beat people over the head with it but it would be in contrast to the tender welcoming way that he sang the song.

    So nice to meet everyone at the breakfast buffet (even though we came in late!) *waves enthusiastically* :F_05BL17blowkiss:

  3. Such a pretty day outside... I wonder if Bojangles serves breakfast?


    Oooooo....Motown. cover your eyes, kf!

    The Beatles...they were alright. The Stones...eh. But Motown rocked my (and the entire) world.

    Still my favorite part of the JBT....

    Oh but keepingfaith loves Motown too, as a matter of fact I still owe her some clips of .... *oops! nothing to see here!*

    Along with everyone, I'll sorely miss that JBT jacket though...

    I'm trying to decide if the freedom from pain is worth the crazy of hydrocodone...decisions, decisions. Dammit, if Clay was on frickin' tour now like last year, I could ignore the pain!

    Though I wonder...does anyone think that sorta semi running on my foot during the DCAT might have something to do with having the exact same surgery a little more than a year later?


    Frisco was worth it!!! And it was just the length of a soccer field anywas! ((((KAndre))))

  4. A sweater doesn't have to look good on me to look good on Clay. (and stuff that looks great on me would probably look silly on him)

    I like the way that particular sweater fits his frame; it's casual but not ordinary, well-made but not screaming "look at me I'm worth $228" and it's probably soft and warm enough for fall with the 10% cashmere content.

    I think it was just excitement and the speed of the action that led some early recappers to say that "Jerome picked him up."

    ETA: Is it 5 o'clock yet?!!!

  5. Yay, finally home! What a long drive that was -- every freeway exit close to my home flooded and I left too early to see merrieeee's warning about JFK Blvd. Thank goodness I called her afterwards and she found me a safe route through the backroads! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

    Thanks for the good wishes!

    KAndre groggily logs on...

    I'm alive!

    And only walking around a teensy bit when I have no witnesses...

    See, al; you norther Houstonians neeed to live with my in Greenway Plaza...

    Glad you're fine! Speaking of Greenway Plaza, I won these items at our United Way auction:

    1. A permanent parking spot at Greenway 3 for 1 year - a steal for $42

    2. 2 extra days vacation, yay! (Yes, I was saving some of that for TBAF but Clay can't get me extra vacation days! I hope everyone planning to buy something at the Gala auction gets lucky too!!!)

  6. Thanks, claylove! :thankyou:

    (btw, it's so nice to type your id!)

    This map of Houston traffic looks frightening -- red, orange and yellow everywhere!

    ETA: merrieeee, I want to go home too but my part of the freeway has 3 red exclamation points. The way to the guild meeting is better but I don't want to be driving home at 9pm in this weather.

    ETAA: Maybe if I stay on the feeders and drive v. carfully? I so want to get home early.

  7. Scarlett, from one of the enablers.......:hysterical:....eeeeeeeeeeehhhhhhh!!! I'm so glad to see you getting involved in the quilting world! You probably already HAVE found it much like the Clayworld, in that it's a great sisterhood.

    PS Did you notice the request for picture takers on the guild website? :lol: little do they know who they have, I suspect.....

    Hi FromClaygary! I'm not quite in it yet, though I am a guild member, since I haven't sewn a single stitch & haven't even bought a sewing machine. Right now, I'm feeling more at home with the Tall Pines Weavers and Spinners Guild because I've been there longer and frankly the energy and dedication of this quilting guild is scaring me a bit.

    I'm not so sure I'm going today though because the weather looks terrible and traffic is backed up on the freeway. I'd like to go because there's always a lot of interesting stuff to see but driving over there and then back home at 9pm would be very tiring. *still at work & undecided if I should head home instead*

    ETA: claylove, would you please post the part you mentioned about Aron's note? Thanks!

  8. I'm really earning my trip to the Gala this week -- it's the 3rd day in a row that I've been at work at 7am and for the past 2 days I've been going home after 9pm. Today, I'll still be late going home but at least it's because of my quilting quild meeting, yay!

    So, sorry about not greeting people for a couple of days. Hope everyone's been having a great week so far!


    {{{KAndre}}} and hoping for it goes through as smoothly as a day in the Spa!!!

    Loving all the quotes from "The Princess Bride" -- thanks for the link to imdb, jmar. Should I feel weird that if anyone had started reciting a few words from those quotes, I could have finished them?

    Much as I like Inigo Montoya, though, I have to say that I got a couple of cd's from the actor who plays him (jazzgirl and I discussed this a couple of days back) but I've been disappointed to the point of not playing these -- Clay could have done those way, way better and I'm not settling for anything less in the meantime. I might try again after a few days but for now I'm back to MOAM (yay! belated happy 5th anniversary!) More on this later, maybe I'll post a few links to compare mp3's. There have been a few songs here and there that I liked (or thought I liked) from Mandy but they're a very small minority compared to the rest of the CDs. On many songs I'm gritting my teeth in frustration because it sounds like he's overcompensating for something, like not having Clay's, uh, voice! :cryingwlaughter:

    Glad you enjoyed the show, wanda! Have fun and blow him a kiss for us!!

    Welcome, boo! Great first post!!!


    LOL at last night's hair!!! It's great that he can go out the SD without thinking "Oh I have to make sure I look exactly right!"

  9. Cotton, I forgot to say I love your tree! (I have this thing about old, old trees) The best thing I liked about playbiller's backyard was her old oak tree that was easily more than a few hundreds of years old! It was great to say hello to it every morning. Glad you had a great time at the Shrimp and Jazz fest and thanks for the additional pictures! :thankyou:

    Gibby, thanks for checking! I'll keep a lookout now that I know they exist!

    FromClaygary, are there any side trips that we (you, Bella and I) can make next year?

  10. Just checking in after a loooong day that began at 6:30 (which I wasn't ready for so I had to call and say could we start at 7 instead, but I'm still counting 6:30 for my whining!), but I'm home now and yay for the beautiful pictures, FromClaygary! You know which ones are my favorites! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

    Cha-cha, when you first posted "As you wiiiiiish" last night you also posted a bunch of links for The Princess Bride but I didn't have a chance to view them. Would you please re-post?

    Loving the brunch numbers!

    Couchie, I was going to ask you what you were paying since I might be able to offer better, but I guess it's too late. Maybe come next renewal?

    If it closes on January 4th, that's going to be some show!!! Glad we're going to be there on that weekend, couchie & ansa!

  11. Was about to turn in (because of an early start tomorrow), but saw that folks were talking about a source for the ClayAikenRemixed clip... (attn Gibby, if you haven't converted yet...)

    thanks for the offer on the feather! (but I don't collect feathers)

    :lol: Neither do I. I don't collect anything, not even Clay stuff. I don't know what made me pick up those feathers. They probably aren't something one should handle. I thought maybe I could unload them......

    duckyvee, I think liney posted to say that she would like a flamingo feather. It was just addressed to chacha instead of to you.

    -- yes, this is a useless post. But I :heart: The Princess Bride anyways.

    Oh, yes, me too!


    Me three!

    And I'd like one of those Iñigo Montoya t-shirts. Where did you get them, Gibby?

    I'm still seeing that video here Aiken Remixed

    I will see if I can get someone to rip it though.

    Here's a Sendspace of the .flv file:


    I offered to help gg on this earlier so these are links to the flv, mpg and mp4 (iPod) files:

    Clay Aiken Remixed - FLV

    Clay Aiken Remixed - MPG

    Clay Aiken Remixed - MP4


    Aqua - (PANTONE 15-4717) #64a3ae

    Tangerine - (PANTONE 15-1247) #f5925a

    Pastel Lavender - (PANTONE 14-3209) #dba6cb

  12. I was reading other boards (feeling daring today) and saw that some people said, "So when he sang Mandy, was he thinking of Mandy Patinkin"? Well since Mandy does sing (Yes, yes, that Iñigo Montoya guy) and I was listening to the OBC Evita today with Mandy & Patti Lupone, I initially thought that it would be good to hear Clay and Mandy sing together. But OTOH, they tend to sing the same kind of songs and even in one of my favorite songs "Lily's Eyes" Mandy sings the part that I want to hear Clay sing (Archibald). So I guess it won't work very well.

    -- yes, this is a useless post. But I :heart: The Princess Bride anyways.

    ETA: jazzgirl, I've always looked at that album (Oscar and Steve) since it's on the Amazon mp3 downloads along with "Mandy Patinkin Sings Sondheim" and I used to view the song lists and think how nice it would be to hear Clay sing this and that. I never bought it, just individual songs, but I guess I will pick it up... still hoping to swap it out someday for Clay's.

  13. One more color needed please. Creme de Menthe is my color for May 7th.

    Back a couple of pages to respond to the discussion about California and the gay marriage rights. Our ballot has a proposition on it to ban gay marriage. I am voting against it. So will my boss who just married his partner of 39 years this weekend. I asked my boss when he knew he wanted to marry his partner and he responded "39 years ago." They met in college and have been together ever since. They have all sorts of legal documents in place and the university recognizes their partnership. However that legal recognition did not, for them, fully identify their relationship. Marriage does.

    Here you go, ncgurrl.

    Crème de Menthe - (PANTONE 16-5919) #70a28b

    Is there anything out-of-state folks can do other than send a lot of good thoughts your (CA's) way?

    No Spam reports yet?
    Eagerly waiting as well... :)
  14. Hi aikim,

    Just 1 more thing and it's done -- it was missing a '/' mark right before the closing 'color'. You're almost there! Don't give up now.

    If you'd like a sample, this is how it needs to read: (BTW, cut and paste this, don't use 'reply')

    [color="#cda89f"] I am watching Scrubs too...Kenny alert![/color]

    bottlecap's method below works great too!



    Spicy crab sushi (luckiest1) and Shrimp and Jazz (cotton)?!! I'm getting hungry!!! Could you send some through the monitor?

    Yay, Gibby, thanks in advance for more pics!


    bottle, that's what I do too! Hee!

  15. jmh, there's a story behind that:

    At the CH a rule was put in to automatically translate song codes (eg. ATDW, OMWH, etc) into the full song titles and that's fine for most songs but SL = "Sacrificial Love" was giving me kittens at the Striped Sock Sirens (knitting thread) where SL1 P1 is supposed to mean "Slip 1 Purl1 " not "Sacrificial Love1 P1" :Kolobok_Laie_haha:

    Anytime, wanda, and yay! :clap:

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