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Posts posted by Scarlett

  1. Not caught up yet but just wanted to say hi, I'm home and what a joy it was to see him this weekend happily skipping, hopping and kicking every chance he could and to hear that new glorious Amen!!! Thanks so much to my enablers playbiller, PerusingOne and anntherese @ ch!

    Sending warm hugs to everyone in the northeast and anyone else who needs them!!! (Including Texans shivering in this 44° weather!)

    Have a great day!!!

    ETA: calurker, my vote's just as useful as yours (why do I live here?) but I'm v. excited since it'll be my first presidential elections where I won't have to sit on the ballot boxes to keep them from being stuffed or stolen!!!

  2. So far I've spent my birthday doing a long-ass career assessment study - part of it is the Myers-Briggs personality test. I thought it was fairly bogus while answering the questions, but I must admit to being fairly amazed with how accurate the results are. I am an ENFP type. (No assigning your own words to those initials, either :imgtongue: ) A Discover - Advocate.
    What a fun clip from Broadway.com!

    In case it wasn't clear from my recaps -- he was wonderful this weekend!!!

    Oh and on Sunday night, the lightbulb-Sarah Palin joke was repeated, ending with the additional aside of "how's that for negative campaigning?" As they were leaving, they said "Let's go book tickets on the Web" and omitted the plumber remark.

    On a whim I re-took the Myers-Briggs test since I know what mine was back in 2004, and was stunned to find out that I'm now an 'E' instead of an 'I'. I can't think of anything major that happened between 2004 and now, so I wonder what could have caused that?

    ETA: Thanks for the explanation, cindilu2. I also changed from T to F.

  3. Hee aikim! I'm so sorry about your cookies...hopefully, they've baked by now? I've done silly things like that before; I remember doing it one time with the crock pot. Put everything in the pot, plugged it in and left for work...totally forgetting that I also needed to flip the "on" switch! I think I saved it by putting the whole meal in the over for an hour or so.

    aikim - I'll be thinking of you every night this week, because I'm baking stuff for a United Way fundraiser on Friday morning (waves to Scarlett!). I'm in a big panic right now thinking we won't have enough for the locusts in this office! ;)

    Is the moon full tonight? Because it's just really weird all around me today. Strange situations left and right -- portions of a student's document went missing; a faculty member came in and said "I mistakenly returned my friend's book, and it wasn't this library's book either." Things like that.
    It's a new moon on Wed., Oct. 29th - full moon was on the 15th. Hey, I keep track of the moon cycles - when you work with the public you want to be prepared! :)

    *Waves wildly back at Bella!!!* Any chance of sending some virtual ones through the monitor? Pictures also don't have calories. *or can you help on this too, aikim? -- attempts to make puppy dog eyes*

    Looks like we have one more thing in common -- I use this iGoogle gadget to track the moon's phases.

    LOL on the coconuts, annabear!

  4. tm: Yakko Warner (around the time my kids took it)

    United States, Canada, Mexico, Panama

    Haiti, Jamaica, Peru,

    Republic Dominican, Cuba, Carribean

    Greenland, El Salvador too.

    Puerto Rico, Columbia, Venezuela

    Honduras, Guyana, and still,

    Guatemala, Bolivia, then Argentina

    And Ecuador, Chile, Brazil.

    Costa Rica, Belize, Nicaragua, Bermuda

    Bahamas, Tobago, San Juan,

    Paraguay, Uruguay, Surinam

    And French Guiana, Barbados, and Guam.

    Norway, and Sweden, and Iceland, and Finland

    And Germany now one piece,

    Switzerland, Austria, Czechoslovakia

    Italy, Turkey, and Greece.

    Poland, Romania, Scotland, Albania

    Ireland, Russia, Oman,

    Bulgaria, Saudi Arabia

    Hungary, Cyprus, Iraq, and Iran.

    There's Syria, Lebanon, Israel, Jordan

    Both Yemens, Kuwait, and Bahrain,

    The Netherlands, Luxembourg, Belgium, and Portugal

    France, England, Denmark, and Spain.

    India, Pakistan, Burma, Afghanistan

    Thailand, Nepal, and Bhutan,

    Kampuchea, Malaysia, then Bangladesh (Asia)

    And China, Korea, Japan.

    Mongolia, Laos, and Tibet, Indonesia

    The Philippine Islands, Taiwan,

    Sri Lanka, New Guinea, Sumatra, New Zealand

    Then Borneo, and Vietnam.

    Tunisia, Morocco, Uganda, Angola

    Zimbabwe, Djibouti, Botswana,

    Mozambique, Zambia, Swaziland, Gambia

    Guinea, Algeria, Ghana.

    Burundi, Lesotho, and Malawi, Togo

    The Spanish Sahara is gone,

    Niger, Nigeria, Chad, and Liberia

    Egypt, Benin, and Gabon.

    Tanzania, Somalia, Kenya, and Mali

    Sierra Leone, and Algiers,

    Dahomey, Namibia, Senegal, Libya

    Cameroon, Congo, Zaire.

    Ethiopia, Guinea-Bissau, Madagascar

    Rwanda, Mahore, and Cayman,

    Hong Kong, Abu Dhabi, Qatar, Yugoslavia...

    Crete, Mauritania

    Then Transylvania,

    Monaco, Liechtenstein

    Malta, and Palestine,

    Fiji, Australia, Sudan

  5. thanks so much for the report. I definitely understand the "contented sigh." I can't wait to see this again.

    What's your opinion on the LOTL?

    Couchie, I really like Merle's voice and would love to see her in a non-comedic role. I wish I had seen her in Rent.

    Thanks for updating us on Mama Tomato!!! :thbighug-1: to you both!

    Luckiest1, the fans I know of who travelled from far away were ok even if he hadn't performed at all. They didn't want him to further injure himself. Pov was hey, we're in NYC so we're going to have fun! I also had a chance to see my first non-Clay Broadway show this year -- David Mamet's "Speed-the-Plow". I picked up a habit of going to stage doors this year (lol!) so here's a picture of of Elisabeth Moss. BTW,My good ticket was courtesy of valeda @ ch who is from Montreal!

    Glad to hear you had a good time Scarlett. I guess that ankle isn't quite up to par yet. It bodes well for people going next week. I wonder if he thinks it's just kids that go to the matinees. And now that he is so old , they don't know or remember him. Or perhaps it is based on factors which I absolutely have no idea of. :lilredani:
    Thanks, Fear! Strangely there seemed to be lots of kids at the nighttime Spam.

    merryclay, last night David (as a guard) was interacting more with Clay and Prince Herbert's father.

    Have a great day, everyone!!!

  6. There were a few typos on my intermission report but the long and the short of it was that he looked great, sang and danced like he hadn't injured anything this week.

    Speaking as a Broadway fan, that was probably one of the best performances I've seen. It's amazing how he continues to develop his character even after all the success he's had as Sir Robin.

    it was so good to see him! *contented sigh*

    The Lady of the lake hit him on the tummy when he seemed too curious about her armor. He caught her arm thing by the way and looked so proud.

    It was a Cancan dancer who rubbed her skirt on him.

    Knights of Ni said: How many Sarah Palins do you need to change a light bulb? Answer 1 -- she's got to be qualified for something!

    As they said this, Clay made a screwing motion -- NO not that kind, like he was turning a lightbulb and trying to figure out the riddle.

    While exiting they said: Let's go find a plumber who's really named Joe!

    ETA: report from Joanne, he'll be there only in the evening tomorrow *waves madly at Joanne -- so nice to meet you finally*

    Oh, oh and he sang the Amen in a different way this time and then the other knights attempted (rather unsuccessfully) to sing it the same way.

  7. Couchie, hope your mom is doing better. Maybe having your family nearby will take off the pressure on you.

    Scarlett have a great time. Can you stay for the Wicked benefit?

    I really wish the election was over already. I'm exhausted and of course it's all about me. My candidate is in a dead heat with the incumbant. We still have the rally and three more days of campaigning at the early voting sites as well as phone banking. Tomorrow I get to clean for our games night with my friends. It's usually a lot of fun.

    Glad to see you all are doing better tonight. Except for Clay. Hope he heals quickly.

    Playbiller and I are in the far-away seats but in the house (!) and that's the important thing, right?

    Hope he heals quickly too -- this is one time I wish they were adamantium instead of titanium so that he could heal as quickly as Wolverine.

  8. Hoping all is well... or better, at least!!! :F_05BL17blowkiss: :thbighug-1:

    "Big boy, remember,

    You mus' remember...

    Stan' up an' fight until you hear de bell,

    Stan' toe to toe,

    Trade blow fer blow,

    Keep punchin' till you make yer punches tell,

    Show dat crowd watcher know!

    Until you hear dat bell,

    Dat final bell,

    Stan' up an' fight like hell!"

    (TOREADOR SONG - Carmen Jones)


  9. Regarding "Right Here Waiting"...it may have been for all of us who are still here, but I also believe it was for those who have left and those who are still struggling. The man feels very deeply and I do believe his heart is breaking over the hurt he has caused, intentional or not, the disappointment that he can't or couldn't be what some need him to be...he loves all his fans and his arms and heart will always been open and waiting for those working their way back...I hope many more do.

    The banter before RHW explained how it was picked not why it was picked, so people connect the dots in their own way. Some have an Alamo "line-in-the-sand" vision where "you're either with us or against us" (though in that case wouldn't WIDTL have been the choice?), so instead of seeing RHW in the context of the whole evening's event & TBAF's goal of total inclusion, it's somehow interpreted as a "just for us" kind of thing. It doesn't make sense. I've always felt that, despite frustration with the people who aren't really planning to stay and are just being noisy about it, Clay loves all his fans and is reaching out to everyone. His blog was firm (hee, I said firm) and very specific about how he felt about those who were really struggling even though each of us would like to claim him for our very own.

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